10 Reasons Why Sales Training is Important

Why sales training is important

Here's the short answer

Why Sales Training is Important. Sales Training is important because sales provides revenue which is the lifeblood of business. A well trained sales team will outsell your competitors and build relationships for future business. We would never hire a Lawyer, Accountant or Trades person if they hadn’t been trained and sales is equally important.

Why Sales Training is Important

Salesmanship training can benefit your business in a myriad of ways. Chances are you have a great deal of competition to gain an edge over, and sales training can help with this.

In many cases products and services can appear similar to customers and often when this happens companies try to compete on price.

Rather than try to compete on price in Business to Business sales people still buy from people so it makes more sense to have a well trained sales force than simply keep discounting your selling price.

Regardless of the advances in technology and social selling B2B sales is still a people to people activity and an experienced sales team can help you develop more leads and convert more prospects into customers.

There’s a new way to deliver sales growth…

Don’t buy Sales Training until you’ve watched this video

1. Return on Investment

Businesses across sectors invest vast sums of money into sales training each year, seeing exceptional returns on their investment.

As an example, when a salesperson learns how to sell without discounting their price, they can use this skill for the rest of their career.

Most companies recover the cost of training between 1 month and 6 months after completion. The time is largely dependent on the profitability and volume which is unique to every business.

2. Changes in your Market.

The internet has and continues to create huge changes in the way people and companies buy which makes the continued upskilling of your salespeople more important than ever.

All markets are dynamic by nature and training is an important part of keeping your salespeople up to date.

Changes in technology, legislation, customer needs, all serve to make you and your business less relevant unless you change with them.

Salespeople form a vital conduit between the customer and the business feeding back these changes to the business.

As a simple example, the use of Social Media in selling has now become a critical sales skill in modern selling.

Why Sales Training is Important

3. Building Brand Loyalty

Most sales professionals will connect with your customers and clients not only on a business level but a personal level too.

They can help you strengthen your credibility and position you in the eyes of your customers as Thought Leaders in your industry.

Sales Training helps your sales team accurately diagnose the root cause of your customers’ business pains and circumstances before offering solutions that match their requirements perfectly.

The better your customer experience is, the more likely it is that those customers will return to you to purchase more products and services, time and time again.

The vast majority of sales decisions are based on how much trust customers have in a brand and salespeople are an extension of your brand.

4. Business Growth

It’s simply impossible to grow any business unless you grow the people in the business. In it’s simplest terms every business has a strategy to grow.

A large part of that strategy will involve sales and unless your salespeople are trained then they may struggle to execute your strategy.

As an example, part of your growth strategy may be to start selling to larger companies. The sales strategy, tactics and skills required for this can be very different from selling to SMEs.

Quality sales training and coaching can give your team the knowledge that they need execute you growth strategy and take your business to the next level.

Technological advancements mean companies now need to do so much more to engage with their customers than before across multiple platforms.

This means queries need to be met with swift responses and pre-sales support needs to be easily available.

5. Optimise the Customer Experience

If a customer has a bad experience with your brand, there’s a big chance they will let others know about it and in the worst case use social media to tell everyone.

Whilst customer experience (CX) was once exclusively the domain of Account Managers companies have expanded their CX to include the very start of the sales process and the very end in the hope of converting existing customers to high value brand ambassadors.

Whilst more common in B2C more and more B2B companies have developed bespoke programmes to optimise the customers experience journey.

With the lifetime value of B2B deals worth considerably more than B2C ones, it’s no surprise that sales training in this area has become more and more relevant.

One customer’s horror story can quickly go viral and impact on your industry reputation. This is why sales training is important to your sales team to help them communicate quickly and effectively whilst resolving issues as soon as they arise.

Customers are also likely to let others know if they have an incredibly positive experience when dealing with your brand.

This can generate much more interest in your website, products and services. Sales training is important for any brand that wishes to improve and deepen its relationships with its customers.

6. Knowledge is Power

Sales training can also give your team a richer understanding of your products, services and the industry they serve.

The more your sales team know about what you do and what you sell, the more effective they will be when informing others and positioning your brand.

Prospective customers are unlikely to be swayed if the sales rep they’re talking to lacks sufficient knowledge about your company, products and services.

The best sales training tells your team how to sell from within the context of your brand, makes them more knowledgeable about your history and the benefits your products offer to your customers.

In B2B, sales training isn’t just about learning how to answer your prospects questions. What’s much more important is learning the right questions to ask.

The modern sales professional is as much a detective hunting down answers than simply answering the prospects questions.

At the most basic level, have you set a budget aside for this project yet, who else is involved in the purchasing decision, what timeline do you need your solution in place by?

These are all important questions that B2B companies need answers to before even qualifying a sales opportunity.

Salesmanship Training

7. Learning from Mistakes is Expensive

Unfortunately like every other profession and skill in B2B sales mistakes can happen. These mistakes can be painful and expensive.

Sales training and coaching is there to reduce the mistakes and help salespeople learn from them.

One mistake repeated once a month over the course of a year is an expensive way to learn, when an experienced sales trainer and coach could help the sales team avoid the mistakes in advance.

Whilst failure can be costly in sales what’s worse is the often debilitating effect it has on salespeople who don’t understand why the mistakes are happening or what they can do about it.

Most training programmes will help the sales team develop guides on best practice that can be shared to make sure the same mistakes are not being repeated across the organisation.

We’ve developed our own best practice guides over the years and made them available in our Sales Playbook which you can download for free here.

8. Versatility and Flexibility

No two businesses are the same, and even when businesses may appear similar, the needs of the business and the buyers can be hugely different.

Sales training helps sales professionals adapt their approach when working with different types of industries, businesses and buyers.

Sales training improves communication skills in a way that helps your team enhance their relationships when working with people both internally and outside of your company such as those with different DiSC profiles.

Training can also help your team turn unhappy customers into satisfied ones, allowing them to overcome obstacles more effectively. Given the Lifetime value of clients in B2B this is hugely important.

9. Increase Leadership Skills

Sales training can also help you boost leadership skills within your company as it helps people become more effective communicators and teaches them to think more strategically.

In addition to increased knowledge and skills an often overlooked and reason why sales training is important is the increase in personal confidence it provides.

Confidence in B2B sales is crucial part of success given the number and variety of differing scenarios salespeople can find themselves.

From simple 121 discussions in the boardroom through to delivering presentations to large groups of people from a stage, confidence is a key ingredient of the success of every sales person.

Training helps your team to understand your colleagues needs which is an important part of teamwork.

The best sales training courses enable delegates to develop high-quality communications skills that are essential for leadership roles.

10. Building Resilience in your Sales Team

Salespeople who have undergone sales training are more likely to become more resilient in the face of adversity.

Whilst rejections can hinder performance, trained sales professionals can overcome rejection and become more effective at winning customers over.

In sales you will always receive more No’s than Yes’s and to survive, let alone thrive in sales, it’s important to have skills and coping strategies to deal with this.

The excitement and highs of winning big deals inevitably come with the downs of losing large deals.

Whilst it’s important to always reflect after a loss, all to many times salespeople become overly self-critical and take the rejection and loss personally.

This kills confidence and in the worst case forces good people who could be succesful out of the industry, as they never had the support they needed to succeed.

Sales training is an important part of building resilience which will repay many fold when the business is confronted by the inevitable recession, lockdown or other crisis that is sure to come at some stage in the future

In Summary

When you evaluate all 10 points we’ve raised you will see Sales Training is important and an integral part of the growth of any business.

It’s also worth noting the importance of sales and marketing working together and breaking down any silos.

