Latihan Jualan Berasaskan Web – Soalan teratas daripada Google
Adakah Latihan Jualan Dalam Talian Berkesan?
Latihan jualan dalam talian adalah berkesan kerana ia membantu organisasi
Kurangkan masa perjalanan ke acara langsung
Sediakan keseimbangan kehidupan kerja yang lebih baik dengan mengurangkan masa yang dihabiskan jurujual jauh dari rumah
Mengurangkan kos penghantaran latihan jualan
Komunikasi dan kerjasama yang lebih pantas
Pengukuhan strategi dan taktik jualan baharu selepas latihan awal
Akauntabiliti yang dipertingkatkan untuk membantu jurujual dengan tingkah laku baharu
Sokongan berterusan untuk jurujual sedia ada dan baharu
Latihan jualan dalam talian telah meningkat secara mendadak dan harus dipertimbangkan sebagai sebahagian daripada keseluruhan pendidikan jualan anda.
Latihan jualan berasaskan web atau latihan jualan dalam talian telah menjadi aspek penting dalam pendidikan jualan, sejak berlakunya sekatan dan trend seterusnya dalam bekerja dari rumah.
Seni maya telah menjadi kelebihan bagi setiap industri untuk bekerja atau belajar sambil berada di rumah.
Walaupun begitu, banyak perniagaan bergelut untuk menyediakan kes perniagaan yang komprehensif untuk latihan dalam talian berbanding pendekatan kelas bersemuka yang lebih tradisional.
Walaupun latihan bersemuka masih mempunyai peranan penting dalam pendidikan jualan, berikut ialah beberapa bidang yang mungkin anda pertimbangkan semasa menilai pilihan berbeza yang tersedia.
#latihan jualan berasaskan web
1. Mengurangkan Masa Perjalanan
Secara tradisinya, latihan Bersemuka telah disampaikan melalui acara satu dan dua hari. Dalam kebanyakan kes terdapat diadakan di hotel dan pusat persidangan. Dengan semakin banyak syarikat yang menggunakan pasukan jualan yang jauh dari segi geografi, sesetengah peserta boleh menghabiskan satu hari perjalanan untuk menghadiri acara tersebut dan sehari perjalanan untuk pulang ke rumah. Itulah tiga hari untuk satu hari pembelajaran.
Dengan Latihan Berasaskan Web anda tidak perlu memandu ratusan batu hanya untuk datang ke tempat kerja. Anda tidak perlu bangun awal untuk mengatasi trafik waktu sibuk dan anda tidak memerlukan belanjawan yang besar untuk bermula.
2. Imbangan Kehidupan Kerja
Bagi kebanyakan orang, mencari masa untuk keluarga telah menjadi bahagian penting dalam pekerjaan mereka. Kerja hibrid telah membolehkan ramai orang menghapuskan perjalanan yang panjang yang membolehkan mereka meluangkan masa berkualiti tambahan bersama orang tersayang.
Latihan jualan berasaskan web adalah sebahagian daripada penyelesaian itu, menyediakan sama ada latihan kendiri atau kelas berstruktur dalam talian, yang boleh dihadiri oleh pasukan jualan dari rumah.
3. Kos Penghantaran
Secara tradisinya, latihan bersemuka untuk mana-mana pasukan jualan telah disampaikan melalui bilik darjah dan bilik mesyuarat hotel. Tambahkan pada ini kos penginapan semalaman di acara latihan secara peribadi, dan kos boleh mula meningkat dengan cepat, walaupun untuk pasukan kecil.
Banyak vendor latihan akan menyampaikan pengurangan kos penghantaran kepada pelanggan, kerana mereka sendiri menjimatkan kos perjalanan dan penginapan untuk jurulatih jualan mereka.
4. Kerjasama dan Komunikasi yang Lebih Pantas
Kebanyakan latihan tradisional akan dipanggil sebagai “latihan impak”. Ia adalah satu acara yang direka untuk memulakan pembelajaran dan pembangunan.
Walaupun masih ada tempat untuk latihan jenis ini, banyak syarikat mendapati bahawa jurujual memerlukan bantuan apabila mereka memerlukan bantuan. Mereka tidak mahu menyimpan soalan mereka untuk acara latihan jualan seterusnya dalam masa tiga bulan. Latihan jualan berasaskan web menyediakan pembelajaran pada paip, apabila jurujual amat memerlukannya.
Latihan dalam talian Klozers menyediakan sokongan masa nyata kepada pelanggan kami melalui sembang langsung dan e-mel. Pasukan berasaskan web kami memberikan sokongan kepada pelanggan kami “pada masa ini” supaya mereka boleh belajar semasa mereka bekerja.
Tidak kira kualiti jurulatih jualan atau jurujual kandungan kursus tidak dapat menyerap semua maklumat yang mereka terima pada kursus jualan satu dan dua hari. Latihan Jualan berkait secara langsung dengan pertumbuhan dalam pembangunan peribadi dan ini tidak berlaku dalam sekelip mata.
Perubahan kepada strategi jualan, teknik jualan, proses jualan dan kemahiran menjual semuanya menyumbang kepada kejayaan jualan tetapi perlu didekati dengan pandangan jangka panjang. Tiada tongkat ajaib dalam jualan dan kejayaan jualan datang melalui kerja keras dan membangunkan tenaga jualan anda dari segi prestasi jualan keseluruhan.
Latihan jualan berasaskan web biasanya disebarkan dalam tempoh yang lebih lama dan berfungsi dengan kesan titisan di mana kandungan dihantar dalam format “sedikit dan kerap” yang lebih mudah untuk diserap.
6. Akauntabiliti Jualan
Salah satu bahagian terpenting dalam kursus latihan jualan terbaik ialah pelaksanaan dan sokongan selepas latihan itu berlangsung. Bukan sahaja wakil jualan anda memerlukan sokongan tetapi pengurusan jualan anda juga memerlukan bantuan untuk melaksanakan perubahan pada proses penjualan, kemahiran jualan dan tingkah laku pasukan jualan.
Malangnya ramai profesional jualan menghadiri latihan dan kemudian kembali ke pekerjaan mereka dan terus melakukan apa yang selalu mereka lakukan. Ini bukan resipi untuk berjaya.
Perubahan untuk mana-mana manusia adalah sukar dan kebanyakan kita memerlukan sokongan untuk melakukan ini. Dengan latihan berasaskan web, Klozers menyediakan sokongan bimbingan berterusan untuk kedua-dua peserta kursus dan pengurus jualan mereka untuk memastikan sebarang perubahan dalam proses jualan, kemahiran dan tingkah laku jualan baharu diterima pakai sepenuhnya.
7. Sokongan Berterusan
Banyak syarikat terus mengambil kakitangan baharu selepas sebarang acara latihan. Ini mungkin untuk menggantikan jurujual yang telah pergi atau sebagai sebahagian daripada rancangan pengembangan mereka.
Selalunya tidak berdaya maju dari segi kewangan untuk membawa jurulatih jualan setiap kali terdapat perubahan pada pasukan jualan anda dan oleh itu keupayaan untuk menyampaikan latihan dalam talian kepada pekerja baharu adalah sangat penting.
Kebanyakan latihan berasaskan web adalah mengikut kadar kendiri dan boleh dirakam. Ini kemudiannya boleh digunakan untuk membina perpustakaan yang boleh diakses secara berterusan untuk kedua-dua profesional jualan sedia ada dan baharu.
Latihan Sendiri Tradisional akan sentiasa mendapat tempat dalam pendidikan jualan moden, walau bagaimanapun, adalah penting untuk mempertimbangkan alternatif. Walaupun belanjawan dan keadaan individu mesti sentiasa dianggap latihan berasaskan web sentiasa ada dan merupakan bahagian penting dalam setiap program latihan jualan yang berterusan.
Klozers menyediakan rangkaian penuh kursus latihan jualan bersemuka dan berasaskan web. Setiap satu daripada ini menampilkan latihan langsung di mana peserta boleh berinteraksi.
Sebagai tambahan kepada latihan kami, kami menyediakan sokongan berterusan melalui bimbingan jualan. Jika tenaga jualan anda memerlukan bantuan dengan membangunkan cadangan nilai anda, prospek jualan, mengurangkan kitaran jualan anda, kemahiran menjual, memenangi perniagaan berulang atau pembentangan jualan, kami ingin berbincang dengan anda.
Matlamat kami adalah untuk membantu anda mencapai objektif perniagaan anda, mengecilkan sasaran jualan anda dan mencapai kejayaan jualan yang anda cari.
Pautkan prestasi jualan untuk menggalakkan pembangunan kemahiran jualan baharu
Isi borang di sebelah kanan dan muat turun templat semakan Prestasi Jualan kami.
Anda boleh menyesuaikan ini mengikut situasi unik anda dan mula memacu prestasi jualan dalam masa sejam.
Mengapa Ulasan Prestasi Jualan Penting
Banyak syarikat dan pengurus jualan terlepas pandang kepentingan ulasan prestasi jualan tetap dan berstruktur dengan wakil jualan mereka. Kadang-kadang mereka tahu betapa pentingnya mesyuarat ini, tetapi mereka terlepas daripada diari kerana tekanan lain dalam perniagaan.
Lebih kerap daripada tidak, pekerja dikurangkan kepada semakan prestasi tahunan, yang tidak banyak menilai prestasi, apatah lagi memacu pertumbuhan profesional.
Terdapat pelbagai sebab anda perlu meluangkan masa untuk mesyuarat ini, mungkin tidak lebih untuk mengekalkan pekerja. Kos untuk mencari dan mengupah jurujual yang baik semakin meningkat jadi wajar untuk melakukan segala yang kami mampu untuk mengekalkan kakitangan kami selepas pelaburan ini.
Pandemik, sekatan dan bekerja dari rumah semuanya telah membantu membuat orang jualan memikirkan semula gaya hidup dan matlamat hidup mereka. Statistik menunjukkan pada 2021, 48 juta orang berhenti kerja , 41% tenaga kerja global sedang mempertimbangkan untuk berhenti kerja dan 46% sedang mempertimbangkan untuk berpindah dalam tempoh 12 bulan akan datang.
Syarikat-syarikat dan pengurus jualan yang lambat menyelaraskan semula pengurusan dan proses kerja mereka pasti bergelut untuk mengekalkan jurujual terbaik mereka.
Meningkatkan Prestasi Jualan
Tinjauan prestasi dan 121 adalah bahagian penting bukan sahaja kemajuan pekerja, tetapi juga kesihatan di sana. Penjualan profesional boleh menimbulkan tekanan dan kesejahteraan mental adalah sangat penting.
Ia adalah cara terbaik untuk memastikan matlamat syarikat serta matlamat individu dicapai dan memastikan laluan kerjaya pekerja diiktiraf.
Jika seorang profesional jualan menghadapi sebarang cabaran dalam kerja atau kehidupan peribadi mereka, semakan prestasi adalah peluang mereka untuk membincangkan perkara ini dengan pengurus jualan mereka.
Semakan prestasi harus menjadi tempat yang selamat untuk wakil jualan membincangkan keperluan keperluan, perkara yang mereka mahir dan keperluan yang diusahakan. Jauh daripada keresahan dan pertemuan yang menakutkan dengan bos, mereka sepatutnya menjadi tempat di mana mereka mempunyai seseorang yang boleh diajak bercakap dengan yakin.
Sebagai pengurus, anda ingin tahu bahawa pekerja anda adalah orang yang boleh anda percayai. Sebaliknya, mereka perlu merasakan perkara yang sama daripada anda dan 121 adalah cara terbaik untuk melakukannya.
Menetapkan matlamat jualan, membincangkan perkara yang mereka mahukan dari pekerjaan dan ke mana mereka mahu pergi, adalah bahagian penting dalam kedudukan mereka. Jika pekerja berasa diiktiraf dan didengari, mereka akan lebih cenderung untuk berkembang maju dalam kedudukan mereka dan bekerja dengan kemampuan terbaik mereka.
Pengurus Jualan harus mengadakan Ulasan Prestasi sekurang-kurangnya setiap suku tahun, tetapi sebaiknya ia diadakan setiap bulan supaya anda, sebagai pengurus jualan, boleh mengurus peranan wakil jualan, jangkaan mereka dan memanfaatkannya sepenuhnya.
Apakah yang perlu saya bincangkan dalam Kajian Prestasi Jualan?
