Welcome to Klozers
We deliver best in class sales training and sales coaching to sales teams across Germany.
We have clients across many different sectors and our success lies in tailoring our ability to tailor our training to every client, as no two businesses are the same.
Whilst each of our sales training courses are proven, they have all been revised to include the latest in remote selling strategies for the post lockdown world.
In addition to our sales training and coaching, we have long term relationships with our clients, where we work side by side with their sales management teams, to help sustain their growth.
Our sales trainers are each successful sales people in their own right and still sell every day. This means our training is always current and effective.
Why we are different
Traditional training companies focus on Outbound selling which is great. We ourselves have great content in this area. However, Outbound is only 50% of the solution and we have developed our own highly successful approach to Inbound sales, and finding new customers.
Our unique approach integrates the best of both Outbound and Inbound selling, which enables your sales force to sell more, and sell faster.
Furthermore, unlike most training courses that are rooted in sales theory, every one of our courses is based on the exact strategies that we use everyday to win business for ourselves.
This gives our trainers a deep understanding of everything we do, whilst making us better teachers. We can share with you our own results from everything we teach, both the good and the bad.
We believe that a large part of the success in any organisation lies with Sales Management. To that end we provide specific 121 support and training on modern sales management techniques to support your sales managers.
Sales Training Courses in Germany
In addition to delivering our training courses inhouse at our clients business premises we also use the facilities at the Cologne Marriott Hotel located at Johannisstr. 76-80, Altstadt-Nord, 50668 Cologne, Germany.
The Cologne Marriot Hotel is situated in the heart of Cologne city centre close to the Rhine River and conveniently located to visit the beautiful Cologne Cathedral.
Sales Training Online
In addition to our traditional in person sales training, we also offer online sales training. Each of our sales courses have been specially converted for virtual delivery, and can help you develop the selling skills you need to sell your products or services.
Our online capability is especially helpful for the post-course reinforcement of any new selling skills, sales process, and sales strategies learned in our training.
Furthermore, if your sales force are based in different locations, our online sales courses are a great way to bring your team together quickly and easily to ensure sales success.
Your Sales Trainers in Germany

Meet Susie
Susie’s 20 years of experience spans numerous industries including automotive, telecommunications, and decorative paints, and an array of disciplines, from retail sales, account management, business development, telesales, and lastly, roles in sales leadership positions at companies such as Autozone, Farrow & Ball, and AkzoNobel. Susie has worked with numerous German companies helping them to increase their sales performance and ultimately win more business.

Meet Christian
Meet Christian, an outstanding sales trainer! He’s excellent at selling in different fields like construction, packaging, and various services. Christian knows all about sales, especially in SaaS software and phone sales. He enjoys making learning interactive, easy and engaging.
Christian is also a sports enthusiast, excelling in Ironman and cycling. He connects sports and selling to make learning enjoyable. If you need a native German speaker, Christian is the ideal teacher.
SaaS Sales Training Course
We have a long track record of successfully working with SaaS companies and sales management teams to help them grow.
The SaaS market is expected to grow and Sales professionals must be equipped with the latest SaaS sales techniques in order to win deals in this highly competitive market.
Klozers SaaS training and sales coaching can walk your sales team through each stage of SaaS growth from product/market fit through to scaling sales.
Our SaaS sales training programmes can help your sales team master key skills, such as building value propositions, creating a compelling case for your mvp, identifying customer needs, building relationships, controlling the sales conversation and winning more deals.
Schedule a free consultation using our online diary here.
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Internal Sales Training Course
Training is essential for any organization looking to increase its sales force’s effectiveness. Our Internal training course teaches sales professionals how to identify and qualify leads, create and build a sales process, close deals, and build relationships with customers.
Training can also help employees with relationship building, developing effective selling strategies and techniques. By providing the right training, every business can ensure their sales teams are equipped with the tools they need to become a successful salesperson.
Whether you are building an outbound sales team or converting incoming sales leads, having the right sales strategies and sales techniques plays a large part of your success.
We provide training for internal sales teams who need to maximise both their productivity and results.
From small sales teams to large customer services call centre operations, our sales trainers have the experience and knowledge to help your sales team deliver more.
Sales Training in Germany Reviews
Ich kann das Training mit Susie absolut empfehlen. Ihre klare Struktur und Kommunikation macht es sehr einfach die Inhalte nachzuvollziehen. Außerdem hat Susie die wunderbare Gabe sich auf jedes Gewerk einstellen zu können und passende Beispiele zu bringen, sodass keine Fragen und Wünsche mehr offen bleiben. Vielen Dank für den reichhaltigen Input und die wertvollen Tipps!!
I have been working with Klozers for preparing a sales presentation for Suma Rührtechnik, a manufacturing company in Germany. I was working together with Iain, a very professional and helpful person. He helped me in understanding what customers want, how to sell our products successful and how to understand, analyse and serve the target market. Thanks to Iain, my presentation had been truly a success and I gained confidence in selling and promoting our products. I would work with him again anytime!
Sehr engagierte, fachkompetente und sympathische Trainerin. Jede Sitzung ist sehr gut vorbereitet und strukturiert gewesen. Alle Fragen konnten jederzeit beantwortet werden. Die Bedürfnisse der Teilnehmer stehen immer an 1. Stelle. Hat ein Teilnehmer ein akutes Thema wird zuerst das gelöst bevor weiter gemacht wird mit anderen Themen.
Das ganze wird abgerundet durch die extrovertierte Art und den leichten englischen Akzent in ihrer Aussprache, was die Stimmung immer gelockert hat.
Check out more reviews on our Sales Training Reviews page.