Sales and Leadership is all about taking action and that’s why sales training is so important. In addition Sales Management training is equally important has training a sales reprsentative.

There will always be a million reasons not to invest in training, however, sales are unlikely to improve unless you take action.

If you haven’t invested in sales training recently, it may well be time to take action. Klozers have a wide range of the best sales training programs available for delivery both in person and live online.

How to Sell to BIG Companies

How to Sell to Big Companies

Discover how to Find, Kloze and Grow Large Enterprise Accounts

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How to sell to big companies
How to sell to big companies

How to Sell to Big Companies. In order to sell to big companies you need to first create a shortlist of targets that meet your perfect prospect profile. Next, focus all your sales and marketing resources to research and create a unique sales approach for multiple contacts within the big company you are selling to.

What’s Inside



Introduction to Enterprise Selling

Selecting the right targets

Segmenting your accounts

Mastering the complex sale

Prep for Session 2

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The Door Opener

Right content, right contact, right time

How to write persuasive copy

The cadence of big account selling

The profitable, easy to deliver and replicate offer



What to say to Big Companies

How to control the sales conversation

The Contact Plan

Listen & Learn LIVE over the coaches shoulder

Your personal Action Plan

Course Author

How to sell your app to big companies

Iain Swanston

Founder, Klozers

After 35 years in B2B sales Iain just loves solving sales problems.
If you’ve ever attended one of his live events you’ll know, even during the breaks and after the event he always likes talking about sales. Iain is an Author, Speaker & our Lead Sales Coach.
Iain is on a mission to make sales easier for B2B companies and their salespeople.

“In the short time I’ve been working with Klozers I’ve used his guidance to develop positive new sales activities, techniques and a mindset that has significantly helped my sales confidence. As a results I’ve already seen excellent performance benefits that are directly attributable to working to the coaching.”

Alan Wood

Scotland Director

Salesforce Marketing Cloud

“This was my first ever sales training and genuinely still the most pertinent in my sales career. Iain taught us how to take leads through the sales journey from lead to opportunity to closure, I still use these skills today and encourage my colleagues to do the same. My earnings have more than doubled since Iain gave that pertinent training and his latest blogs have been shared internally between our sales and marketing teams as the advice rings true to what we are currently working on as a department”

Lynne Hall

Strategic Accounts Manager

E-On Energy

My coach was really flexible and was happy to talk in between my scheduled coaching slots, especially when I had burning questions and needed support fast. The debriefing calls we had after my sales meetings not only helped me understand where I could improve, they also gave me the right words to say, in the right sequence and at the right time.

Elliott Boll

Enterprise Learning Consultant


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How to sell an app to big companies

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How to sell to a big company
Remote Sales Coaching – Sales Playbook

“The first session was full of useful and practical sales information. I took so many notes and have come away with exercises I will carry out to help further clarify our approach to sales. I would highly recommend”

Rebecca Pick


Pick Protection

“Great training session with so much information packed into an hour. Looking forward to completing sessions 2 and 3. “

Max Anderson


SuperBot Experts

Very insightful content from Klozers this afternoon. Thank you Iain Swanston for the invite to attend. This shall be hugely beneficial for our business moving forward and I am looking forward to putting my learning into practice

Laurie Wilson

Regional Sales Manager

CMP Products

Learn How to Sell to Big Companies

If you are new to sales at some stage you will want to learn how to sell to big companies.   It’s common for most ambitious sales people and businesses, yet this can be a challenging or even, a near impossible experience. 

For example, finding the right people to talk with (yes there will also be more than one decision maker) can be like finding the proverbial needle in a haystack, and then trying to coordinate all these decision makers can be like herding cats. 

The longer sales cycles that inevitably arise from having multiple decision makers in a complex sale, then frustrate most sales people as time drags on. 

The large revenues that Enterprise sales can deliver, more often than not, prove so elusive that the salespeople give up and focus on smaller opportunities, they know they can convert. 

However, in some circumstances it can take the same amount of sales resources to convert a small opportunity as it does when selling the same product or service to a big company, so don’t give up just yet.

Learn More, Sell More, Earn More

How to sell your app to a big company
How to sell your app to a big company

How to Sell an Idea to a Big Company

Maybe you don’t have a product or service but instead you have an idea that you want to sell. It’s the sames process and the fact is, it is possible to sell to big companies and large enterprise organisations, although it does need a slightly different approach.

The first FREE 60 minute session in this course walks you through the preparation and planning required before you approach big companies.

When you sell to big companies you may also need some additional sales resources that are not as commonly used when selling to smaller organisations, such as a Business Case, a Cost Benefit Analysis – don’t worry we’ve got templates you can use for all of these.

If this sounds like lots of work, then Yes it is, and because of this many companies will not rely on any one individual, instead they will work as a team to win large accounts. Part of that team should include Marketing in order that you can target the right people in the buying organisation, with the right messaging, at the right time.

Run the sales campaign as a mini project with scope, roles and responsibilities, costings, objectives and milestones. Needless to say that it usually makes sense to be targeting more than one big company if you are going to do this professionally, but don’t make the mistake of having too many, as the campaign can then turn into a marketing initiative which by their very nature are more generic.

The key to success is that all the messaging must be bespoke and relevant to every target which takes time, which is time that you won’t have if you have too many targets. Again this course covers everything you need.

Before you start selling to big companies there are however two important considerations you should address as follows:

1) Does your company have the capability to successfully deliver a project on the scale that a big company will require?
In most cases you will only get one chance to sell to a big company and delivering success for your first big company will also give you a reference point that will help you sell to other big companies.

2) Does your company have the financial resources required to sell to a big company?

If you buy materials in January to create stock for February and have agreed 90 day payment terms this means you have to run 150 days without being paid. Some small businesses are not sufficiently funded to do this, so be careful what you wish for.

Selling to big companies can transform your business, but like most things in life that are worthwhile it’s usually not easy and doesn’t happen overnight, but it certainly can be worth it.

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How to sell to big companies

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The Best Sales Playbook in the World

Sales Teams with Sales Playbooks are 33% more likely to be high performers with win rates exceeding 50%

The Best Sales Playbook in the World
The Best Sales Playbook in the World

What is a Playbook in Sales

A playbook in Sales is a single repository that contains all the information, tools, templates, content, media, training and coaching that Salespeople require to execute their role successfully. The most common use of playbooks are for onboarding new salespeople, however, they are great for documenting your sales process and coaching salespeople.

What makes a good Sales Playbook?

A good sales playbook will help onboard new salespeople and get them to generate revenue as fast as possible. Playbooks help existing sales reps follow best practice, a proven sales process , develop their sales skills and behaviours and improve their productivity.

Join the next webinar for step by step instructions on how you can customise this playbook template for your business

Please note: The B2B Sales Playbook is built in the paid version of Microsoft OneNote that is included with Microsoft Office 365.

The Playbook will not open or load in the free version of OneNote.

Grab your template here:

1. Sales Playbook Framework

We’ve included our most popular sales tools and templates to provide you with the best sales playbook in the world and it’s 100% free.

Our sales playbook template is built inside Microsoft OneNote so it’s completely customisable to the needs of your own organisation.

Built with over 90 pages in 12 different sections this Playbook has everything you will ever need to know to help your Sales Team become more productive and proficient.

We recommend that you host the playbook inside a Channel in Microsoft Teams in order that sales and marketing teams working remotely can also access the document.

2. SaaS Sales Playbook Outline

SaaS playbooks or Inside Sales Playbooks are often different because SaaS sales can have a different sales process and structure, but either way we’ve got you covered.