Jualan moden kini mempunyai begitu banyak peranan yang berbeza sehingga sukar untuk menyediakan formula satu saiz untuk semua orang dalam jualan. Sebagai contoh, semakan prestasi untuk SDR akan sangat berbeza dengan semakan pengurus akaun. Kami amat menggalakkan anda untuk membangunkan ulasan khusus dan metrik utama berdasarkan peranan berbeza dalam jualan.
Proses Semakan Prestasi hendaklah disimpan secara tidak formal – ini bukan mesyuarat tatatertib, ia adalah ruang selamat untuk pekerja anda bersikap terbuka dan jujur. Wakil Jualan anda sepatutnya selesa untuk bertanya soalan dalam suasana peribadi dan menyiarkan sebarang masalah yang mungkin mereka hadapi.
Di Klozers, falsafah Pengurusan Jualan kami dibina di sekitar empat bidang jualan bernilai tinggi, iaitu:
Mencari – apakah yang kami lakukan secara konsisten dan proaktif untuk mencari prospek dan peluang jualan baharu?
Klozing – apabila kami menemui tawaran baharu adakah kami mengikuti proses jualan kami dan memaksimumkan peluang?
Berkembang – adakah kita secara aktif mengunci akaun baharu dan meningkatkan hasil daripadanya?
Membangunkan – apakah yang kita lakukan secara peribadi untuk meregangkan, membesar, belajar dan mendorong diri kita sendiri?
Gabungkan ini dengan Visi dan Nilai Teras anda dan dengan memfokuskan pada empat bidang ini, adalah mustahil untuk tidak menjual lebih banyak.
Wakil Jualan anda sepatutnya berasa bermotivasi dan bertenaga. A 121 ialah cara terbaik untuk membina dan mengekalkan hubungan yang kukuh dengan pasukan jualan anda. Maklum balas hendaklah sentiasa diberikan terutamanya apabila kakitangan menyuarakan masalah prestasi perkara yang mereka mungkin bergelut.
Maklum balas yang membina bukanlah perkara yang buruk, tetapi prestasi pekerja hanya meningkat dengan pujian dan pengiktirafan terhadap semua perkara baik yang telah mereka capai.
Jika mereka telah bekerja keras sepanjang bulan dan ini adalah satu-satunya masa anda perlu mengejar mereka, maka ini adalah satu-satunya peluang mereka untuk mendengar pujian dan pujian yang akan membuatkan mereka berasa seronok dan bekerja lebih keras.
Jika Profesional Jualan tidak pernah mendengar daripada pengurus di sana dan tidak pernah diberitahu apabila mereka melakukan kerja yang baik, mereka kadangkala boleh berasa paranoid dan tidak dihargai – tiada siapa yang mahu pasukan jualan mereka berasa seperti itu.
Peta Jalan & Laluan Kerjaya
Bahagian penting dalam proses semakan prestasi adalah tentang memacu pertumbuhan profesional, menetapkan matlamat kerjaya dalam syarikat: ke mana mereka mahu pergi dalam pekerjaan ini? Bagaimana mereka boleh sampai ke sana?
Bolehkah mereka menimba pengalaman di jabatan yang berbeza? Adakah terdapat latihan tambahan yang boleh mereka lakukan untuk membawa mereka ke sana dengan lebih cepat?
Mempunyai laluan pembelajaran yang jelas adalah lebih mudah daripada yang difikirkan oleh kebanyakan syarikat dan menyediakan setiap pekerja dengan pencapaian mudah yang boleh mereka ikuti untuk maju adalah penting.
Seorang Profesional Jualan harus dianggap sebagai orang yang berkembang bersama syarikat, bukan sekadar nombor. Jadi, membincangkan laluan kerjaya yang berbeza ialah cara terbaik untuk menunjukkan kepada profesional jualan sejauh mana mereka boleh pergi.
121 untuk Jurujual yang Bekerja Dari Jauh
Jika anda mempunyai persediaan jualan yang bekerja dari jauh, maka 121 adalah sama pentingnya dengan semakan prestasi. Walaupun bekerja dari rumah telah meningkatkan keseimbangan kehidupan kerja ramai Profesional Jualan, membantu mereka menjadi lebih produktif dan kos efektif, bagi kebanyakan orang, ia boleh mengasingkan dan sunyi.
Ramai jurujual adalah “orang ramai”. Mereka berkembang maju di sekeliling manusia lain yang merupakan salah satu sebab mereka suka berada dalam jualan. Bekerja dari rumah bagi ramai orang telah menjadi perubahan budaya sebenar dan mengejutkan kebanyakan jurujual.
Wakil Jualan kadangkala keberatan untuk bersuara dan bertanya soalan dalam suasana kumpulan, atau jika tiada hubungan dengan pengurus jualan. Setiap profesional jualan perlu berasa selesa di tempat kerja – walaupun mereka berada di rumah.
Untuk pekerja baharu 121 dan mesyuarat pasukan juga merupakan pemecah batu yang hebat dan cara untuk mengenali rakan sekerja anda. Dengan cara ini, mereka akan berasa lebih selesa untuk datang kepada anda apabila mereka memerlukan bantuan atau menghadapi masalah. Mulakan dengan sesi mengenali saya.
Ini adalah sangat tidak formal berbanding dengan semakan prestasi dan cara terbaik untuk anda berdua mengenali satu sama lain. Bincangkan suka dan tidak suka, hobi dan minat, apa yang mereka suka lakukan pada masa lapang mereka. Mengekalkan perkara ini pada tahap peribadi sebagai permulaan akan membuatkan ahli kakitangan berasa sangat selesa dan kemungkinan besar mereka akan berasa dihargai kerana anda telah meluangkan masa untuk mengenali mereka.
Menyusul Ulasan Prestasi Jualan
Ramai pengurus jualan adalah pengurus dan bukan pemimpin. Pengurus jualan terbaik bekerja keras untuk menyokong pasukan jualan mereka, berbanding mereka yang mengarahkan jurujual mereka dan mengikuti hamparan.
Selalunya perbezaan antara pengurus dan pemimpin hanyalah perkara yang mereka lakukan untuk jurujual. Apa yang kelihatan tidak penting dan tidak penting kepada pengurus boleh menjadi bertentangan dengan jurujual. Pengurus yang terbaik ialah orang fokus dahulu dan kerja fokus kedua.
Dengan itu, tidak syak lagi betapa sukarnya ini dengan tekanan berterusan untuk memenuhi atau melebihi sasaran jualan.
Sebagai pengurus jualan anda mesti memastikan anda membuat susulan pada mana-mana tindakan yang telah anda bincangkan dalam Semakan Prestasi. Rekod mesyuarat hendaklah sentiasa didokumenkan untuk menyediakan wakil jualan rekod semua yang dibincangkan.
Ini juga menyediakan peta jalan tentang perkara yang akan mereka usahakan, sehingga semakan prestasi seterusnya dan membantu memastikan mereka dan pengurus jualan bertanggungjawab.
Ini adalah cara yang baik untuk memantau kemajuan kerana ia memberi peluang kepada pengurus jualan dan profesional jualan untuk melihat matlamat sebelumnya dan membincangkan kedudukannya berhubung dengan sasaran yang dipersetujui dan perkara yang perlu diusahakan.
Pengurus Jualan boleh dikatakan bahagian paling penting dalam mana-mana pasukan jualan. Mereka menetapkan bar dari segi prestasi pekerja dan apa yang boleh diterima, dan apa yang tidak. Pasukan jualan yang hebat memerlukan pengurus jualan yang hebat – melabur dalam pengurusan jualan anda sekarang.
Don’t buy Sales Training until you’ve watched this video…
SDR Sales Training Courses – Top question from Google
How do you train an SDR?
Most SDR training courses highlight the following steps, or similar to help train your SDR team:
Use a sales training template.
Provide clear learning paths aligned with progression
Set expectations.
Build a culture of collaboration.
No-such-thing-as-a-stupid-question policy.
Create a template for SDR/Account Executive meetings.
Teach your Sales Development Team to be curious.
Constantly provide actionable feedback
Give your team time.
We think you can do much more than this.
Training your team of Sales Development Reps may start in the classroom (virtual or otherwise) however, this is just the start of the learning journey. In order to build a successful sales organization there are many other areas you should consider. We believe we have the best sdr training program called Legends Club.
Here’s the short answer – Run a 1 Day Sales Bootcamp
Session 1 –Sales Psychology. Build the mindset, goals and activities of a Sales Winner. Discover the psychology behind every sale and how you can use this to your advantage.
Session 2 –Discovery and Qualifying. In order to sell, you need to be in front of the right people, at the right time, with the right message. Get this right and sales becomes a lot easier.
Session 3 – Mastering the complex Sale. How to identify different decision makers with different and often competing priorities.
Session 4 – Filling your Sales Funnel. Discover short and long term strategies for driving new sales enquiries whilst maximising your productivity. This session includes our omnichannel lead generation approach and will demonstrate how to use the telephone, cold email and LinkedIn in combination to fill your sales funnel.
Whilst there is no doubt that ongoing learning via the “little and often” philosophy is important in terms of sales development, Sales Bootcamps are a great way to kick start the learning process.
SaaS Sales Training Bootcamps are typically 1 or 2 day sales courses. They are intensive by nature and provide SDR’s with a vast amount of information from which they can refer back to. Sales Bootcamps work best when they are used in conjunction with an existing sales campaign and ongoing sales coaching.
The bootcamps provide the training which is the knowledge, and the sales coaching helps the sdrs with the practical application of the knowledge.
In addition to SDR training, Bootcamps are popular for training topics such as Sales Fundamentals training which is designed for people who are completely new to sales and need a lot of information quickly, as part of their onboarding process.
SDR Sales Training
The job of a sales development representative (SDR) is a challenging and valued position within any business. It is important to ensure your SDRs are aware of their impact within the business and how their performance will help the business grow.
Unfortunately most Sales Development Reps tend to leave after a year. Most business owners will tell you the SDRs weren’t cut out for the position or that their SDRs left to climb the sales ladder elsewhere.
At Klozers, although we believe that could be partly true, it’s often a more complex situation.
People typically leave because they fall out of love with their sales manager and the company. Part of sales management is providing the best training possible and then continuing to build upon existing sales skills to help SDRs hit targets regularly.
Modern sales management includes providing professional development linked to a career path even if that means that the sales representative has to leave the company to develop their sales career. The more you invest in them the longer they will stay.
No sales professional wants to miss sales targets, nobody wants to work in a business where selling is like wading through treacle. People want to win, they want to sell, and a big part of sales management is making your team successful.
A Sales Professionals job never ends, there will always be prospects to serve! It only makes sense to establish a sales training program to help SDRs keep up-to-date on new sales trends, competitors, new product releases, new training tools and so on.
Not only will this help improve the efficiency of your business, this will enhance employee retention and job satisfaction.
The key to any successful SDR sales training program is to keep it simple and set clear expectations of what you expect from your Sales Team and what they can expect from you. This means building a strong culture of communication and collaboration within the team.
In addition to sales training we would encourage you to consider developing a comprehensive learning programme for your sales teams that include:
Most SDR training plans will include topics such as setting targets, training, mentoring, culture, rejection, and customer personas. Topics such as customer personas for example are key to ongoing marketing success.
Understanding customer personas helps your SDR’s learn what drives prospects to purchase your product or service. This also helps your SDR’s to understand the customer profile that your business draws in, and helps your SDR team to narrow down what the prospect wants out of your company.
This is also a great way for your Sales Reps to have a natural yet targeted conversation whether that be by phone, email, or in person.
At Klozers we use two different models for customer personas. The first is the ideal client profile or ICP which refers to the actual businesses that fit our criteria and secondly the perfect prospect profile. This profile is specific to the different buyers within and organisation and the differing pain pints they may have.
A really important topic to cover in your SDR training is rejection and mindset. We all experience rejection day to day, so why is it so discouraging when it happens when speaking to potential customers?
Most SDR’s are new to the role and want to prove their worth. Sales prospecting can be disheartening for them and quickly demotivate them. In sales, if you are not getting told no more than yes, then you are not talking to enough people. The first ‘No’ an SDR receives will be the first of many.
A great way to learn from this experience would be to ask your prospect why they declined. Take a look at reviewing your SDR’s sales strategy and practice listening skills and responses.
Being told ‘No’ is common practice in the sales, how your Sales Rep handles that conversation is key to their progression within the sales world.
