1. Online Sales Training Courses
We believe we have the best online sales courses because we’re different and here’s why:
- Everything we teach, we actually do as part of Klozers own sales strategies. This means we have a deep understanding and not just text book theories.
- Each sales training course is live. With interactive exercises, we deliver an immersive learning experience.
- Our training includes work based learning which means you are assigned practical tasks and sales skills to practice as part of your every day sales role, in order that you learn while you are doing.
Please note: we would never encourage you to provide your products and services for free, and in the same vein we do not provide free sales training.
Nothing in life that is worth anything is free.

How much does online sales training cost?
Online sales training costs start from free and can rise up to $15,000 per month. The cost varies based on how many people are required to be trained, how much customisation the training content requires, and how much online support the attendees require throughout the training programme.
2. Online Sales Training Course
We have the best online sales courses available which cover all the sales skills required for Professional B2B selling. Our sales courses each include relevant modules on sales skills from how to attract customers to sales presentations through to how to close sales . Some modules are common across more than one course, whilst others are unique to specific courses.
The content can be modified to meet the specific needs of your sales team. In addition to the training on sales techniques, our coaches are very much hands on, and can work with you to develop your value proposition, sales strategies and the planning and execution thereof.
- Telesales Training Course
Contrary to what most people believe, the Telephone is still one of the most powerful sales prospecting tools available. With more Salespeople working from home this training course is more important than ever to keep sales reps both busy and productive.
Historically this training course was most popular with entry level sales professionals, however, this course is a great refresher for experienced Business Development Executives and Account Managers who spend all, or part of their time working from home.
Much more than an old fashioned cold calling course the training covers the core Telephone sales skills concepts of:
- Identifying Potential Buyers
- Sales Messaging that Wins
- Creating a Sales Mindset
- Live Calling Session 1 and Role Playing
- Live Calling Session 2 and Role Playing
Please note the Live calling is a combination of outbound calling by the Trainer so you can see and hear in real time what Telesales is, and there is also time set aside for participants to make live calls whilst being coached from the course leader.
For companies looking to develop a full inbound sales methodology, we are the only sales training company with expertise at both inbound and outbound lead generation.
- Consultative Selling Skills Training Course
Our Consultative sales skills course has been our best seller for the past 8 years. Revised and updated, this course is a must have for everyone in B2B sales.
The training course helps participants control and structure every sales conversation in a way that helps buyers uncovers their own personal reasons for buying, which are always more powerful than the Salespersons reasons.
This methodology is always popular with Non Selling professionals such as IT Professionals, Engineers, Professional Services, Consultants, Software Engineers, Project Managers, Accountants & Architects who don’t want to sound “Salesy” when in front of prospects.
The course covers the core concepts of Consultative selling which includes:
- Modern Selling Sales Skills
- The Consultative Sales Process
- Uncovering Value
- Human Behaviour
- Selling Through Service & Winning Repeat Business
- Building Trust
- Sales Pipelines & Selling Process
- Setting Sales Goals
- Key Account Management Training Course
If your business is typical then 70-80% of next years revenues will come from this years customers. It’s also true that your customers are your competitors targets so without Professional Account Management these important clients may leave.
The course helps participants identify and build relationships with Key Stakeholders across the clients business and find and target new revenue opportunities within the account. Most course participants are either Account Managers, Relationship Managers, Technical Account Managers and Account Directors.
Our Key Account Management Training includes modules on:
- Understanding Key Accounts
- Segmenting & Defining Key Accounts
- Planning for Key Accounts
- Creating Key Account Plans
- Sales Management Training Course
Sales Managers are the glue that holds sales teams together. With many Sales Managers carrying personal Sales Targets their time is more valuable than ever.
Our Sales Management Training covers the core topics of:
- Sales Bench-marking
- Sales Improvement Planning
- Sales Performance Management
- Coaching Sales Winners
- Sales Management Skills
We deliver online sales training via self-paced learning and supported with or without live training and coaching.
We supply each of the above types of programme, however, we believe we have the best online sales training because of the learning methodology, or learning style we use which is called Work Based Learning.
Please read on to discover why this is important to you.
3. How to Book the Best Online Sales Training
Pricing on all our courses and details on how to book can be found via the B2B Sales Training Courses

4. Online Sales Training for Sales Teams
Depending on your requirements we have a number of options available to deliver online sales training to your sales force as follows:
- Online Sales Training for Individuals – purchase individual licenses for less than 5 Salespeople hosted on our platform.
- Online Sales Training for Teams – we offer a discounted rate for multiple licenses of our training content to teams with a minimum of 5 Salespeople hosted on our platform.
- Online Sales Training for Teams – purchase Team licenses and host on your own company platform
5. Online Sales Training Certification
Unlike most online training which is theory based, all our training courses follow the Work Based Learning methodology which as yet has no recognised certifying body.
All our training courses are Self-Certified and we provide Certificates to participants on successful completion of their training programme.