For example, many SaaS companies have teams of Sales Development Reps (SDR’s) who are responsible for lead generation and the initial sales qualification process.

These B2B SaaS companies are scaling and Sales Playbooks form a vital role in recording, tracking and developing the sales function within the business as well as onboarding new sales team members.

In addition, the playbooks act as a simple but very effective sales enablement solution, helping them learn and implement best practice in sales while increasing productivity and performance via sales coaching and training.

Your sales playbook is the home for everything your sales and marketing teams need to be successful, From templates for buyer personas, buyer pain points, cold email templates, documenting the buyer’s journey, sales processes and use cases we’ve got you covered.

Playbooks are especially important for new hires who need to get up to speed and delivering as quickly as possible. Our template is the quickest way to get started creating your sales playbook and populating it with relevant content for your own sales team.

SaaS Sales Playbook
SaaS Sales Playbook

3. Sales Playbook Benefits

  1. Single Location: Playbooks provide a single location for everything a B2B Sales Reps needs to know in order to do their job successfully. Rather than having pieces of information scattered across different file locations, and in different departments which are difficult and time consuming to find, your Sales Playbook keeps everything in one easy to find location.
  1. Commonality: Sales Playbooks provide a common sales language that your sales and marketing teams can understand and follow.
  1. Continuous improvement: Digital Playbooks provide a living, working document that can be continuously updated to retain relevancy.
  1. Standardised Sales Process: Playbooks help salespeople follow the company’s proven sales process and buyer’s journey rather than having every sales rep following a different process.
  1. Best Practice: Sales Playbooks provide a location to document and report on the companys’ best practices in selling for others to learn and follow.
  1. Sales Coaching & Training: Sales playbooks provide a location to document and report on the learning & development plans for B2B sales reps. A good playbook improves the Sales Reps productivity and performance.

7. Save Time: Every leader in a SaaS company is time poor and having access to an instant knowledge base of sales content provides a solid foundation as you are building your team.

8. Building an Asset: As you begin to customise your sales playbook to meet your own strategy and methodology you can build in your own organisations KPIs, material, call scripts and content so it becomes a long term asset for the business.

9. Step by Step Guide: Your sales playbook provides a step by step guide on how your organisation goes to market. It covers everything from buyer personas, how to hire and onboard new reps, to KPI’s ROI, Performance management, proposals, channels, planning and strategy. It’s a single point of reference for everything in sales.

Sales Tools - Sales Battlecard

4. Sales Playbook Best Practices

1. Customisation – no two SaaS companies are the same so while it’s great to start with a framework, it’s important to customise the content of the playbook to match the needs of your organisation. Think of our playbook as a template to give you a head start on creating your own.

2. Updating – sales is a fast paced environment that is constantly changing and your sales playbook needs to be a living working document. Playbooks should be updated regularly and reviewed completely every six months.

3. Ownership – have a limited number of playbook owners with admin rights to stop anyone and everyone from editing the document. In OneNote this can be achieved by password protecting sections and pages. Improvements and additions can be fed back to the administrators on an ad-hoc basis or at Sales Meetings.

4. Engagement – playbooks have no impact on Sales unless they are used. Sales Managers must hold Sales Reps accountable to using and following the playbooks. “51% of reps attain quota at firms using a Sales Playbook, compared to 40% at firms who don’t have a Sales Playbook.” Aberdeen Group

5. Content – In addition to being relevant content should be easy to consume and engaging. Avoid massive PowerPoint decks with generic messaging. Use multimedia and a mixture of content types where possible.

6. Access – Sales Playbooks should be Cloud based however having access to them offline may be critical for some Reps, in which case the Playbooks should be downloadable but with restrictions on editing.

5. Sales Playbook Content

Your copy of the best Sales Playbook in the World contains:


This is where you can store information on your industry like statistics, trends and market intelligence. You can track and follow Industry Thought Leaders, top industry publications and Industry Bodies and Organisations so your teams are always up to date.


In this section you can provide details on your company’s History, Mission and Values. This is also where you would place your Sales Strategy and Sales Plan so every team member knows the “Why” behind what you do, and can align their sales behaviours with the Sales Plan. Lastly in this section we record all the companies products and services.


When you join a new company and you don’t know anyone the first few weeks can be quite intimidating. This section contains an internal directory in order that new team members can quickly identify and connect with any colleague including those outside the sales department.

Sales Playbook Best Practices
SaaS Sales Playbook Best Practices


The modern B2B sales team uses at least six sales tools and in addition to finding login details quickly salespeople need quick access to Training, Knowledge Bases and Support details. Some examples of Sales Tools are MS Teams, CRM, Office 365, Digital Signing, Cloud Storage, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, Marketing Automation, Email Automation, Email Finders, Video Email Apps, Survey Apps and Training programmes.


This section is where you can store information of your clients. These are typically examples of clients/buyers that fit your sales prospect profiles, common pain points, clients who provide good case studies, testimonials, channel partners or strategic accounts.


It’s important that Reps have and follow a proven Sales Process. This process provides a track for the salespeople to follow which is repeatable and measurable. We have also included an example of our Qualifying template which you can customise to meet your own needs.


Sales plays are where we document our sales messaging and structure for controlling the sales conversation with a buyer. They include templates for what we call a Door Opener which is similar to an Elevator pitch. There are also sections for buyer personas, pain points, how to deal with prospects Stalls & Objections, How to deliver product Demos, Pricing, Proposals, Sales Stories and Customer Meeting Notes.


This is where you can store information and intelligence on your competitors. We are great fans of Sales Battlecards which you can use to win deals against your competition. The Battlecards help you steer the buyer conversation to the areas that favour your solution the most and make it more difficult for your competitors to compete. In short this shows you how to move the goals posts in the middle of the sales process to sabotage your competitors bid.


No more searching for files, flyers, technical specifications, case studies, testimonials and pricing sheets. Everything is stored inside this OneNote section in your sales playbook.

Sales Negotiation Coaching
Coaching en négociation de vente

5.10 KPI’S

Every Sales Rep needs to know their numbers and what are the Key Deliverables for their role. We have listed all the KPI’s you will need for you to choose from and then create your own Sales Scorecards to manage Sales Reps.


Learning is your library for Onboarding Plans, Sales Coaching Playbooks, Training Planners, Personal Learning Plans, Sales Coaching Notes, Goal Setting and experiential learning and simulations.

5.12 ADMIN

The very last section is our Admin section. In here we store Team Meeting notes, Compensation & Commission, Expenses and a Time Management Tracker.

6. Sales Coaching Playbook

As a sales training and coaching company we use Sales Playbooks for training and sales coaching probably more than any other business. Playbooks are a great place to include:

  • Onboard Plans for new Salespeople
  • Personal Learning Plans
  • Sales Coaching Plans
  • One to One Sales Coaching Notes
  • Training Plans
  • Skills Based Training Modules
  • Activity Based training Modules
  • Product Training
Sales Coaching Playbook

7. Sales Messaging Playbook

Sales Messaging is an often overlooked and undervalued area of sales, however when you lose business to a competitor it means that someone else is either saying or doing something better than you.

In sales, we have little to no control of the product, but we have 100% ownership of our messaging.

Robert Cialdinis best seller Influence is a testament to this and a great read for anyone in sales.

We call our Sales Messaging our Sales Plays and we have a whole chapter in the playbook dedicated to this.

Sales Messaging – our Sales Plays should include every possible part of the Sales Conversation that a Salespeople will have as they walk a prospect/buyer through the sales process.

In addition, our Playbook includes templates for creating your Perfect Prospect Profile / buyer personas to make sure your messaging matches with your prospect/buyer in every way.