Sales Training Exercises
Before any Sales Professional makes a sales prospecting call, they should always be ready to answer the four most basic questions any potential customers may ask on the call such as:
Why is the SDR contacting the prospect?
Why should the prospect talk with the SDR?
What information does the SDR need from the prospect?
What questions or doubts might the prospect have?
A great way for your Sales team to prepare for these questions is to role play with their colleagues. Ask your SDR’s to put themselves in your prospect’s shoes.
An interesting way to include the team with this is to pick one SDR as the caller, and the other SDR’s to role play as the potential new prospect.
Ask each SDR role playing as the prospect to ask these questions in a quick fire round. This exercise allows your SDR playing the role of the caller to be quick on their feet when answering questions.
Another great exercise would be to ask each SDR in your team to give a brief talk on their favourite subject to the rest of the team. Challenge the other SDR’s in your team to take notes of how many filler words the speaker uses such as like, um, uh, well, so, okay etc.
The aim of this exercise is for the speaker to use as little filler words as they can. This will help your SDR’s appear more professional, confident and push their value proposition to their prospects
Free SDR Training Courses
With so much free sales training available we are sometimes not the first choice everyone. A quick search on the internet will show that there are lots of free SDR training courses and materials all available online, picking the best one for you and your business is the tricky part.
In addition to the importance ofLive Training, we also understand that everyone learns differently, which is why it’s important to follow 4 key and easy steps, Consistency, assistance, practice, and progression.
It’s important to stick to your training schedule to show your team that you value them and their development. This is a great way to help keep your SDR’s within your business.
2. Assistance
Assist your team with their learning. Everyone learns differently and at their own pace. By researching different learning styles such as role playing, cold call games, and live call feedback you will help all the Sales Reps in your team. This is a great way to also include every SDR in the training program by running through different mock examples.
3. Practice
Here at Klozers, we firmly believe practice makes perfect. It’s important to remember that most SDR’s have little to no prior experience in sales development. A great way to get your SDR team started could be to set a task to complete.
For example, record your SDR’s cold calls and play them back. Ask your SDR team to provide 3 things they think they could’ve done to improve that call. Encourage your SDR’s to think of their tone of voice and the language they use during the call. This can help them understand what they are doing successfully, and what they can improve on.
4. Progression
Progression is what all SDR’s want to achieve, this is a reason why a lot of Sales Reps leave the business to pursue a career elsewhere. Creating a training plan which incorporates the SDR’s progression within the business is a great way to keep them on track, and understand the value they add to your business.
All Inside Sales Professionals wants to prove their worth and show they can do the job at hand, but make sure not to let your SDR’s run before they can walk!
A simple tip would be to include scheduled 1-1 meetings with the sales manager to discuss their progress, their sales pipeline, offer feedback and work out a development plan together for each SDR.
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How to Sell on LinkedIn – the short answer
Follow LinkedIn’s four recommendations listed in the Social Selling Index which are:
Create a professional personal and company brand.
Find and save the profiles of the right people so LinkedIn can push updates to you.
Start engaging with insightful content that generates likes, comments and shares.
Continuing to build relationships via connecting in a value led approach.
Lastly from Klozers – stop trying to sell to people. The more you try and sell the more you will put people off.
Here’s a more detailed guide on How to Sell On LinkedIn
1. Your Personal Brand on LinkedIn
The genesis of LinkedIn in 2002 was as a recruiting platform that enabled job seekers to be found by recruiters and the reverse, in that job seekers could quickly find new opportunities.
The platform has moved on since then and is the largest B2B Directory with over 722 million users listed. The sheer volume of contacts has made LinkedIn the place to be for B2B salespeople who are researching and connecting to decision makers throughout the sales process.
The size of the opportunity is equalled only by the size of the potential to ruin both your personal and company brand on the platform.
LinkedIn has a certain etiquette and when you break the “rules” your personal brand is damaged. For example, if the percentage of your connection requests are refused then your prospect can block you for life – not just for the time you are in your current job role, every future job role. Life means life on LinkedIn.
The advent of lockdowns where Field Sales people where suddenly forced to do everything online without any strategy, planning or training, resulted in a massive increase in LinkedIn Spam which made connecting and selling on the platform more difficult than ever.
Outbound done badly damages your brand and this is so true on LinkedIn. The use of automations, spam, connect and pitch messaging and even fake profiles does nothing to enhance your brand.
To compound this problem many people turned to “LinkedIn Lead Generation Experts” who would take control of your profile and spam everyone on the planet with some form of “buy now” message.
Yes these people generate leads, however, this is a scorched earth strategy and the damage will be found by the profile owner for years to come.
Your Personal and Business brand is what attracts and retains customers. Cherish, nurture and develop them all you can.
3. Don’t be spammy
Everyone knows selling has changed, however, it’s worth reminding people as not everyone has got the message. People do not want to be sold to, but they do like to buy. The role of sales is no longer to sell, but to facilitate the right conditions for buyers to buy.
How do you do this:
Provide value up front
Provide insight up front
Focus on building relationships
Provide every single piece of information the prospect wants, including the information that they don’t know that they want, up front.
When you get this right, there is no need to “sell”. It’s actually so much easier.
4. How to Optimise your LinkedIn profile
Let’s start at the very beginning, your LinkedIn Profile. In order to put your best personal brand forward LinkedIn rewards those with the most complete profiles.
By reward I mean they will push you and your content to other users more actively based on the completeness of your profile.
With that in mind it’s important to complete as much information as possible on your profile, whilst paying particular attention to starting from the very top:
Your LinkedIn URL. Be sure to “claim” your name and once you have done this add your primary keyword to the title as shown in the image – I have added the keyword “sales trainer”.
Include a professionally designed banner that conveys your brand promise. This should be congruent with your company website.
Use a business like, professional portrait image – not an image of you sipping cocktails. LinkedIn is B2B and you need to play to that audience.
Use keywords that your target audience would use to search for you in your title. Many LinkedIn trainers will recommend a title targeting a specific audience and including the outcome that you provide. I can tell you that I and many others immediately decline connection requests from these people as they have just told you in advance “I am coming to get you”. Remember nobody wants to be sold to.
Include relevant hashtags for your industry. This needs to be done via the Creator Mode feature.
Be sure to complete the “Providing Services” section with three services that you would like to promote. Where possible these should match your hashtags
Next up is the “Featured” section. This is an opportunity for you to showcase your subject matter expertise. White Papers, Books, Articles and Posts that position you as the expert. Where possible include lead magnets from your website to attract new prospects.
About is the next section you should customise. This should be about who you work with, the services you provide and the results you deliver. Lastly include a call to action, keywords from your Skills section (more on this to follow), hashtags and contact details.
The next two sections are Experience & Education, and these should be as detailed and truthful as possible. Whether you are selling a product or service or yourself in an interview, company’s will look to verify this information and you will quickly be found out if you are not telling the truth.
Licenses and Certification is the next section and here you should take the opportunity to reinforce your brand. This is arguably easier for us as a training provider, however, you can include vocational training and anything that puts you forward as a thought leader. If you are not continually educating yourself and keeping up to date you should be.
Skills & Endorsements is the nest section and this is really important. The LinkedIn search algorithm is more likely to recommend you for a skill if you have been endorsed for that skill, which makes sense. Therefore, you should ensure that the skills you would like to be known for are at the top to encourage people to endorse you for these skills.
As you can see from my profile I have 99+ endorsements for a few skills but not for the core skills “sales”, “sales coaching” and “sales trainings”. My fault as I was not aware of the importance of this until recently. What’s also strange is that LinkedIn has not listing for “Sales Training” only “Sales Trainings”. This may be a language/translation issue, however, as the Skills are predefined there is no way to change this.
Lastly, the Accomplishments section is a great place to highlight any awards, courses or publications that you are credited with.
That’s it. One important point I should explain. Whist we always advocate a consultative, non salesy approach we are referring to our communication style your personal and company pages should be very salesy. They are akin to a website Landing Page and should do as much as possible to convert the visitor to an enquirer.
5. How to create a LinkedIn Company Page
Like your personal profile page the Company page should be like a Landing page on your website. Content rich and full of information.
Once the page is complete it’s important that you keep the page up to date with new posts in order that anyone visiting the page will not be confronted with an empty page with no activity.
Again it’s important to have your company livery and brand promise front and centre. The about section is an opportunity to tell the world how great your products and services are, who they are for and the results they help your clients achieve.
Don’t forget your call to action button, contact details and hashtags.
6. How to create a LinkedIn Showcase Page
Showcase pages are a great tool for promoting a product or service. Imagine you are Microsoft, your company page would be Microsoft and you could create Showcase pages for Microsoft Dynamics or Microsoft Teams.
We use the Showcase section to promote the events we run on LinkedIn and Funnel Sprint which is our premier lead generation training programme.
Please note: Showcase pages must be created from your Company page using the “Admin Tools” drop down menu.
7. How to create a LinkedIn Showcase Page
LinkedIn articles are a great resource for positioning your personal brand. LinkedIn loves content so they desperately want you to be creating content on a regular basis.
When combined with creating content for our own website this can be really demanding, however, the best strategy is to create full, long form content on your website and then create a short summary piece as a LinkedIn article that links back to your website.
That way you have satiated both the Google and LinkedIn beasts.
As an example this particular blog post How to Sell on LinkedIn was first published on the website with a summary article then published on LinkedIn here.
Google does index content published on LinkedIn but so far we have found by far it’s better to use our company blog as the primary content source.
8. How to create a Boolean Search Strings
Boolean search strings are the somewhat complicated looking search terms that allow you to create very specific and highly targeted searches. This targeting is encouraged by LinkedIn and contributes to your Social Selling Index score. Here are the different operators you can use:
Quotes [“”] These are used when you are looking for an exact match. As an example when you type in sales manager to the search bar without the quotes the search returns all the contacts with the word sales and manager in their profile. By adding the quotes and entering “sales manager” the search returns all the contacts with that exact keyword.
Parentheses [()] These searches are used when you want to combine search terms. For example if you wanted to find people who have “VP” in their profiles, but exclude “assistant to VP” or SVPs, type VP NOT (assistant OR SVP).
NOT – when you type NOT in capital leaders this excludes what follows. For example you may search for “sales manager” NOT “sales director” if you wanted to exclude sales directors from the results.
AND – as it sounds when you type in AND in capital letters the search returns results for both keywords. As an example if you type in “sales” AND “marketing” the search would return results that included both words.
OR – OR is the broadest search term and best used when you want to widen the results. The search term “sales” OR “marketing” would cast a wider net and return more results than “sales” AND “marketing”.
9. How to connect on LinkedIn
Building your network is one of the 4 foundations of social selling, however, this has come under more scrutiny recently. LinkedIn would like you to only connect to people you know – but equally they know users are connecting to people they don’t know all the time.
Unfortunately, most people employ a spray and prey approach and connect with anyone and then never speak to them again. Because of this LinkedIn has reduced the number of connection requests to 100 per week to stop this although there are legitimate ways around this via the groups function.
In an attempt to short circuit the connection process many people search for the “best” connection messaging templates on Google.
By the time these templates are on Google they have been used literally millions of times. People buy from people we would encourage you to interact via like, comments and shares before trying to connect.
You can then refer to content or comments they have shared in the connection request and voila – no templates required.
By employing this strategy your acceptance rate will increase from the standard which is around 30 to between 60 and 70%.
LinkedIn allows you to download your connections although it’s worth pointing out that this does not include the users email address or contact details.
The data is nonetheless still helpful for Account Planning and targeting larger enterprise accounts.
10. How to get the most from LinkedIn Messaging
We’ve covered the best approach to messaging with respect to when you are connecting, however, what happens after you have connected. The options here are three fold:
Pitch your product or service. This will work for some people, however, the percentage of times this will work is very low. If you are in a hurry, and don’t care about your personal or business brand, then this is your best option.
Send a thank you for connecting message and never speak to them again like the majority of LinkedIn users
Focus on building a relationship by providing insight and value. This is a longer term approach, however, the results are much improved in comparison to options 1 and 2.
Here are some ideas that you can use to facilitate this approach:
Tell the prospect in the “thank you for connecting message” that you regularly share insight to their job title about xyz and look forward to speaking again.
As discussed in step 1 regularly share insight with the prospect but don’t bombard them.