8. Sales Playbook Download

Join the next webinar for step by step instructions on how you can customise this playbook template for your business

Please note: The B2B Sales Playbook is built in the paid version of Microsoft OneNote that is included with Microsoft Office 365.

The Playbook will not open or load in the free version of OneNote.

Grab your template here:

The Definitive Guide to Sales Training

sales training course


We’ve written this guide based on the most common questions we are asked by companies considering purchasing Sales Training, those who have bought sales training from us, and those who are considering implementing their own sales training programmes.

Our goal is to give you as much information as possible to make an educated decision on Training for you and your business.

If there are any questions we have missed then please leave a comment below and we will add them in for future visitors.

Sometimes the answers to these questions may lead to other questions which are unique to your situation and if that’s the case you can reach us via the contact page.

Best Online Sales Training Courses
Best Online Training Courses

Related Content on Sales Training

1. Sales Training Prices

How much does Sales Training Cost?

The biggest influence on training costs are the way that the training course or content is delivered. Free sales training is available by reading books and some online courses. Paid training in most cases involves facilitator-led sessions and costs between £450 per person for a one day course, up to circa £10,000 per person for 12 month programmes.

We have an open and transparent pricing policy and you can view the prices of all our sales training programmes.

Larger organisations can make savings by volume purchasing and Facilitator costs are between £3,500 and £15,000 per day, however, in most cases they will restrict class sizes to circa 15 to maintain a good learning environment.

As most companies move away from Impact Training (one-day events with no follow up) more and more companies are adopting a longer-term approach to developing their salespeople and using regular weekly and monthly sales training and coaching sessions.

Is Sales Training Effective?

The level of effectiveness of training is directly linked to the time spent designing the training programme, measuring the outputs of the sales training, and lastly following through on the training to ensure it is embedded in the organisation moving forward.

As a minimum, the follow-through would include sales coaching but may include further training and personal development.

If you consider the Sales Reps are in effect learning new skills for life as long as the training is relevant, well delivered and receives follow through training easily delivers a strong ROI.

Sales Training - Choose Growing
Choose Growing

Back to Table of Contents

2. Designing Sales Training Programmes

What is Sales Training?

Sales Training refers to the process of teaching and developing salespeople on how to sell more effectively. Training may include both the theoretical and practical skills required to be effective in sales.

Sales Effectiveness can be measured in many different ways, however, the main KPI’s may include Total Sales, Cost of Sales, Sales Margins, Sales Conversion ratios, Length of Sales Cycle and Lifetime Customer Value.

Training may include Skills Training which can also be referred to as Sales Competencies or Learning Competencies. These refer to the practical activities that salespeople undertake on a regular basis. This could include skills such as Prospecting, Rapport Building, Active Listening, Questioning & Planning.

What is a Sales Training programme?

A Training programme is typically a long term learning and development programme lasting for between 6 months and a year, whereas a Training course would normally be held over 1 or two days.

Training programmes often include a number of sales training courses that form part of the wider training programme.

What is a Sales Training process?

A Training process is a step by step programme that would take a Salesperson through the different areas of sales that they need to develop and improve.

An example of this would be when a new person joins a company they will go through a Sales Training Process that may include training on the company’s history, products and services, target markets, case studies, skills training and sales management training.

The sales training process often needs to be flexible to allow learners to join at different points in the process and allow them to progress at different speeds which is called self-paced learning.

What Sales Training ideas do you have?

All Training should be needs-based, meaning that the topics or ideas should be driven by the needs of the salespeople and the business. These training needs are often found by studying the sales data, analytics, industry trends or the future needs of the business if there is a change in sales strategy.

Training ideas are the start of the learning process as they need to be developed into structured programmes with learning objectives and learning outcomes that can be assessed and measured.

If the Training is not needs-based then there is a real danger that the training will have no relevance to the Salespeople. When this happens learners switch off and even important components within the training are missed.

How do I create a Training curriculum?

A Training curriculum will vary dependent on the course design and learning objectives.

We recommend:
1. Identifying the Sales Competencies required for success in the Sales role from a business perspective 
2. Identify the sales competencies that make your Top sales performers stand out
3. Prioritise the competencies based on your KPI’s for success
4. Understand what Best Practice is for each Competency in your organisation and document it
5. Create appropriate learning content with learning objectives and measurable outcomes
6. Train Salespeople on the Sales Competencies and measure the outcomes
7. Use Sales Managers and Top Performers for follow-through coaching that reinforces the training.
8. Link financial rewards to learning goals as much as revenue goals

What Training Competencies should I consider?

Historically training was delivered via 1 and 2-day courses however as training itself has developed more and more organisations break down their training needs into Competencies. We group these competencies into the four main areas of sales performance which are:
1. Finding new customers
Why Prospects Buy, How to target prospect, Making Cold Calls to Prospect, How to Uncover Business Pain, Uncovering Where Prospects See Value, Using Social Media to Sell, Building a Personal Brand, Qualifying Sales Tenders, Listening Skills

2. Closing new customers
Building Trust, Consultative Selling Skills, Handling Stalls & Objection, Maintaining Sales Pipelines, Differentiating your Products and Services, How to Beat your Competition, Selling Value Not Price

3. Growing existing customer revenues and

Selling through Customer Service, Key Account skills, Maximising Meetings with Prospects, Preparing for Sales Negotiation

4. Development or Learning Goals

Managing Personal Time, Improving Self Performance,  Understanding Human Behaviour, Leading Others, Coaching and mentoring, Mindset

The relevance of each Sales Competency can be different from one business to another and one industry to another however the main competencies we work with are

Will you help us design our own Bespoke Sales Training programme?

Yes. We can work with you to co-create your own learning programmes and content. Depending where you are in the design process this takes anything from 2 weeks to 2 months.

Who needs Sales Training?

Many different groups of people need sales training, however, the most common groups include Graduates, People transitioning to Sales from another position, Salespeople looking to develop their careers, Entrepreneurs, Consultants and Engineers.

In reality, anyone who has contact with customers, whether that be via chat, phone or face to face can benefit from Training. More and more companies are asking for formal training as part of the interview process, as they only want to hire new salespeople who can hit the ground running so to speak.

Changes in Buyer behaviour means that where previously customers were served by humans either face to face or telephone are now purchasing the same products and services by shopping carts online. If anyone in Sales wants to future proof their career they should invest continuously in themselves.

Do you provide Learning Management Systems?

Yes. Learning Management systems (LMS) are online software applications that provide the end to end management of the learning and development of your sales team.

There are many LMS applications to choose from that have different features and if you have specific requirements you will need to undertake some research. For most companies over 80% of their LMS requirements can be met with Microsoft applications that they are already paying for.

We use MS Teams as the base platform which we customise to include Needs Analysis, Sales Playbooks, Training Courses, Learning Assessments, Coaching Programmes and Content Management Systems.

What Different Sales Training methods are available?

There are 4 main training methods that companies are using as follows:
1. Self Study. As a training method self-study is difficult to measure in terms of effectiveness. Without any design or structure or support there will be a limit to how effective this method is however all training and learning is good training so this should not be discounted.

2. Role Play. This is not always popular, however, when Roleplay sessions are designed and conducted well they are not only very powerful, they are also enjoyable for the participants. Roleplay continues to be the most effective way to build the muscle memory required to make real changes in sales behaviour.

3. Observation. Many companies monitor and record telephone calls to ensure Salespeople are following their sales process and complying with any regulatory requirements. For Field Sales Teams “ride-alongs” whereby a Sales Manager or Sales Mentor accompanies a Sales Rep to observe and provide feedback.

4. Workshops. Sales Workshops are a great way to facilitate peer learning amongst your Sales Team however their success lies in the design and facilitation of each session. Workshops are usually focussed around a single topic and would last between 1 hour and 1 day.
Training Courses. Despite the move away from Impact Training, Sales Training courses are still a powerful sales training method. In most cases training courses are now highly interactive, activity-based sessions that engage and inspire learners.

5. Self-Directed Sales Training. When people have ownership of anything they tend to have a higher rate of engagement so allowing Sales Teams to Self Direct and in effect choose their own training can be very powerful. In order to be effective Self Directed training needs to have a framework that guides and challenges learners.
Sales Playbooks. Sales Playbooks are digital repositories that contain everything on how and organisation sells. The “Books” are divided into chapters that contain different information such as products and services, sales plays, the companys sales process, product and service information, technical data, case studies and testimonials. Playbooks are great tools that every organisation should have.

Consultative Sales Process
Consultative Sales Process

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3. Types of Sales Training Available

What types of Training programmes do you offer?

There are many different types of Training Programmes however most training programmes are categorised by course delivery type:

1. Online via our Learning Portal
2. Open Courses, where anyone can attend from any company
3. In-house Courses where we deliver courses exclusively for one organisation
4. Bespoke Sales Training programmes where we co-create learning content with you

Once you have chosen your course delivery type sales training programmes are further categorised by their content:
Product Training & Sales Skills Training.

In terms of Sales Skills Training the most popular skills bases sales training programmes are:
1. Telephone Sales Skills
2. Key Account Management Training
3. Consultative Selling Skills Training
4. Sales Management Training

Many Training programmes now include an element of Sales Coaching to ensure follow-through which makes every training programme more effective.

Do you provide Online Sales Training?

Online training has become more and more popular and now nearly every organisation delivers part of their training online.

The most common area for this is the adoption of online training as part of a Sales Enablement system which are one-stop repositories for everything connected to sales inside an organisation.

Online Training is also widely used for onboarding new salespeople, both graduates and experienced salespeople as it allows them to quickly learn the fundamentals of selling within that organisation without tying up more senior salespeople to deliver this.

We provide Online Training both as a stand alone service and to compliment and support our face to face delivery. Our training programmes are delivered via Microsoft Teams and prices start at £97 + VAT

Do you provide Training courses for beginners?

There are numerous options for training courses for beginners with most companies having their own in house onboarding programmes. In addition, there are many sales training courses for beginners available online, however, online learning for sales does have it’s limitations.

You can’t teach someone how to make a pot without at some stage, them getting their hands dirty and practising on a pottery wheel. Selling is a hands-on activity that needs to be learned on the job.

Do you provide Sales Training Videos?

Yes all our online training courses include raining videos which are a great learning tool to complement and support a training programme.

They are especially helpful for Remote training and coaching and really lend themselves to product, process and technical training. Whilst it is possible to use video for Skills training it can be difficult to include every context and therefore needs to be used as part of a wider blended learning programme.

Do you provide Sales Webinars?

Yes. We run monthly Training webinars for our customers as a way to reinforce our Training access our Sales Trainers from anywhere in the world.

Our webinars include the facility to ask the presenters questions and in most cases these webinars can be recorded and accessed offline.

These can form the basis of a lunch and learn where you need to stimulate a conversation around a particular sales topic.

Do you provide PPT (PowerPoint) presentations on your Training?

No. We do use PPT, however, our sales trainers only use them as a way to support our blended learning process.

Blended learning is an approach to training that includes a mix of different content such as Training PPT’s and quizzes, worksheets, templates, guides and most importantly, activities and interactions with the sales trainer and their peer group.

Furthermore, studies have shown that people learn and retain knowledge and skills more by doing than training. This is more relevant in Sales than most other topics.

Do you provide post course support for Training?

Yes. We use our online learning portal to engage with your salespeople before the training to ensure we include and specific content they need. After training our participants have access to the portal for a further 12 months to ensure they get the support they need.

Do you provide Sales Coaching?

Yes. We have a range of sales coaching programmes available for Salespeople and Sales Leaders.

Sales Change
Sales Change

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5 Easy Ways for Using MS Teams for Sales

Using MS Teams for Sales - desk

There’s a new way to deliver sales growth…

Don’t buy Sales Training until you’ve watched this video

In this article we will cover...

Using MS Teams for Sales

We’ve previously written about how we use Microsoft OneNote for Sales Management for everything from recording meeting notes through to online sales coaching and training and sales playbooks. We are big fans of OneNote, but what really turbocharges OneNote for us, is the ability to create, store, access and use inside MS Teams.

With so many people now using MS Teams from home Teams has gone from a Business product to a household brand that everyone can use. Unlike its competitors that lack the Enterprise level of security, MS Teams has multilayered security allowing users to configure Teams to bring sales prospects, customers and employees all together. In some cases that might not be appropriate, however, in many cases we help our clients configure Teams so they have:

  1. Using the Public Access feature to deliver Live Events & Sales Webinars for Lead Generation
  1. Using Group Access to position your business as an Industry thought leader
  1. External Company access for Sales Prospects to take them through a Complex Sales Process
  1. In house access where Teams for Managing Sales Opportunities, for example, collaborating on Tenders
  1. In House access where Teams is used as the “host platform” for a Learning Management System based on OneNote, MS Forms, Planner, Yammer, Stream, To Do, Calendar and My Analytics or even third party apps like Moodle.

Let’s take a closer look at each of these scenarios and see why using MS Teams for sales makes so much sense.

1. Public Access for Live Events using MS Teams for Sales

Every business needs new customers and the Live Events feature inside Teams allows you to create and run events open to the public as part of your Lead Generation Programme. Over the years we have found that many Salespeople struggle to pick up the telephone and make sales calls.

Some even struggle to send emails and LinkedIn connection requests because they are introverts and don’t want to face the possible rejection that comes in sales. We’ve found that create FREE high-value Events are a great way to overcome this because most Salespeople are much happier calling or emailing a FREE invitation. The reality is Events are a great way to position your business, raise awareness and start conversations with prospects.

If you’re struggling with ideas on what High-Value event you could deliver think about what’s relevant and what’s current. Are there changes in Legislation surrounding your industry? Are their new trends in your industry?

If you’re still unsure look up your Industry News site and run a Live Event on the topic they are headlining with. If you don’t know anything about the topic find the expert source that the News article referenced and interview them for the Live event using questions from the attendees.


If you are planning on using MS Teams for Sales, the Public Access feature may not be available or switched on in your companies current MS Teams platform. If Public Access is not available then you will require a user with Admin Rights to switch this feature on from inside the Teams Admin Centre. Once Inside the Admin Centre you should look for the Meetings section and from there the Live Events policies. Please check the video for easy to follow directions.

Using MS Teams for Sales - Live Event Schedule
Using MS Teams for Sales – Live Event Schedule

The notes not only help us remember what was said and what next steps need to be taken they are great for referring back to when we send a “Thank you for meeting me email” with a summary of the notes and if we need to create a proposal or presentation later in the sales process.

If you are in the Admin Centre it’s worthwhile using the additional features in Teams to customise your Meeting Invitations:
Your Company Logo
Your Legal T’s and C’s
Your Support Contact for the Event
Your Company strapline in the Footer
These are then displayed whenever a recipient opens their Meeting Invite.

We should point out we’re not a Tech Channel so here are the links to Microsofts’ own guide to making these changes.