Message the prospect and ask for help with an industry survey
Create a plan – download our simple spreadsheet so you can plan and track all your interactions on LinkedIn.
Engage – Follow the individual using Sales Navigator and like, comment or share when the prospect posts or comments on the platform.
Provide sales leads to them using our “recommended search” hack
Lastly, you must compress all your messages as no one wants to read a novel in their inbox and wherever possible make the desired response to your message a simple thumbs up emoji. The quicker and easier it is for the prospect to respond the more likely they are to do so.
11. How to Create a LinkedIn Event
LinkedIn Events took off during the lockdown period as millions of users found themselves stuck at home in need or new routes to market and in some cases training.
Whilst the LinkedIn Events platform was primarily designed to host and deliver events on the LinkedIn platform itself many users are hosting Events and using LinkedIn as the main channel to drive registrations.
We’re personally great fans of LinkedIn Events and regularly run workshops on the platform. This has allowed as greater access to our clients and also potential new customers outside our current 1st degree connections and into 2nd and third degree contacts across the globe.
Like your company page, its important to brand your events inline with your company branding. Once the event is set up you can easily invite any of your personal connections and you should share the event regularly in your timeline.
In addition to LinkedIn we have a webinar sign up page on our website and use our email list to drive registrations. With what we would describe as limited effort we typically have between 50 and 100 attendees.
The downside of any free online event is there is a huge drop out rate on the day. This is partly due to the fact that the LinkedIn Events function does not add a Calendar Appointment to the users diary when they click yes to attend.
It’s obviously not possible to send a regular diary invite as the users would then have access to the contact details of all the other attendees.
We have managed to create a workaround using Microsoft Live Events, however, it’s still manual and something that we need to work on before we would share this.
12. How to use sell using LinkedIn Groups
LinkedIn Groups used to be huge, however, LinkedIn decided to move users away from the groups, and group discussions, leaving many groups almost dormant.
Whereby previously groups where the hotbeds of focussed industry discussions they mostly lie silent and posting into groups can feel like shouting into the unknown.
The plus side is that groups remain an easy route to build connections and gather data. For example, while new connection requests are limited to 100 per week, this can be sidestepped by connecting to users in a common group. LinkedIn may well change this again in the near future.
Users are allowed to be members of up to 50 LinkedIn groups and we recommend joining groups where your Ideal Client Profile can be found.
13. How to get the most from LinkedIn Inmail
LinkedIn Inmail historically had the highest open rates which according to LinkedIn is 57.5% which when compared to standard email which is 21.6% sounds great.
Forgive me though – Inmails are limited to premium accounts (20 Inmails per month) and add-ons that you can be purchased, so without independent verification this may not be the most accurate of data.
What I believe to be true is that the open rates and conversion rates from Inmail has dropped as it has become more widely adopted by sales and marketing team.
For us, the Inmail feature shows no difference in open rates given the strategies that we use, however, when certain prospects are not active on LinkedIn and have locked down their connection settings, Inmail might be the only channel available.
14. Using LinkedIn for Content Marketing
LinkedIn loves content creators and with the new “Creator Mode” available from 2021 they have signalled that this is the direction that they want to take the platform.
For obvious reasons when compared to Facebook, LinkedIn is primarily focussed on B2B, however, the lockdowns of 2020 and 2021 drove new users to the platform and encouraged existing users to engage more using content.
The type of content has also changed there are much more personal stories on the platform then previously.
From a sales perspective this makes sense as stories sell. Whilst some people are uncomfortable sharing their story other content types that are popular are:
Industry Insights
Event Information
Customer Focussed
Employee Focussed
Company News
Products and services
Partners & Sponsors Stories sell, so in order to gain engagement and visibility it’s important to develop your content around a story wherever possible.
15. How to sell on LinkedIn using Sales Navigator
Sales Navigator is the Premium version of LinkedIn and a must have tool for any modern sales rep. The Navigator platform is extremely powerful and in addition to the increased search filters, the main benefit we would suggest is the ability to follow prospects and target accounts from a central dashboard.
The dashboard provides alerts based on both the prospects and accounts you are following allowing you to identify opportunities to engage at a glance.
Sales Navigator also provides what they call “Smart Links” which gives the user tracking data for any documents they send via Inmail.
The data includes the number of times the link was clicked, how long the user viewed the link, the date and time the link was clicked and the full details of the user who clicked on the link. All of which are important when sending .pdf, ppt or word documents to prospects.
Saved Searches are also an important feature within Sales Navigator. These allow the user to save highly targeted searches and return to them as LinkedIn updates the search results on a daily basis.
The saved search function has many uses such as tracking when connections move companies or when they are promoted to a more senior role.
Linkedin developed the Social Selling Index (SSI) to encourage both user adoption and best practice. As mentioned at the start of this document the SSI has four core areas:
1. Creating your professional personal and company brand 2. Finding and saving the profiles of the right people so LinkedIn can push updates to you 3. Engaging prospects with thought leadership and insightful content that generates likes, comments and shares 4. Continuing to build new relationships via connecting in a value led approach
LinkedIn displays an SSI score for every user and their position or rank compared to their Team. Again, this is to drive user adoption and make the product sticky.
Most users are unaware of the benefits of having a social selling strategy. LinkedIn and Sales Navigator are like Ferraris which mean they need to be driven differently to a supermarket trolley if you want to get the full benefits from them.
Any strategy will take time, however, in the new world of remote selling it’s much more than inside sales and SDR’s who can benefit from the platform.
From our own experience we have developed a social selling strategy that can be replicated across every industry. There is however no magic wand and no substitute for hard work.
The more you put into LinkedIn the more you will get out.
17. How to sell on LinkedIn using Automation Software
The popularity of the LinkedIn platform has led to the development of a number of Google Chrome browser extensions that automate the process of visiting, connecting and messaging.
Like all tools they are only as good as the individual who is configuring them. In essence the tools are great, however, the widespread use of the tools are what has caused LinkedIn to now limit the amount of connection requests to 100.
Spray and prey, connect and forget and Scorched earth are the negative results caused by the misuse of the tools.
As you would expect LinkedIn discourages users form using any form of automation as they are against the rules.
With that said every one of the automation providers are on LinkedIn and even using LinkedIn events to promote their tools so the cynic in me thinks they are well aware of the problem and turn a blind eye to it because for the time being it suits them.
My understanding is that if you are “caught” using automation you will receive a warning and not immediately blocked from the platform.
I have never received such a warning so I can’t confirm this – only you know your level of risk so I will leave the decision to automate or not up to you.
18. How to sell on LinkedIn – Engagement Pods
A different take on Automation are Engagement Pods. Like other automation tools these are browser bases extensions that allow you to join a pod or group.
The purpose of the pods is to boost the reach of the members content by automating the like and comments on their posts.
The LinkedIn algorithm promotes content to more of your connections based on the engagement withing the first hour of posting.
Whilst you might like the idea of boosting the reach of your content, the problem arises when you suddenly find the automation is commenting on content that does not fit your brand and in some cases, will be damaging your brand.
You have no control over what they post and what comments they attribute to you. Giving control of your LinkedIn account to other pod members is not something we would recommend to anyone.
19. How to sell on LinkedIn – Social Selling Course
Social selling is such an important part of modern B2B selling we have incorporated all our best social selling strategies and tactics into our B2B Lead Generation Course. In addition to live training the course provides practical strategies and tactics that users are encouraged to use immediately.
The course is comprehensive and covers everything from the basics of setting up and optimising your LinkedIn profile to the more advanced lead generation strategies we teach.
As always our sales training is built around the consultative sales methodology so the priority is always the protection of your personal and business brand.
LinkedIn Sales Strategy Consulting
Need more help? Training is great, but strategy is the game changer that can set you apart from your competition.
Corong jualan ialah urutan tindakan, peristiwa atau peringkat yang dilalui pengguna sebelum membeli produk atau perkhidmatan. Corong jualan direka bentuk untuk membolehkan pemasar menjejak, merekod dan mengoptimumkan proses jualan untuk meningkatkan hasil.
Corong jualan SaaS anda ialah bahagian penting dalam kejayaan Apl anda. Jika anda menawarkan apl SaaS maka mencipta corong jualan yang boleh berulang, berskala dan boleh dijejaki ialah salah satu langkah penting yang perlu anda ambil.
Kedengaran mudah? Kemudian fikir semula. Corong jualan adalah tempat banyak syarikat baru beralih ke perjuangan menjana pendapatan, dan dalam banyak kes gagal.
Sebelum mula membina corong anda adalah wajar mempertimbangkan di mana anda berada dalam perjalanan apl anda.
3. Tiga peringkat utama pembangunan SaaS
Malangnya, dalam jualan tidak pernah ada penyelesaian satu saiz yang sesuai untuk semua, dan titik permulaan untuk membina corong jualan SaaS bergantung pada tempat anda berada, dari segi tiga peringkat utama perniagaan SaaS?
Adakah anda di: Fasa 1 : permulaan perjalanan di mana Pengasas dan pasukan utama masih cuba untuk mewujudkan kesesuaian produk/pasaran.
Fasa 2 : di mana pengasas dan ahli pasukan utama telah membuktikan kesesuaian produk/pasaran dan membuktikan mereka boleh melaksanakan sistem dan proses yang boleh digunakan oleh orang lain untuk menjual.
Fasa 3 , halangan terakhir di mana anda mempunyai kesesuaian pasaran produk yang terbukti, anda telah mengenal pasti dan membuktikan sistem dan proses yang betul untuk penskalaan dan anda kini bersedia untuk meningkatkan jualan anda, menumpukan pada pemerolehan pelanggan dan membina MRR anda.
Strategi yang anda gunakan untuk membina corong jualan SaaS akan berbeza-beza bergantung pada perkara yang anda pelajari dalam Langkah 1 di atas.
Jadi untuk tujuan latihan ini saya akan menganggap anda berada di Langkah 1. Jika anda masih bergelut untuk membina corong jualan pada langkah 2 dan 3 maka sama ada anda terlepas sesuatu pada langkah 1 atau sesuatu telah berubah yang menyebabkan semua yang anda pelajari pada langkah 1 berhenti berfungsi.
4. Bina corong pemasaran sebelum corong jualan anda
Dengan mana-mana perniagaan adalah penting untuk anda menyediakan keadaan optimum untuk pasukan jualan anda berjaya. Dalam dunia SaaS tidak mencukupi untuk mempunyai tapak web yang hebat, anda memerlukan tapak web yang:
a) boleh didapati oleh produk dan perkhidmatan anda dalam enjin carian utama – Google, Bing, Yahoo & YouTube b) boleh didapati dengan masalah yang anda selesaikan dalam enjin carian utama – Google, Bing, Yahoo & YouTube c) boleh menukar trafik web kepada pemasaran petunjuk yang layak
Banyak syarikat mengabaikan perkara ini dan tergesa-gesa membina pasukan jualan keluar. Hakikatnya ialah setiap prospek berpotensi yang diminati oleh Pasukan keluar anda akan pergi ke tapak web anda untuk membuat penyelidikan lanjut.
Melainkan pengalaman web adalah sama atau lebih besar daripada pengalaman prospek dengan pasukan keluar anda, mereka akan segera dimatikan.
Untuk membina corong pemasaran anda mesti mencipta “kandungan pertama pengguna yang menarik”. Ini adalah kandungan yang sedang dicari oleh pengguna secara aktif bukan kandungan yang ingin didorong oleh pasukan jualan dan pemasaran anda.
Corong pemasaran SaaS anda ialah bahagian penting dalam strategi jualan Masuk anda. Untuk melakukan ini dengan jayanya, anda perlu mencipta kandungan berkualiti tinggi pada setiap peringkat perjalanan pembeli seperti yang ditunjukkan di bawah.
Kandungan harus menceritakan kisah jenama anda secara halus dan kejayaan yang telah anda bawa kepada pengguna lain. Jadikan pengguna awal anda sebagai Pahlawan bukan anda.
TOFU – Bahagian atas corong Bahagian pertama corong jualan anda atau dikenali sebagai TOFU ialah peringkat kesedaran corong tersebut. Prospek menyedari masalah yang mereka hadapi dan sedang menyiasat penyelesaiannya.