Getting started with Microsoft Teams Live Events

Setting up Live Events in MS Teams

Once you have Live Events configured you can create your own Event from inside teams by clicking on Calendar and then use the drop-down menu to access the live events option.

Using MS Teams for Sales - Live Event
Using MS Teams for Sales – Live Event

From here you can then add the Meeting Title and all the details. Next, simply copy the link and insert it into your emails or lead generation campaigns.

2. Group Access for Sales using MS Teams

Whereas Public Access in MS Teams is a great platform for Live events, we recently configured Teams for a client who wanted a Channel to communicate with a specific industry that was going through huge changes with the Pandemic and needed a platform to talk to them.

They invited over 350 customers and 450 prospects into Teams and are delivering weekly updates to an entire industry. They are now seen as thought leaders in the industry and it’s a great way to start conversations that lead to relationships that lead to sales.

You can use the same strategy and use MS Teams to create a platform so that you can talk to your industry.

You could deliver updates on new laws and regulations, industry trends and insights, interview industry thought leaders and invite your customers to talk about their businesses and experiences.

We would, however, warn against overtly selling in these types of communications as the minute the audience believes they are being sold to, they will start to drop out and the Channel will wither.

3. Company Access for Sales Prospects inside MS Teams

In B2B Sales it’s increasingly difficult to reach all the decision-makers in the Sales Process. In many cases they send a “Scout” to find information not available on your website and do all they can to keep Salespeople at a distance throughout the buying process.

What these buyers want is information and in most cases a quote or proposal and when they have it they immediately cease all contact. This can be a huge waste of time and money for the selling organisation as tenders become more and more complicated, needing multiple people in the way of bid teams to respond. If you’re not sure if this is happening to you simply check back through your CRM and you’ll see that many deals stall immediately after the prospect receives the pricing and information they need.  

There is no easy way around this however what’s working for our clients is offering limited information up-front and then holding back until the other Decision Makers engage. They do this by re-framing the sales opportunity as a project and using Teams as the “Project Management Portal” to gather the needs of all the “stakeholders”.

This brings the buyers out and allows a controlled release of the information in exchange for engagement. This doesn’t work on every deal however it very quickly “smokes” out the genuine buyers from those just using the Salespeople for pricing.

An additional benefit of this approach is the Sales Team can invite Pre-Sales, operations, delivery teams and aftercare teams to the Teams Channel in the solution forming phase of the sale which can provide a richer sales experience for the customer. This is a great point of differentiation and whilst no sales strategy works every time it’s low cost and easy to try.

Lastly this strategy shouldn’t be applied across the board unless every sales opportunity is large and comes with a bespoke solution. We only implement this for deals above £10k, but you can choose where to set the bar.

4. Inhouse Access for Using Teams on Bids & Tenders

The most common use for MS Teams is the call and video conferencing functions, however, there is much more functionality that can help Sales Teams sell more. MS Teams makes Sales Teams more productive, more focussed and delivers a better user experience which in turn increases productivity.

There are numerous advantages with Teams such as the chat function, which allows us to stay connected without cluttering up our Outlook Inbox. Whether it’s Yammer, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, or any of the other O365 products, they can all be accessed and worked on from inside the Teams environment.

If you have bid teams responding to tenders the Bid documents can be created, stored and developed within the Teams environment and Tender Teams can collaborate and even edit the same document simultaneously.

In many cases the Bid creation process can run down to the deadline and when multiple authors are involved which can create time delays as each contributes and updates potentially separate copies of the one document. The Multi author allows uses inside Teams to make edits and additions live and see the document develop as their work colleagues contribute in real time.

Whether it’s Word, Excel, PowerPoint or any of the other O365 products, they can all be accessed and worked on from inside Microsoft Teams.

5. Teams as a Learning Management System

Many companies now acknowledge the tangible benefits of training, coaching and developing their people. Sales Training and Coaching itself has changed and improved over the years, whereas in the past training was in most cases was one-off event, they are now almost always part of a bespoke sales training programme. In order to deliver these programmes software companies have developed SaaS models where companies can create bespoke learning programmes.

There are numerous Learning Management Systems on the market each with some great functionality, however, Microsoft Teams has for most companies all the functionality they will ever need from an (LMS). Furthermore, the beauty of using MS Teams as an LMS is both compelling and simple:

  1. You are already paying for it with your 0365 Licence
  2. Your people are already working inside the O365 suite every hour of every day so that’s a great place for learning.

Although there is no one standard in terms of the functionality of an LMS, for most companies an LMS has the capability to, create, document, record, measure, store and deliver training programmes. In practical terms this means:

Using OneNote for Sales Management - Coaching Notes
Using MS Teams for Sales – OneNote as an LMS

Create. Document, Record. You can create learning content in OneNote, MS Wiki, MS Paint, MS Word, MS PowerPoint, Stream, MS Whiteboard, Excel, Publisher.

Measure. You can test and measure learning using all of the above and MS Planner and MS Forms.

Store. You can store all your content in either One Drive or SharePoint.

Deliver. You can deliver all your training and coaching using MS Teams and acknowledge achievements via MS Praise.

In addition to the suite of O365 tools there are many additional third-party applications available from inside MS Teams to both enhance and compliment your existing applications. For example, you can connect to

CRM systems – MS Dynamics CRM, Salesforce CRM, NImble, Zoho or iGlobe CRM.
Productivity – Asana, Trello, Jira & Stormflow.
Communications – Survey Monkey, Mail Chimp, Mail Clerk & Text Bot.

There are hundreds of other applications available and the number of these apps including Moodle which is a stand alone LMS that can be connected into your Teams Channel.

We’ve also written on the benefits of using OneNote for Sales Management and Coaching which are an important part of any LMS. We rally like the combined functionality of MS Teams and OneNote as a Coaching platform to help develop Salespeople.

You can break down your Training into competencies and deliver bespoke sessions on specifics like sales prospecting, pipeline management sales closing techniques all from inside your own Sales Playbooks in OneNote. We use our Sales Playbooks with every client and the combination of creating and using OneNote for the Playbook, and delivering them through Teams is really powerful.

6. Recommended Reading

If you would like to discover some of the free templates that we use inside teams then check out our B2B Sales Tools.

The Best Online Sales Training Courses with Live Coaching

Best Online Sales Training Courses

1. Online Sales Training Courses

We believe we have the best online sales courses because we’re different and here’s why:

  • Everything we teach, we actually do as part of Klozers own sales strategies. This means we have a deep understanding and not just text book theories.
  • Each sales training course is live. With interactive exercises, we deliver an immersive learning experience.
  • Our training includes work based learning which means you are assigned practical tasks and sales skills to practice as part of your every day sales role, in order that you learn while you are doing.

Please note: we would never encourage you to provide your products and services for free, and in the same vein we do not provide free sales training.

Nothing in life that is worth anything is free.

Best Online Sales Training Courses
Best Online Sales Courses

How much does online sales training cost?

Online sales training costs start from free and can rise up to $15,000 per month. The cost varies based on how many people are required to be trained, how much customisation the training content requires, and how much online support the attendees require throughout the training programme.

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2. Online Sales Training Course

We have the best online sales courses available which cover all the sales skills required for Professional B2B selling. Our sales courses each include relevant modules on sales skills from how to attract customers to sales presentations through to how to close sales . Some modules are common across more than one course, whilst others are unique to specific courses.

The content can be modified to meet the specific needs of your sales team. In addition to the training on sales techniques, our coaches are very much hands on, and can work with you to develop your value proposition, sales strategies and the planning and execution thereof.