Tapak web anda mesti mempunyai kandungan yang membincangkan masalah ini dan meletakkan syarikat anda sebagai Pakar Perkara . Kandungan yang paling popular di sini ialah:
Bagaimana untuk membimbing Video penerangan Catatan blog Magnet Plumbum
Pada peringkat ini, prospek berada dalam mod penyelidikan, bukan mod membeli dan hanya mengumpul maklumat.
Prospek anda mungkin tidak berminat dengan penyelesaian pada peringkat ini kerana mereka masih cuba untuk mendiagnosis sendiri masalah mereka sendiri dengan tepat. Tidak mungkin prospek anda ingin bercakap dengan jualan pada peringkat ini.
Kami mengesyorkan anda menggunakan automasi pemasaran untuk menjejak artikel/halaman mana prospek anda memasuki tapak kerana ini adalah masalah yang menjadi perhatian utama mereka. Mengetahui perkara ini boleh memudahkan jualan untuk mengadakan perbualan yang berkaitan dengan mereka.
Anda juga mungkin berjaya melibatkan prospek dengan chatbots di tapak anda, namun ramai yang mahu kekal tanpa nama pada peringkat ini.
Tengah Corong Pertengahan corong jualan anda ialah apabila prospek mula menilai penyelesaian khusus berdasarkan apa yang mereka pelajari pada peringkat 1. Bahagian tengah kandungan corong termasuk:
Persembahan Demonstrasi Kajian kes
Dari segi praktikal, mereka akan membuat beberapa bentuk senarai pendek pembekal yang berpotensi, dan mereka kemudiannya akan menggali lebih dalam butiran setiap penyelesaian yang berpotensi.
Pada peringkat ini prospek mungkin masih tidak terlibat dengan anda kerana mereka selalunya hanya menyelidik bagi pihak orang lain dalam organisasi mereka sendiri dan keutamaan mereka adalah pengumpulan maklumat.
Bahagian bawah Corong Pada masa prospek anda telah mencapai bahagian bawah corong pemasaran anda dalam banyak kes mereka telah “membeli” satu pembekal atau penyelesaian tertentu.
Mereka telah membuat keputusan sebahagian besarnya mengenai pengalaman web mereka tentang jenama, pemesejan jualan anda dan keupayaan anda untuk meletakkan diri anda bukan sahaja sebagai pemimpin walaupun tetapi sebagai pemimpin pemikiran yang memahami masalah mereka.
Bahagian bawah kandungan Corong akan termasuk perkara seperti:
penetapan harga Jadual perbandingan Testimoni Ulasan
Untuk penyelesaian yang lebih mudah dengan harga lebih rendah, anda akan mendapati mereka kini bersedia untuk mengambil percubaan jika anda menawarkan Seruan Tindakan (CTA) yang kukuh, manakala untuk penyelesaian yang lebih mahal dan kompleks, mereka kini akan terlibat dengan jualan.
Imej di bawah menunjukkan di mana corong pemasaran mudah beralih ke troli beli-belah dan jualan B2B yang lebih kompleks beralih kepada petunjuk untuk jualan.
Kejayaan bukan terletak pada memilih model yang betul, tetapi membina model anda sendiri berdasarkan data dan percubaan dan kesilapan.
Kebanyakan perisian pemasaran kini menjejaki tingkah laku pengguna di tapak web anda dan mungkin menggunakan pemarkahan petunjuk untuk memaklumkan jurujual apabila masa terbaik untuk mendekati prospek secara proaktif.
Dari pengalaman kami sendiri, masanya hampir selalu kepada awal dan program pemupukan utama yang jelas adalah sama berkesan.
Untuk melakukan ini, anda harus membina dalam pemasaran anda sekurang-kurangnya tiga magnet utama berbeza yang akan membantu anda menjadikan pelawat web anda menjadi pelanggan supaya anda boleh terus berhubung.
5. Pengiklanan untuk mengisi Corong Jualan anda
Banyak syarikat berjaya mengisi corong jualan mereka melalui pengiklanan. Pengiklanan digital telah matang ke tahap yang membolehkan penjejakan dan pelaporan yang ketara membolehkan anda memahami Nisbah Penukaran dan CAC anda dalam masa beberapa minggu.
Pada peringkat pertama, kami akan menyokong “Kempen Penyasaran Semula”. Ini hanyalah proses meletakkan tambahan di hadapan orang yang telah melawat tapak web anda.
Kajian menunjukkan penyasaran semula adalah tujuh kali lebih berkesan daripada kempen baharu, itulah sebabnya kami menganjurkan ini sebagai titik permulaan.
Strategi ini berfungsi dengan sangat baik dengan kempen pemasaran kandungan yang kuat. Saluran tambah yang paling popular untuk B2B ialah LinkedIn, namun, banyak syarikat juga telah berjaya dengan Facebook dan Instagram.
Tidak perlu dikatakan ini akan ditakrifkan oleh khalayak anda. Pengiklanan boleh digunakan dalam corong mudah untuk memacu jualan dan yang lebih kompleks untuk mendorong pertanyaan baharu untuk wakil jualan.
Jualan yang lebih kompleks mungkin memerlukan urutan yang ditentukan di mana pengguna mengklik dan mengiklankan untuk menerima magnet petunjuk dengan setiap petunjuk berharga $3.
Jika anda kemudiannya berjaya menukar 5% daripada petunjuk baharu ini, anda boleh mengaitkan $60 setiap jualan daripada pengiklanan kepada CAC anda.
Anda boleh membina urutan atau model yang boleh dijejaki daripada sebarang aktiviti bukan sahaja pengiklanan. Contohnya, acara, webinar dan telejualan membolehkan anda memahami aktiviti mana yang paling berkesan kos bukan sahaja untuk mengisi corong anda, tetapi sebenarnya menukar kepada pesanan.
6. Cara Membina Corong Jualan SaaS
Corong jualan anda akan berbeza-beza bergantung pada strategi jualan anda. Adakah anda menjual Apl anda secara langsung atau adakah anda menjual melalui rakan kongsi? Saluran manakah yang telah anda putuskan untuk fokus pada mulanya?
1. Kenal pasti Profil Prospek Sempurna anda. Ini ialah versi wakil jualan persona pemasaran. Ia termasuk semua yang akan disertakan oleh persona pemasaran, serta beberapa maklumat tambahan yang membantu jualan memahami dan berkomunikasi pada tahap yang lebih mendalam dengan prospek.
2. Bina pemesejan jualan anda. Sebahagian daripada kesesuaian produk/pasaran ialah memahami masalah perniagaan dan atau peribadi yang diselesaikan oleh produk anda.
Dalam pengalaman kami perkhidmatan SaaS yang paling berjaya ialah penyelesaian perniagaan yang menyelesaikan masalah perniagaan.
Sebaik sahaja anda memahami bagaimana ini berkaitan dengan produk/perkhidmatan anda sendiri pada tahap yang mendalam, anda boleh mula membina pemesejan jualan anda.
Ini adalah perkataan dan bahasa bernuansa yang telah anda buktikan bahawa prospek berhubung dengannya. Tidak cukup mengetahui tentang perniagaan dan penyelesaian anda sendiri, anda harus tahu tentang pelanggan anda.
Anda harus tahu dengan tepat bagaimana penyelesaian anda membantu pelanggan anda menjimatkan wang, menjana wang dan menjadikan kehidupan mereka lebih mudah.
3. Kempen Penjanaan Utama.
Sebaik sahaja anda telah mengenal pasti prospek sasaran anda dan membina pemesejan jualan anda, anda perlu mula bekerja pada kempen Penjanaan Utama.
Terdapat dua pendekatan utama untuk Penjanaan Peneraju seperti berikut:
a) Penjanaan Peneraju Masuk. Kempen penjanaan petunjuk masuk ialah tempat prospek menghubungi anda terlebih dahulu. Mereka boleh mengisi borang di halaman web anda, menelefon anda atau menghantar e-mel kepada anda. Untuk menjana petunjuk jualan masuk, anda perlu melakukan beberapa bentuk penciptaan kandungan, kempen iklan, webinar, program rujukan atau SEO.
b) Penjanaan petunjuk keluar. Kempen penjanaan petunjuk keluar ialah tempat anda menghubungi prospek melalui telefon, e-mel, mel terus, acara atau pemasaran berasaskan akaun. Kempen keluar selalu bermakna anda perlu membina pasukan kata keluar yang mungkin mahal.
Majoriti syarikat SaaS menggunakan gabungan masuk dan keluar, walau bagaimanapun, mereka hampir selalu memberi penekanan pada satu lebih daripada yang lain.
Sebagai panduan yang sangat kasar, perkhidmatan SaaS yang berkos lebih rendah dan menyasarkan PKS adalah diterajui pemasaran dan mempunyai tumpuan utama Masuk.
Perkhidmatan SaaS yang lebih berbelanja dan menyasarkan Pasaran Pertengahan kepada organisasi Perusahaan akan mempunyai pendekatan yang lebih diterajui jualan melalui Pemasaran Berasaskan Akaun.
7. Apakah Peringkat Corong Jualan SaaS?
Peringkat corong jualan anda hanyalah satu siri langkah yang dilalui oleh prospek anda untuk membuat pesanan.
Peringkat ini boleh berbeza-beza dan tiada satu corong yang boleh anda gunakan pada setiap apl. Walaupun peringkatnya sama, kaedah yang anda gunakan untuk memindahkan prospek melalui corong mungkin berbeza-beza.
Corong jualan anda ialah tempat yang bagus untuk mula mengumpul data untuk mengukur prestasi dan membuat penambahbaikan dari semasa ke semasa.
Secara umum, prospek harus bergerak melalui corong jualan secepat mungkin – ini dipanggil kitaran jualan atau kelajuan paip.
Mengukur kelajuan prospek bergerak melalui kitaran membolehkan anda mengenal pasti sekatan dalam corong anda dan kawasan di mana prospek perlahan.
Titik “melekat” ini adalah tempat anda harus melihat untuk membuat penambahbaikan.
8. Bilakah saya boleh menunjukkan produk SaaS saya kepada pelanggan?
Masa demo aplikasi SaaS dalam proses jualan telah menjadi subjek perbincangan bagi banyak syarikat.
Jawapan malangnya kepada soalan itu ialah “terpulang”. Banyak syarikat berjaya mendemonstrasikan apl mereka pada permulaan proses jualan, walau bagaimanapun, terdapat juga ramai yang membuat demo pada permulaan dan kemudiannya prospek mereka hilang ke dalam lubang hitam mel suara dan e-mel yang tidak dijawab.
Pendek kata, penyelesaian yang lebih murah dan mudah, maka lebih awal dalam proses anda boleh demo dan penyelesaian yang lebih mahal dan kompleks demo harus ditolak sejauh mungkin dalam proses penjualan.
Realitinya ialah terdapat kecenderungan untuk Usahawan dan jurujual tergesa-gesa untuk mendemonstrasikan aplikasi mereka, dengan harapan demo itu akan meyakinkan prospek untuk mendaftar.
Walaupun prospek itu layak dan sesuai, demo tanpa sebarang bentuk diagnosis kesakitan prospek berada dalam bahaya kehilangan prospek.
Prospek anda perlu tahu bahawa anda tahu dan anda memahami dunia mereka. Ini hanya boleh dicapai melalui penyoalan yang bijak dan disasarkan. Jika anda ingin mempercepatkan jualan, perlahankan jualan.
Demo biasanya merupakan titik leveraj terbesar jurujual dan jika anda memberikannya tidak lama lagi anda akan kehilangan leveraj dan kemungkinan besar prospek.
Sebagai peraturan umum – tolak demo apl sejauh mungkin dalam proses jualan anda.
Demo memerlukan masa dan wang terutamanya untuk jualan yang kompleks di mana lebih kerap daripada tidak demo yang dipesan lebih dahulu diperlukan.
Sebarang demo yang dipesan lebih dahulu mesti dihantar hanya kepada pembuat keputusan kanan pada pasukan pembeli prospek. Jika sesuai, anda juga boleh mempunyai dua demo dalam proses jualan – tidak ada peraturan selain jika ia berfungsi lakukannya.
Kebanyakan wakil jualan membuat kesilapan menggunakan bahagian proses jualan ini untuk menerangkan manfaat produk dengan lebih terperinci.
Apabila anda memberitahu anda tidak menjual. Gunakan soalan penyiasatan yang bijak untuk mendapatkan prospek memberitahu anda bagaimana penyelesaian itu akan menyelesaikan masalah perniagaan mereka.