  1. Telesales Training Course

Contrary to what most people believe, the Telephone is still one of the most powerful sales prospecting tools available. With more Salespeople working from home this training course is more important than ever to keep sales reps both busy and productive.

Historically this training course was most popular with entry level sales professionals, however, this course is a great refresher for experienced Business Development Executives and Account Managers who spend all, or part of their time working from home.

Much more than an old fashioned cold calling course the training covers the core Telephone sales skills concepts of:

  • Identifying Potential Buyers
  • Sales Messaging that Wins
  • Creating a Sales Mindset
  • Live Calling Session 1 and Role Playing
  • Live Calling Session 2 and Role Playing

Please note the Live calling is a combination of outbound calling by the Trainer so you can see and hear in real time what Telesales is, and there is also time set aside for participants to make live calls whilst being coached from the course leader.

For companies looking to develop a full inbound sales methodology, we are the only sales training company with expertise at both inbound and outbound lead generation.

  1. Consultative Selling Skills Training Course

Our Consultative sales skills course has been our best seller for the past 8 years. Revised and updated, this course is a must have for everyone in B2B sales.

The training course helps participants control and structure every sales conversation in a way that helps buyers uncovers their own personal reasons for buying, which are always more powerful than the Salespersons reasons.

This methodology is always popular with Non Selling professionals such as IT Professionals, Engineers, Professional Services, Consultants, Software Engineers, Project Managers, Accountants & Architects who don’t want to sound “Salesy” when in front of prospects.

The course covers the core concepts of Consultative selling which includes:

  • Modern Selling Sales Skills
  • The Consultative Sales Process
  • Uncovering Value
  • Human Behaviour
  • Selling Through Service & Winning Repeat Business
  • Building Trust
  • Sales Pipelines & Selling Process
  • Setting Sales Goals
  1. Key Account Management Training Course

If your business is typical then 70-80% of next years revenues will come from this years customers. It’s also true that your customers are your competitors targets so without Professional Account Management these important clients may leave.

The course helps participants identify and build relationships with Key Stakeholders across the clients business and find and target new revenue opportunities within the account. Most course participants are either Account Managers, Relationship Managers, Technical Account Managers and Account Directors.

Our Key Account Management Training includes modules on:

  • Understanding Key Accounts
  • Segmenting & Defining Key Accounts
  • Planning for Key Accounts
  • Creating Key Account Plans
  1. Sales Management Training Course

Sales Managers are the glue that holds sales teams together. With many Sales Managers carrying personal Sales Targets their time is more valuable than ever.

Our Sales Management Training covers the core topics of:

  • Sales Bench-marking
  • Sales Improvement Planning
  • Sales Performance Management
  • Coaching Sales Winners
  • Sales Management Skills

We deliver online sales training via self-paced learning and supported with or without live training and coaching.

We supply each of the above types of programme, however, we believe we have the best online sales training because of the learning methodology, or learning style we use which is called Work Based Learning.

Please read on to discover why this is important to you.

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3. How to Book the Best Online Sales Training

Pricing on all our courses and details on how to book can be found via the B2B Sales Training Courses

Best Online Sales Training Courses
Best Online Sales Training

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4. Online Sales Training for Sales Teams

Depending on your requirements we have a number of options available to deliver online sales training to your sales force as follows:

  1. Online Sales Training for Individuals – purchase individual licenses for less than 5 Salespeople hosted on our platform.
  1. Online Sales Training for Teams – we offer a discounted rate for multiple licenses of our training content to teams with a minimum of 5 Salespeople hosted on our platform.
  1. Online Sales Training for Teams – purchase Team licenses and host on your own company platform

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5. Online Sales Training Certification

Unlike most online training which is theory based, all our training courses follow the Work Based Learning methodology which as yet has no recognised certifying body.

All our training courses are Self-Certified and we provide Certificates to participants on successful completion of their training programme.

Best Online Sales Training Courses - Certification
Best Online Sales Training – Certification

In addition to our Training Certificates Participants can include details of their Training on their Linkedin profile as shown below:

Linkedin Sales Training Accreditation
LinkedIn Sales Training Accreditation

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6. Sales Training for Beginners

Our Online Sales Training for Beginners course is a mixture of self-paced and instructor -led training that covers the core concepts of selling business to business.

This Beginners Training course is suitable for the following:

  • Graduates
  • People moving into new sales roles
  • Marketing teams who need to understand the basics of selling
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Startup Founders

This course covers the core modules of Basic Selling:

  • Understanding Sales
  • Everything you Need to Know Before Talking to Customers Part 1
  • Everything you Need to Know Before Talking to Customers Part 2
  • Winning Your First Sale

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7. Sales Training Plans

In order to deliver a successful sales development programme we typically start by creating a bespoke plan for your company. Many of our Corporate clients have their own Learning & Development departments who can create and generate long term training plans for their sales teams. For those companies that don’t have that capability we can offer a bespoke service where we:

  1. Identify the core sales competencies required for each sales role
  1. Map the competencies against the learning objectives in our training modules
  1. Create bespoke training plans and assessment programmes to deliver, record and assess participants

Our goal is to deliver the best Online Sales Training experience that can be delivered by a combination of face to face, self-paced online, and instructor led online sessions.

In addition to supporting your companies future growth and sales goals, your sales development plan should enhance the sales career and personal development of the participants.

Our sales trainers are very much hands on, and strike a balance between allowing participants learn an their own pace, and pushing them to meet the sales goals of the business.

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8. Online Sales Training Portal

Our Online Sales Training is delivered in a secure and stable platform online via Microsoft Teams. Individuals are invited into Teams and based on their requirements are assigned training modules to complete based on their personal Learning Objectives and any additional Objectives determined by their Line Manager.

To avoid learning fatigue all our courses are broken down into modules which are between 1 and 2 hours long. In addition we have short modules on selling skills which are between 10 and 30 minutes long.

The sales skills modules we provide are:

  • Advanced Questioning Skills
  • Controlling the Sales Conversation
  • Handling Stalls & Objections
  • Referrals & Testimonials
  • Online Sales Presentation Skills
  • Whiteboard Selling
  • Building Relationships
  • Value Creation
  • LinkedIn Sales Navigator/Social Selling
  • Dealing with difficult customers
  • Cross Selling & Upselling
  • Negotiation Skills
best online sales training courses portal
Best Online Sales Training

The Teams Portal provides the flexibility to configure the Channel in different ways which include the options of:

  • Email, Chat, Video and Conference Calling
  • Secure storage of documents
  • Provision of pre and post training surveys
  • Provision of CRM if clients have no CRM
  • B2B Sales Templates, Tools & Frameworks

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9. Online Sales Training vs Sales Coaching

One of the most common questions we are asked by sales leaders is “What’s the difference between Sales Training and Sales Coaching” and why is it important. Training and coaching are two different things, that result in two different outcomes. In order to answer the question it’s important first to define what we mean by sales training and sales coaching.

We are not claiming our own definitions are either the industry standard, or the same as other service providers, however we do know from experience that our definitions make it easier for our clients to better understand their own needs which is the most important thing.

What is Sales Training?

Sales Training is the transfer of knowledge or skills.

What is Sales Coaching?

Sales Coaching supports the practical application of training (knowledge + skills) in the field.

At Klozers we define Sales Training as the “transfer of knowledge”, and the primary outcome from any transfer of knowledge should always be an increase in learning, education and understanding. There are of course secondary outcomes which are similar to the outcomes from coaching, but it’s important we understand the difference between the two.

This is why every training course regardless of the subject matter clearly articulates what the “learning outcomes” will be after the course, and usually do not reference any form of performance improvement.