Anda harus mengelak daripada bercakap tentang ciri yang anda percaya berkaitan dengannya. Jika anda tidak mendedahkan perkara ini dalam peringkat penemuan proses jualan, sememangnya berisiko untuk memperkenalkan apa-apa yang baharu di bawah proses tersebut.
Untuk penyelesaian yang lebih mudah dengan harga yang lebih rendah, anda akan mendapati mereka kini bersedia untuk menjalani percubaan, manakala untuk penyelesaian yang lebih mahal dan kompleks, mereka kini akan terlibat dengan wakil jualan.
Untuk menunjukkan bahawa mereka telah menjalankan usaha wajar mereka akan sentiasa bercakap dengan dua atau tiga pembekal yang berpotensi.
Ini tidak semestinya untuk mengurangkan harga pembekal, tetapi kadangkala mereka perlu mengesahkan kepada kumpulan pembelian yang lebih luas dalam organisasi mereka mengapa mereka mempunyai keutamaan.
Percubaan apl juga merupakan cara yang baik untuk membuat pengguna mendaftar, namun, nisbah penukaran percubaan untuk ditutup biasanya lemah dalam kebanyakan kes SaaS.
Bergantung pada harga, anda boleh menawarkan percubaan terurus, supaya mereka boleh menilai perisian anda semasa anda mengurusnya lebih jauh di bawah proses jualan.
Semasa percubaan, prospek dapat melihat bagaimana produk akan berfungsi untuk mereka dalam amalan. Adalah penting untuk menentukan masa percubaan dengan bijak dan memastikan anda telah bersetuju terlebih dahulu apa yang berlaku jika percubaan itu berjaya.
Kami telah mencipta grafik di atas untuk cuba menerangkan secara visual cara ini mungkin berfungsi untuk organisasi anda.
Perlu diperhatikan dalam contoh, majoriti CAC anda akan menjadi pemasaran, manakala dalam corong yang lebih kompleks kos anda akan termasuk pemasaran, jualan + penerimaan pelanggan.
9. Contoh Corong Jualan SaaS
Corong jualan di bawah adalah contoh. Anda TIDAK seharusnya meniru ini melainkan ia sesuai dengan proses jualan anda.
Mereka direka bentuk untuk menjadi titik permulaan bagi mereka yang ingin membangunkan corong jualan.
Seperti yang anda lihat daripada grafik, terdapat banyak alternatif kepada peringkat yang digunakan untuk membentuk corong jualan anda bergantung pada jenis corong yang anda cipta.
Untuk corong digital semata-mata anda boleh mempunyai:
Lead Magnet Landing page – tempat prospek tiba selepas mengklik pada iklan anda Halaman Pengesahan – mengesahkan tawaran, percubaan atau pembelian percuma anda Halaman Upsell – di mana prospek mempunyai peluang untuk menambah perkhidmatan tambahan atau menaik taraf Halaman pembayaran – tempat prospek membayar untuk perkhidmatan tersebut Halaman Tahniah atau Terima Kasih – di mana anda boleh menandatangani prospek pos dengan langkah seterusnya yang sesuai.
10. Metrik corong jualan SaaS
Mengenai metrik, kami percaya ini ialah metrik dan KPI operasi jualan biasa yang biasa digunakan oleh kebanyakan orang. Tidak perlu dikatakan metrik ini penting dan anda harus merekod dan melaporkannya.
LTT – Membawa kepada penukaran percubaan Ini ialah bilangan petunjuk yang telah menukar kepada percubaan.
DCR – Nisbah penukaran demo Bilangan demo yang berjaya menukar ke peringkat seterusnya dalam proses jualan.
TTS – Penukaran percubaan kepada jualan Ini ialah bilangan prospek pada percubaan percuma yang telah menukar kepada pelanggan berbayar.
LTV – Nilai Sepanjang Hayat pelanggan Ini ialah purata jumlah nilai yang akan dibelanjakan oleh pelanggan sebelum meninggalkan perkhidmatan. Ironinya ini boleh menjadi lebih sukar untuk mengukur lebih baik produk anda kerana, tanpa pelanggan meninggalkan anda tidak akan tahu berapa lama mereka tinggal dan jumlah nilai mereka kepada perniagaan.
Churn – Bilangan pelanggan yang pergi Pelanggan akan pergi dan itu tidak selalu menjadi perkara yang buruk. Jika pelanggan yang keluar sesuai dengan ICP (Profil Pelanggan Ideal) anda maka anda menghadapi masalah. Pelanggan yang meninggalkan yang tidak sesuai dengan ICP anda mungkin membebaskan sumber berharga yang boleh dibelanjakan untuk ICP anda.
MRR – Pendapatan berulang bulanan Hasil berulang bulanan memberi anda gambaran keseluruhan kejayaan anda, namun, ia hanyalah gambaran keseluruhan dan anda perlu melihat butiran dalam data untuk mendapatkan gambaran yang lebih tepat.
ARR – Hasil berulang tahunan Hasil berulang tahunan memberikan gambaran keseluruhan perniagaan yang baik, tetapi seperti MRR, anda harus mengkaji semua data untuk mendapatkan gambaran yang lebih tepat tentang kesihatan usaha niaga anda.
Kitaran Jualan – Masa dari hubungan awal hingga pesanan tertutup Ini biasanya singkatan untuk penyelesaian yang lebih mudah bernilai rendah dan lebih lama untuk jualan Perusahaan yang kompleks. Contohnya, jualan kepada bank Tahap 1 mungkin mengambil masa 18 bulan dari hubungan awal hingga ditutup.
CAC – Kos Pemerolehan Pelanggan Adalah penting untuk memahami kos anda untuk memperoleh seorang pelanggan. Dalam dunia yang ideal, anda akan menemui perkara ini dalam fasa awal perniagaan apabila anda membuktikan cadangan nilai. Tanpa angka ini adalah mustahil untuk dimasukkan ke dalam sistem dan proses untuk meningkatkan perniagaan kerana anda tidak akan tahu berapa banyak yang boleh anda belanjakan untuk pemasaran dan jualan bahagian hadapan.
Churn Negatif – Pergolakan negatif ialah metrik pertumbuhan yang berkuasa yang menunjukkan bahawa hasil daripada jualan tinggi dan jualan silang pelanggan sedia ada menghilangkan hasil yang hilang apabila pelanggan pergi.
11. Penyerahan Cadangan SaaS
Selepas demo terakhir, anda tidak boleh menawarkan untuk menghantar cadangan.
Cadangan memerlukan masa dan wang dan jika prospek anda berminat mereka akan meminta anda untuk cadangan.
Jika prospek anda tidak meminta cadangan daripada anda maka ia memberitahu anda bahawa mereka tidak berminat untuk bekerja dengan anda dan anda perlu meneruskan proses jualan untuk memahami di mana anda telah silap.
Apabila proses jualan terhenti, ia jarang berlaku kerana sesuatu yang anda telah lakukan salah pada masa itu – lebih kerap, ia adalah sesuatu yang anda terlepas lebih awal dalam proses jualan.
Pastikan anda yakin semua faedah perisian telah diterangkan dengan jelas kepada mereka dan dipetakan mengikut keperluan mereka yang dinyatakan.
Jika boleh, sentiasa dapatkan White Knight anda untuk membantu anda mencipta cadangan dan rasa semak versi draf dengan mereka sebelum menghantar salinan rasmi.
Sebelum menghantar cadangan anda, anda mesti mempunyai pemahaman yang jelas tentang langkah seterusnya jika anda menang atau kalah.
Tanpa ini, anda berkemungkinan besar menghabiskan tiga bulan berikutnya mengejar hantu dalam mel suara.
12. Menentukan harga kontrak SaaS anda
Banyak syarikat menyediakan harga terhad atau tiada langsung di tapak web mereka kerana mereka tidak mahu pesaing mereka melihat harga mereka, atau mereka fikir ia akan menakutkan bakal pelanggan.
Anda harus berbangga dengan harga anda dan nilai yang anda bawa. Biarkan persaingan melemahkan anda dan mengikat semua sumber mereka pada tawaran yang tidak menguntungkan.
Orang jarang membeli penyelesaian yang paling murah, jadi biarkan prospek anda melemahkan anda.
Jika anda masih bimbang untuk meletakkan harga anda di tapak web anda, fikirkan tentang perasaan anda apabila anda menyelidik penyelesaian yang anda minati hanya untuk mendapati halaman harga penuh dengan POA.
Jika anda seperti kebanyakan orang, anda mendapati ini benar-benar menjengkelkan dan segera beralih kepada pembekal berpotensi seterusnya.
Akhir sekali, kelebihan lain untuk memaparkan harga anda dengan bangga ialah ia melayakkan sesiapa sahaja yang tidak bersedia untuk melabur pada tahap itu.
Ini boleh menjimatkan banyak masa dan sumber anda dengan prospek yang mempunyai tahap belanjawan yang berbeza.
Terdapat banyak strategi harga yang tersedia untuk anda, namun, dari pengalaman kami, satu-satunya perkara yang dijamin, ialah anda akan menukar harga anda.
Sebagai peraturan asas jika harga anda ditetapkan terlalu tinggi untuk kontrak jangka pendek atau percubaan berbayar, prospek mungkin gagal untuk mengalami manfaat penuh perisian sebelum kontrak tamat dan mereka mungkin memutuskan untuk tidak memperbaharui .
Jika boleh, anda harus memberi ganjaran kepada prospek semasa tempoh percubaan untuk menambah maklumat dan menggunakan perkhidmatan tersebut.
Contohnya, tawarkan percubaan yang lebih pendek dan beri insentif kepada pengguna jika mereka melengkapkan persediaan profil/akaun mereka.
Tawarkan tempoh percuma lagi menggalakkan mereka menggunakan produk sebagai contoh jika mereka memuat naik data ke dalam sistem.
Ideanya adalah untuk “menyertai” pengguna baharu anda langkah demi langkah dan menjadikan produk anda selekat mungkin. Jika prospek mahu meneruskan, anda harus menggunakan kontrak dengan tandatangan digital untuk mempercepatkan proses jualan.
Jangan sekali-kali menghantar kontrak dalam e-mel atau pautan ke kontrak digital kerana ini boleh diabaikan dengan mudah.
Susun untuk mendapatkan prospek melalui telefon dan bercakap melalui kontrak dengan mereka. Sebaik sahaja mereka bersetuju dengan segala-galanya dalam kontrak hanya minta mereka menandatangani semasa anda mempunyai mereka di telefon.
Dengan cara ini anda mengekalkan kawalan ke atas proses jualan.
13. Mengapa corong jualan sangat penting untuk penyedia SaaS
Banyak perniagaan telah gagal selepas bergelut untuk melaksanakan corong jualan. Pemasaran dan penjualan produk SaaS boleh menjadi sangat mencabar, dan kemungkinan pelanggan sasaran anda sudah terharu dengan tawaran daripada vendor perisian yang bersaing.
Fikirkan tentang bahagian belanjawan sedia ada pembeli yang mana anda akan memenangi hasil. Apakah pesaing langsung atau tidak langsung yang akan anda ambil belanjawan?
Anda mungkin bersaing dengan beberapa jenama terbesar dan paling berkuasa di dunia yang menyediakan penyelesaian generik kepada masalah yang sama yang anda selesaikan.
Ini bermakna anda perlu menawarkan sesuatu yang tersendiri yang sebenarnya diperlukan oleh pelanggan anda.
Kajian CB Insights mengatakan 42% daripada syarikat permulaan SaaS gagal kerana mereka menawarkan produk yang tidak diperlukan pelanggan sasaran mereka.
Meyakinkan bakal pelanggan perisian anda menawarkan nilai tulen adalah penting.
14. Menguruskan jangkaan prospek
Mencipta corong jualan adalah tentang membina perjalanan dari pelawat web, kepada pelanggan dan melalui tunjuk cara dan jejak dan berakhir dengan kontrak ditandatangani.
Corong jualan anda harus menekankan setiap peringkat utama yang akan dilalui oleh prospek anda dalam perjalanan mereka ke perjanjian yang dibuat.
Bersikap terbuka, lebih awal dan kongsi peringkat proses terlebih dahulu dengan prospek anda. Anda harus memberi perhatian yang teliti kepada sebarang titik geseran yang mungkin berlaku semasa prospek anda melalui saluran jualan anda.
Ini akan memberi anda peluang untuk membuat penambahbaikan pada corong anda pada masa hadapan. Apa yang paling penting ialah anda merekodkan semua titik data dalam corong jualan anda.
Ini akan membantu anda membuat keputusan berdasarkan fakta dan bukannya perasaan hati anda. Ia boleh mengambil masa untuk corong jualan anda menjadi berkesan sepenuhnya dan anda mungkin perlu membuat beberapa pemurnian sebelum anda mempunyai corong jualan yang benar-benar dioptimumkan.
Ramai pelanggan tidak mempunyai pemahaman yang mendalam tentang perkara yang mereka perlukan apabila mereka mula-mula bertemu dengan anda. Menyediakan penyelesaian bukan hanya produk dengan membantu prospek membuat hubungan antara kedua-duanya.
Apa yang benar juga ialah pengguna sering membeli apa yang mereka mahu bukan apa yang mereka perlukan.
Inilah sebabnya mengapa sangat penting untuk bertanya soalan yang disasarkan supaya anda boleh menentukan dengan tepat keperluan mereka supaya anda boleh meletakkan perisian anda dengan cara yang paling menguntungkan.
Soalan-soalan ini juga akan memberitahu anda sejauh mana mereka perlu membuat keputusan.
15. Kebangkitan penyelesaian SaaS
Nampaknya segala-galanya di dunia kini dikuasakan dalam talian oleh Aplikasi SaaS. Daripada Netflix dan Amazon Prime ke LinkedIn dan Microsoft M365, kami kini dikelilingi oleh penyelesaian SaaS dalam satu perihalan atau yang lain.
Dari segi kewangan SaaS masuk akal kerana ia mengelakkan perbelanjaan modal yang besar di hadapan dan mengurangkan risiko penyelesaian.
Lagipun, jika ia tidak berfungsi, anda biasanya hanya terkunci dalam tempoh maksimum 12 bulan. Kelebihan lain SaaS termasuk cara ia biasanya cepat digunakan dan tidak memerlukan penyelenggaraan di pihak pelanggan.
Peningkatan biasanya dihantar secara automatik, dengan pelanggan biasanya ditawarkan tahap perkhidmatan yang terjamin.
Sandaran dan pemulihan data biasanya dijalankan bagi pihak pelanggan, supaya mereka boleh menumpukan pada perkara yang terbaik yang mereka lakukan, selamat dengan pengetahuan bahawa segala-galanya dikendalikan oleh pembangun perisian itu sendiri.
Lockdown telah mengecas turbo SaaS Kerja jarak jauh semakin meningkat walaupun sebelum wabak, jadi hakikat bahawa produk SaaS membenarkan individu bekerja dan bekerjasama dari mana-mana sahaja telah membantu untuk membenamkan SaaS lebih mendalam dalam kehidupan seharian kita.
Terdapat beribu-ribu produk baharu produk SaaS sedang dibangunkan di setiap negara di seluruh dunia jadi persaingan adalah sengit, namun, tiada penghujung yang jelas kepada selera pengguna dan perniagaan terhadap penyelesaian SaaS.
Corong jualan yang koheren boleh menjadi perbezaan antara produk anda menjadi kejayaan viral dan dipaksa untuk kembali ke papan lukisan.
Sales Teams with Sales Playbooks are 33% more likely to be high performers with win rates exceeding 50%
What is a Playbook in Sales
A playbook in Sales is a single repository that contains all the information, tools, templates, content, media, training and coaching that Salespeople require to execute their role successfully. The most common use of playbooks are for onboarding new salespeople, however, they are great for documenting your sales process and coaching salespeople.
What makes a good Sales Playbook?
A good sales playbook will help onboard new salespeople and get them to generate revenue as fast as possible. Playbooks help existing sales reps follow best practice, a proven sales process , develop their sales skills and behaviours and improve their productivity.
Join the next webinar for step by step instructions on how you can customise this playbook template for your business
We recommend that you host the playbook inside a Channel in Microsoft Teams in order that sales and marketing teams working remotely can also access the document.
2. SaaS Sales Playbook Outline
SaaS playbooks or Inside Sales Playbooks are often different because SaaS sales can have a different sales process and structure, but either way we’ve got you covered.
For example, many SaaS companies have teams of Sales Development Reps (SDR’s) who are responsible for lead generation and the initial sales qualification process.
These B2B SaaS companies are scaling and Sales Playbooks form a vital role in recording, tracking and developing the sales function within the business as well as onboarding new sales team members.
In addition, the playbooks act as a simple but very effective sales enablement solution, helping them learn and implement best practice in sales while increasing productivity and performance via sales coaching and training.
Playbooks are especially important for new hires who need to get up to speed and delivering as quickly as possible. Our template is the quickest way to get started creating your sales playbook and populating it with relevant content for your own sales team.
3. Sales Playbook Benefits
Single Location: Playbooks provide a single location for everything a B2B Sales Reps needs to know in order to do their job successfully. Rather than having pieces of information scattered across different file locations, and in different departments which are difficult and time consuming to find, your Sales Playbook keeps everything in one easy to find location.
Commonality: Sales Playbooks provide a common sales language that your sales and marketing teams can understand and follow.
Continuous improvement: Digital Playbooks provide a living, working document that can be continuously updated to retain relevancy.
Standardised Sales Process: Playbooks help salespeople follow the company’s proven sales process and buyer’s journey rather than having every sales rep following a different process.
Best Practice: Sales Playbooks provide a location to document and report on the companys’ best practices in selling for others to learn and follow.
Sales Coaching & Training: Sales playbooks provide a location to document and report on the learning & development plans for B2B sales reps. A good playbook improves the Sales Reps productivity and performance.
8. Building an Asset: As you begin to customise your sales playbook to meet your own strategy and methodology you can build in your own organisations KPIs, material, call scripts and content so it becomes a long term asset for the business.
9. Step by Step Guide: Your sales playbook provides a step by step guide on how your organisation goes to market. It covers everything from buyer personas, how to hire and onboard new reps, to KPI’s ROI, Performance management, proposals, channels, planning and strategy. It’s a single point of reference for everything in sales.
4. Sales Playbook Best Practices
1. Customisation – no two SaaS companies are the same so while it’s great to start with a framework, it’s important to customise the content of the playbook to match the needs of your organisation. Think of our playbook as a template to give you a head start on creating your own.
2. Updating – sales is a fast paced environment that is constantly changing and your sales playbook needs to be a living working document. Playbooks should be updated regularly and reviewed completely every six months.
3. Ownership – have a limited number of playbook owners with admin rights to stop anyone and everyone from editing the document. In OneNote this can be achieved by password protecting sections and pages. Improvements and additions can be fed back to the administrators on an ad-hoc basis or at Sales Meetings.
4. Engagement – playbooks have no impact on Sales unless they are used. Sales Managers must hold Sales Reps accountable to using and following the playbooks. “51% of reps attain quota at firms using a Sales Playbook, compared to 40% at firms who don’t have a Sales Playbook.” Aberdeen Group
5. Content – In addition to being relevant content should be easy to consume and engaging. Avoid massive PowerPoint decks with generic messaging. Use multimedia and a mixture of content types where possible.
6. Access – Sales Playbooks should be Cloud based however having access to them offline may be critical for some Reps, in which case the Playbooks should be downloadable but with restrictions on editing.
5. Sales Playbook Content
Your copy of the best Sales Playbook in the World contains:
This is where you can store information on your industry like statistics, trends and market intelligence. You can track and follow Industry Thought Leaders, top industry publications and Industry Bodies and Organisations so your teams are always up to date.
In this section you can provide details on your company’s History, Mission and Values. This is also where you would place your Sales Strategy and Sales Plan so every team member knows the “Why” behind what you do, and can align their sales behaviours with the Sales Plan. Lastly in this section we record all the companies products and services.
When you join a new company and you don’t know anyone the first few weeks can be quite intimidating. This section contains an internal directory in order that new team members can quickly identify and connect with any colleague including those outside the sales department.
This section is where you can store information of your clients. These are typically examples of clients/buyers that fit your sales prospect profiles, common pain points, clients who provide good case studies, testimonials, channel partners or strategic accounts.
It’s important that Reps have and follow a proven Sales Process. This process provides a track for the salespeople to follow which is repeatable and measurable. We have also included an example of our Qualifying template which you can customise to meet your own needs.
Sales plays are where we document our sales messaging and structure for controlling the sales conversation with a buyer. They include templates for what we call a Door Opener which is similar to an Elevator pitch. There are also sections for buyer personas, pain points, how to deal with prospects Stalls & Objections, How to deliver product Demos, Pricing, Proposals, Sales Stories and Customer Meeting Notes.
This is where you can store information and intelligence on your competitors. We are great fans of Sales Battlecards which you can use to win deals against your competition. The Battlecards help you steer the buyer conversation to the areas that favour your solution the most and make it more difficult for your competitors to compete. In short this shows you how to move the goals posts in the middle of the sales process to sabotage your competitors bid.
No more searching for files, flyers, technical specifications, case studies, testimonials and pricing sheets. Everything is stored inside this OneNote section in your sales playbook.
5.10 KPI’S
Every Sales Rep needs to know their numbers and what are the Key Deliverables for their role. We have listed all the KPI’s you will need for you to choose from and then create your own Sales Scorecards to manage Sales Reps.
Learning is your library for Onboarding Plans, Sales Coaching Playbooks, Training Planners, Personal Learning Plans, Sales Coaching Notes, Goal Setting and experiential learning and simulations.
5.12 ADMIN
The very last section is our Admin section. In here we store Team Meeting notes, Compensation & Commission, Expenses and a Time Management Tracker.
6. Sales Coaching Playbook
As a sales training and coaching company we use Sales Playbooks for training and sales coaching probably more than any other business. Playbooks are a great place to include:
Sales Messaging is an often overlooked and undervalued area of sales, however when you lose business to a competitor it means that someone else is either saying or doing something better than you.
In sales, we have little to no control of the product, but we have 100% ownership of our messaging.
Robert Cialdinis best seller Influence is a testament to this and a great read for anyone in sales.
We call our Sales Messaging our Sales Plays and we have a whole chapter in the playbook dedicated to this.
Sales Messaging – our Sales Plays should include every possible part of the Sales Conversation that a Salespeople will have as they walk a prospect/buyer through the sales process.
In addition, our Playbook includes templates for creating your Perfect Prospect Profile / buyer personas to make sure your messaging matches with your prospect/buyer in every way.
8. Sales Playbook Download
Join the next webinar for step by step instructions on how you can customise this playbook template for your business
Everything we teach, we actually do as part of Klozers own sales strategies. This means we have a deep understanding and not just text book theories.
Each sales training course is live. With interactive exercises, we deliver an immersive learning experience.
Our training includes work based learning which means you are assigned practical tasks and sales skills to practice as part of your every day sales role, in order that you learn while you are doing.
Please note: we would never encourage you to provide your products and services for free, and in the same vein we do not provide free sales training.
Nothing in life that is worth anything is free.
How much does online sales training cost?
Online sales training costs start from free and can rise up to $15,000 per month. The cost varies based on how many people are required to be trained, how much customisation the training content requires, and how much online support the attendees require throughout the training programme.
We have the best online sales courses available which cover all the sales skills required for Professional B2B selling. Our sales courses each include relevant modules on sales skills from how to attract customers to sales presentations through to how to close sales . Some modules are common across more than one course, whilst others are unique to specific courses.
The content can be modified to meet the specific needs of your sales team. In addition to the training on sales techniques, our coaches are very much hands on, and can work with you to develop your value proposition, sales strategies and the planning and execution thereof.
Historically this training course was most popular with entry level sales professionals, however, this course is a great refresher for experienced Business Development Executives and Account Managers who spend all, or part of their time working from home.
Please note the Live calling is a combination of outbound calling by the Trainer so you can see and hear in real time what Telesales is, and there is also time set aside for participants to make live calls whilst being coached from the course leader.
For companies looking to develop a full inbound sales methodology, we are the only sales training company with expertise at both inbound and outbound lead generation.
Consultative Selling Skills Training Course
Our Consultative sales skills course has been our best seller for the past 8 years. Revised and updated, this course is a must have for everyone in B2B sales.
The training course helps participants control and structure every sales conversation in a way that helps buyers uncovers their own personal reasons for buying, which are always more powerful than the Salespersons reasons.