In the western world over 90% of jobs requiring manual labour no longer exist, and we are now what we call a knowledge economy. Salespeople are paid for their knowledge and skills not manual labour, therefore for every Sales Person, knowledge is power, which is why Sales Training and Learning outcomes are so important.

Once we acknowledge that Sales Training is the mechanism by which we transfer knowledge, and that knowledge is power, it’s equally important to understand that in Sales more than any other subject, this knowledge is worthless unless the Sales Person takes the knowledge, and apply it in the field with prospects and customers.

Without this practical application of the new sales knowledge in the field, then the sales person risks being the smartest sales person in the office, where there are no customers. In most cases a sale never takes place unless a Sales Person has undertaken some form of activity/behaviour/action and this activity is where any new knowledge from training needs to be applied.

The same rules apply for inside sales, with the only difference being the channels with which they are communicating with the prospects/customers. If for example an Inside Sales Person attends a training course on Communication Skills, then unless they apply these skills on either the telephone, email or social media, the training is worthless.

We define Sales Coaching however as “supporting the practical application knowledge in the field”, and the outcome from coaching should always be an increase in skills, confidence and performance.

The main thing that sales training often lacks, and this is not a criticism, more a practical restriction, is that training cannot cover every possible scenario that a sales person will encounter when interacting with a prospect or customer. Those scenarios and equally important the context of each scenario, are what takes classroom sales training and turns it into Boardroom results.

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10. The Importance of the Difference Between Training & Coaching

The best way to explain the importance of coaching would be to use the analogy of Golf.  If we attend a 1, 2 or 3 day golf training session with Tiger Woods there is no doubt as one of the worlds greatest golfers Tiger Woods would be capable of delivering excellent training. 

The course might cover things like the correct stance when addressing the ball, the correct grip and the optimum swing, and there is absolutely no doubt the course attendees would have some very specific and valuable learning outcomes. 

What Tiger Woods cannot cover is the practical application of that knowledge next week when you are on the local course and you tried to change your grip, but because it was new to you it felt uncomfortable and for the first 9 holes, your new stance, grip and swing had left you 10 over par. 

In these circumstances the golfer is most likely to revert back to his original stance, grip and swing and then might complete the next 9 holes on 5 over par which is his norm.  No performance improvement takes place because there was no coach to support with the practical implementation of the new knowledge that the golfer had. 

Furthermore, the golfer/sales person is typically left feeling frustrated and disappointed as he knows for sure that Tiger Woods had delivered great content in his course, and realises that he just does not have the ability to implement that knowledge.

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11. Online Sales Coaching

Online Sales coaching supports the practical application of knowledge by support and providing context for the many different scenarios that a sales person will encounter with a prospect/customer. 

Again if we go back to the Golf analogy.  The coach would be able to help the Golfer understand why the knowledge that Tiger had delivered in the training course was not working, for example wind, ground conditions, course type and layout, club and balls – there are hundreds of external variables, never mind the internal variables such as the golfers mindset, belief system and attitudes that would affect the performance. 

This is absolutely the same when any sales person goes into a meeting with a prospect/customer, there are hundreds of variables both external and internal that affect the outcome and performance.  The role of the sales coach is to support sales reps in their endeavour to overcome these challenges.

In practice, this means the sales coach is there to support sales reps and the sales team, implement any new sales strategy, sales skills, selling process, and sales techniques in the field.

Another important difference between sales training and sales coaching is the style.  Modern training has thankfully moved away from a simple one way discussion telling people what to do.  Games, exercises and good facilitation that engages the attendees should all be included, however the perception of training can often be negative and many attendees have mentally switched off before they get in the room/on the course. 

They may have good reason for this based on a past negative experience, but either way the perception is not always positive and often the perception is related to the style.  What we mean by this is the perception of sales training for many people is one of telling and from our own experience nobody especially sales people like to be told. 

Coaching however is the opposite and is a question based approach to help the sales person discover for themselves the answers.  That process of discovery and reflection is very powerful because it transfers ownership of the answer to the problems to the sales person.  When the sales person comes up with the answers they then mentally own the answer which make them much more believable to the sales person.

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12. Work Based Learning

Our online sales courses utilise the concepts of Work Based Learning as many companies and Salespeople no longer have the time available to dedicate days or even hours to training. The modern workplace demands that training not only fits in around the schedule of those involved, but that it also generates some form of value in addition to learning as an outcome.

As it sounds work based learning is focussed around learning and activities that are not only relevant to the job, they are based on sales activities that are the job.  As human beings we predominantly learn and master skills by doing and repetition. 

The Learning theorists claim we learn 70% by doing, 20% by watching and 10% by listening.  Whilst I am sure these figures are not accurate, they are most certainly a good yardstick for any training programme, as the focus is on the learners actually doing the activities and behaviours which are vital for every Sales Person. 

Although Work based learning is very different to traditional classroom based training it is still essential for the sales people to have some form of reflection, because like the golfer when they go out to apply the new learning not everything works first time in the field. 

This learning by doing, and yes sometimes it will involve learning by failing, is by far the most powerful way for any human being to learn and master new skills.  We also believe work based learning is now more important than ever, as sales people simply do not have the time to be away from either their desks or the field for days at a time in the way that traditional training dictates.

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13. Learning & Accountability

While Online Sales Training and Online Sales Coaching are all good there is one vital ingredient that every organisation needs in order for any form of sales improvement to take place and this is Accountability.

Without any form of accountability the Salespeople choose what to do, and when they will do it and in most cases this can be detrimental to the business. Sales Trainers and Coaches are neither in charge nor responsible for the sales people.

This must come from the companys’ own Sales Leadership, as the Sales Trainer can tell the Salespeople what to do, the Sales Coach can show the Sales people what to do, however only the Sales Leaders in the company can tell them what to do. Whilst we absolutely love sales people unfortunately in many organizations Salespeople are not held accountable and therefore choose for themselves what to do, how to do it, and when it is done. Again, in most cases this is not what is best for the business.

Developing a culture of accountability is in our opinion a vital ingredient for any business as quite simply without accountability nothing gets done. Like most things in life that are worthwhile there is no magic wand for Accountability and it takes planning, persistence and patience, but the end results are transformational both for the business and the people, as once the culture starts to take hold people are empowered and happier, because with accountability comes responsibility.

This also helps remove decision making bottle necks, and often the burden from senior people in the business, as the responsibilities are passed down the chain to newly empowered employees. Sales results are dependent on strong sales leadership and strong management. Not every decision will be popular and not every sales person will embrace the new culture.

In the book ‘Good to Great’, Jim Collins talks about employees as people on a bus. The people not only need to be on the right bus, but they need to be in the right seat for the bus to successfully reach its destination. Sometimes people who get on the bus at the start of the journey are neither in the right seat or on the right bus.

Sales Leadership is a continuous drive for sales improvement that leaves no stone unturned and in some cases this may involve asking people to leave our bus as they no longer have the right skill set, behaviours or mindset that the business needs to move forward.

Please don’t misunderstand us, we believe that a business has a duty to develop and grow every employee, however when those employees make it clear by their actions that they have no desire to develop and grow then it is negligent of the business to ignore this and not take action.

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14. How we Create Accountability Online

We create accountability online by including Line Managers in the learning process. On sign up participants are emailed a choice of Learning Objectives related to the course they have chosen. A selection of additional learning objectives are also provided and Learners can also add their own learning objectives all of which must be approved by their line manager.

By including Line Managers in the initial learning process we introduce Accountability. Line Managers are asked to verify the work based assignments and help assess whether the initial learning objectives have been met.

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