This methodology is always popular with Non Selling professionals such as IT Professionals, Engineers, Professional Services, Consultants, Software Engineers, Project Managers, Accountants & Architects who don’t want to sound “Salesy” when in front of prospects.
The course covers the core concepts of Consultative selling which includes:
Modern Selling Sales Skills
The Consultative Sales Process
Uncovering Value
Human Behaviour
Selling Through Service & Winning Repeat Business
Building Trust
Sales Pipelines & Selling Process
Setting Sales Goals
Key Account Management Training Course
If your business is typical then 70-80% of next years revenues will come from this years customers. It’s also true that your customers are your competitors targets so without Professional Account Management these important clients may leave.
The course helps participants identify and build relationships with Key Stakeholders across the clients business and find and target new revenue opportunities within the account. Most course participants are either Account Managers, Relationship Managers, Technical Account Managers and Account Directors.
Our Key Account Management Training includes modules on:
Understanding Key Accounts
Segmenting & Defining Key Accounts
Planning for Key Accounts
Creating Key Account Plans
Sales Management Training Course
Sales Managers are the glue that holds sales teams together. With many Sales Managers carrying personal Sales Targets their time is more valuable than ever.
Our Sales Management Training covers the core topics of:
Sales Bench-marking
Sales Improvement Planning
Sales Performance Management
Coaching Sales Winners
Sales Management Skills
We deliver online sales training via self-paced learning and supported with or without live training and coaching.
We supply each of the above types of programme, however, we believe we have the best online sales training because of the learning methodology, or learning style we use which is called Work Based Learning.
Please read on to discover why this is important to you.
Depending on your requirements we have a number of options available to deliver online sales training to your sales force as follows:
Online Sales Training for Individuals – purchase individual licenses for less than 5 Salespeople hosted on our platform.
Online Sales Training for Teams – we offer a discounted rate for multiple licenses of our training content to teams with a minimum of 5 Salespeople hosted on our platform.
Online Sales Training for Teams – purchase Team licenses and host on your own company platform
Unlike most online training which is theory based, all our training courses follow the Work Based Learning methodology which as yet has no recognised certifying body.
All our training courses are Self-Certified and we provide Certificates to participants on successful completion of their training programme.
In addition to our Training Certificates Participants can include details of their Training on their Linkedin profile as shown below:
Our Online Sales Training for Beginners course is a mixture of self-paced and instructor -led training that covers the core concepts of selling business to business.
This Beginners Training course is suitable for the following:
People moving into new sales roles
Marketing teams who need to understand the basics of selling
Startup Founders
This course covers the core modules of Basic Selling:
Understanding Sales
Everything you Need to Know Before Talking to Customers Part 1
Everything you Need to Know Before Talking to Customers Part 2
In order to deliver a successful sales development programme we typically start by creating a bespoke plan for your company. Many of our Corporate clients have their own Learning & Development departments who can create and generate long term training plans for their sales teams. For those companies that don’t have that capability we can offer a bespoke service where we:
Identify the core sales competencies required for each sales role
Map the competencies against the learning objectives in our training modules
Create bespoke training plans and assessment programmes to deliver, record and assess participants
Our goal is to deliver the best Online Sales Training experience that can be delivered by a combination of face to face, self-paced online, and instructor led online sessions.
In addition to supporting your companies future growth and sales goals, your sales development plan should enhance the sales career and personal development of the participants.
Our sales trainers are very much hands on, and strike a balance between allowing participants learn an their own pace, and pushing them to meet the sales goals of the business.
Our Online Sales Training is delivered in a secure and stable platform online via Microsoft Teams. Individuals are invited into Teams and based on their requirements are assigned training modules to complete based on their personal Learning Objectives and any additional Objectives determined by their Line Manager.
To avoid learning fatigue all our courses are broken down into modules which are between 1 and 2 hours long. In addition we have short modules on selling skills which are between 10 and 30 minutes long.
The sales skills modules we provide are:
Advanced Questioning Skills
Controlling the Sales Conversation
Handling Stalls & Objections
Referrals & Testimonials
Online Sales Presentation Skills
Whiteboard Selling
Building Relationships
Value Creation
LinkedIn Sales Navigator/Social Selling
Dealing with difficult customers
Cross Selling & Upselling
Negotiation Skills
The Teams Portal provides the flexibility to configure the Channel in different ways which include the options of:
One of the most common questions we are asked by sales leaders is “What’s the difference between Sales Training and Sales Coaching” and why is it important. Training and coaching are two different things, that result in two different outcomes. In order to answer the question it’s important first to define what we mean by sales training and sales coaching.
We are not claiming our own definitions are either the industry standard, or the same as other service providers, however we do know from experience that our definitions make it easier for our clients to better understand their own needs which is the most important thing.
What is Sales Training?
Sales Training is the transfer of knowledge or skills.
What is Sales Coaching?
Sales Coaching supports the practical application of training (knowledge + skills) in the field.
At Klozers we define Sales Training as the “transfer of knowledge”, and the primary outcome from any transfer of knowledge should always be an increase in learning, education and understanding. There are of course secondary outcomes which are similar to the outcomes from coaching, but it’s important we understand the difference between the two.
This is why every training course regardless of the subject matter clearly articulates what the “learning outcomes” will be after the course, and usually do not reference any form of performance improvement.
In the western world over 90% of jobs requiring manual labour no longer exist, and we are now what we call a knowledge economy. Salespeople are paid for their knowledge and skills not manual labour, therefore for every Sales Person, knowledge is power, which is why Sales Training and Learning outcomes are so important.
Once we acknowledge that Sales Training is the mechanism by which we transfer knowledge, and that knowledge is power, it’s equally important to understand that in Sales more than any other subject, this knowledge is worthless unless the Sales Person takes the knowledge, and apply it in the field with prospects and customers.
Without this practical application of the new sales knowledge in the field, then the sales person risks being the smartest sales person in the office, where there are no customers. In most cases a sale never takes place unless a Sales Person has undertaken some form of activity/behaviour/action and this activity is where any new knowledge from training needs to be applied.
The same rules apply for inside sales, with the only difference being the channels with which they are communicating with the prospects/customers. If for example an Inside Sales Person attends a training course on Communication Skills, then unless they apply these skills on either the telephone, email or social media, the training is worthless.
We define Sales Coaching however as “supporting the practical application knowledge in the field”, and the outcome from coaching should always be an increase in skills, confidence and performance.
The main thing that sales training often lacks, and this is not a criticism, more a practical restriction, is that training cannot cover every possible scenario that a sales person will encounter when interacting with a prospect or customer. Those scenarios and equally important the context of each scenario, are what takes classroom sales training and turns it into Boardroom results.
10. The Importance of the Difference Between Training & Coaching
The best way to explain the importance of coaching would be to use the analogy of Golf. If we attend a 1, 2 or 3 day golf training session with Tiger Woods there is no doubt as one of the worlds greatest golfers Tiger Woods would be capable of delivering excellent training.
The course might cover things like the correct stance when addressing the ball, the correct grip and the optimum swing, and there is absolutely no doubt the course attendees would have some very specific and valuable learning outcomes.
What Tiger Woods cannot cover is the practical application of that knowledge next week when you are on the local course and you tried to change your grip, but because it was new to you it felt uncomfortable and for the first 9 holes, your new stance, grip and swing had left you 10 over par.
In these circumstances the golfer is most likely to revert back to his original stance, grip and swing and then might complete the next 9 holes on 5 over par which is his norm. No performance improvement takes place because there was no coach to support with the practical implementation of the new knowledge that the golfer had.
Furthermore, the golfer/sales person is typically left feeling frustrated and disappointed as he knows for sure that Tiger Woods had delivered great content in his course, and realises that he just does not have the ability to implement that knowledge.
Online Sales coaching supports the practical application of knowledge by support and providing context for the many different scenarios that a sales person will encounter with a prospect/customer.
Again if we go back to the Golf analogy. The coach would be able to help the Golfer understand why the knowledge that Tiger had delivered in the training course was not working, for example wind, ground conditions, course type and layout, club and balls – there are hundreds of external variables, never mind the internal variables such as the golfers mindset, belief system and attitudes that would affect the performance.
This is absolutely the same when any sales person goes into a meeting with a prospect/customer, there are hundreds of variables both external and internal that affect the outcome and performance. The role of the sales coach is to support sales reps in their endeavour to overcome these challenges.
Another important difference between sales training and sales coaching is the style. Modern training has thankfully moved away from a simple one way discussion telling people what to do. Games, exercises and good facilitation that engages the attendees should all be included, however the perception of training can often be negative and many attendees have mentally switched off before they get in the room/on the course.
They may have good reason for this based on a past negative experience, but either way the perception is not always positive and often the perception is related to the style. What we mean by this is the perception of sales training for many people is one of telling and from our own experience nobody especially sales people like to be told.
Coaching however is the opposite and is a question based approach to help the sales person discover for themselves the answers. That process of discovery and reflection is very powerful because it transfers ownership of the answer to the problems to the sales person. When the sales person comes up with the answers they then mentally own the answer which make them much more believable to the sales person.
Our online sales courses utilise the concepts of Work Based Learning as many companies and Salespeople no longer have the time available to dedicate days or even hours to training. The modern workplace demands that training not only fits in around the schedule of those involved, but that it also generates some form of value in addition to learning as an outcome.
As it sounds work based learning is focussed around learning and activities that are not only relevant to the job, they are based on sales activities that are the job. As human beings we predominantly learn and master skills by doing and repetition.
The Learning theorists claim we learn 70% by doing, 20% by watching and 10% by listening. Whilst I am sure these figures are not accurate, they are most certainly a good yardstick for any training programme, as the focus is on the learners actually doing the activities and behaviours which are vital for every Sales Person.
Although Work based learning is very different to traditional classroom based training it is still essential for the sales people to have some form of reflection, because like the golfer when they go out to apply the new learning not everything works first time in the field.
This learning by doing, and yes sometimes it will involve learning by failing, is by far the most powerful way for any human being to learn and master new skills. We also believe work based learning is now more important than ever, as sales people simply do not have the time to be away from either their desks or the field for days at a time in the way that traditional training dictates.
While Online Sales Training and Online Sales Coaching are all good there is one vital ingredient that every organisation needs in order for any form of sales improvement to take place and this is Accountability.
Without any form of accountability the Salespeople choose what to do, and when they will do it and in most cases this can be detrimental to the business. Sales Trainers and Coaches are neither in charge nor responsible for the sales people.
This must come from the companys’ own Sales Leadership, as the Sales Trainer can tell the Salespeople what to do, the Sales Coach can show the Sales people what to do, however only the Sales Leaders in the company can tell them what to do. Whilst we absolutely love sales people unfortunately in many organizations Salespeople are not held accountable and therefore choose for themselves what to do, how to do it, and when it is done. Again, in most cases this is not what is best for the business.
Developing a culture of accountability is in our opinion a vital ingredient for any business as quite simply without accountability nothing gets done. Like most things in life that are worthwhile there is no magic wand for Accountability and it takes planning, persistence and patience, but the end results are transformational both for the business and the people, as once the culture starts to take hold people are empowered and happier, because with accountability comes responsibility.
This also helps remove decision making bottle necks, and often the burden from senior people in the business, as the responsibilities are passed down the chain to newly empowered employees. Sales results are dependent on strong sales leadership and strong management. Not every decision will be popular and not every sales person will embrace the new culture.
In the book ‘Good to Great’, Jim Collins talks about employees as people on a bus. The people not only need to be on the right bus, but they need to be in the right seat for the bus to successfully reach its destination. Sometimes people who get on the bus at the start of the journey are neither in the right seat or on the right bus.
Sales Leadership is a continuous drive for sales improvement that leaves no stone unturned and in some cases this may involve asking people to leave our bus as they no longer have the right skill set, behaviours or mindset that the business needs to move forward.
Please don’t misunderstand us, we believe that a business has a duty to develop and grow every employee, however when those employees make it clear by their actions that they have no desire to develop and grow then it is negligent of the business to ignore this and not take action.
We create accountability online by including Line Managers in the learning process. On sign up participants are emailed a choice of Learning Objectives related to the course they have chosen. A selection of additional learning objectives are also provided and Learners can also add their own learning objectives all of which must be approved by their line manager.
By including Line Managers in the initial learning process we introduce Accountability. Line Managers are asked to verify the work based assignments and help assess whether the initial learning objectives have been met.