In addition to our Training Certificates Participants can include details of their Training on their Linkedin profile as shown below:

6. Sales Training for Beginners
Our Online Sales Training for Beginners course is a mixture of self-paced and instructor -led training that covers the core concepts of selling business to business.
This Beginners Training course is suitable for the following:
- Graduates
- People moving into new sales roles
- Marketing teams who need to understand the basics of selling
- Entrepreneurs
- Startup Founders
This course covers the core modules of Basic Selling:
- Understanding Sales
- Everything you Need to Know Before Talking to Customers Part 1
- Everything you Need to Know Before Talking to Customers Part 2
- Winning Your First Sale
7. Sales Training Plans
In order to deliver a successful sales development programme we typically start by creating a bespoke plan for your company. Many of our Corporate clients have their own Learning & Development departments who can create and generate long term training plans for their sales teams. For those companies that don’t have that capability we can offer a bespoke service where we:
- Identify the core sales competencies required for each sales role
- Map the competencies against the learning objectives in our training modules
- Create bespoke training plans and assessment programmes to deliver, record and assess participants
Our goal is to deliver the best Online Sales Training experience that can be delivered by a combination of face to face, self-paced online, and instructor led online sessions.
In addition to supporting your companies future growth and sales goals, your sales development plan should enhance the sales career and personal development of the participants.
Our sales trainers are very much hands on, and strike a balance between allowing participants learn an their own pace, and pushing them to meet the sales goals of the business.
8. Online Sales Training Portal
Our Online Sales Training is delivered in a secure and stable platform online via Microsoft Teams. Individuals are invited into Teams and based on their requirements are assigned training modules to complete based on their personal Learning Objectives and any additional Objectives determined by their Line Manager.
To avoid learning fatigue all our courses are broken down into modules which are between 1 and 2 hours long. In addition we have short modules on selling skills which are between 10 and 30 minutes long.
The sales skills modules we provide are:
- Advanced Questioning Skills
- Controlling the Sales Conversation
- Handling Stalls & Objections
- Referrals & Testimonials
- Online Sales Presentation Skills
- Whiteboard Selling
- Building Relationships
- Value Creation
- LinkedIn Sales Navigator/Social Selling
- Dealing with difficult customers
- Cross Selling & Upselling
- Negotiation Skills

The Teams Portal provides the flexibility to configure the Channel in different ways which include the options of:
- Email, Chat, Video and Conference Calling
- Secure storage of documents
- Provision of pre and post training surveys
- Provision of CRM if clients have no CRM
- B2B Sales Templates, Tools & Frameworks
9. Online Sales Training vs Sales Coaching
One of the most common questions we are asked by sales leaders is “What’s the difference between Sales Training and Sales Coaching” and why is it important. Training and coaching are two different things, that result in two different outcomes. In order to answer the question it’s important first to define what we mean by sales training and sales coaching.
We are not claiming our own definitions are either the industry standard, or the same as other service providers, however we do know from experience that our definitions make it easier for our clients to better understand their own needs which is the most important thing.
What is Sales Training?
Sales Training is the transfer of knowledge or skills.
What is Sales Coaching?
Sales Coaching supports the practical application of training (knowledge + skills) in the field.
At Klozers we define Sales Training as the “transfer of knowledge”, and the primary outcome from any transfer of knowledge should always be an increase in learning, education and understanding. There are of course secondary outcomes which are similar to the outcomes from coaching, but it’s important we understand the difference between the two.
This is why every training course regardless of the subject matter clearly articulates what the “learning outcomes” will be after the course, and usually do not reference any form of performance improvement.
In the western world over 90% of jobs requiring manual labour no longer exist, and we are now what we call a knowledge economy. Salespeople are paid for their knowledge and skills not manual labour, therefore for every Sales Person, knowledge is power, which is why Sales Training and Learning outcomes are so important.
Once we acknowledge that Sales Training is the mechanism by which we transfer knowledge, and that knowledge is power, it’s equally important to understand that in Sales more than any other subject, this knowledge is worthless unless the Sales Person takes the knowledge, and apply it in the field with prospects and customers.
Without this practical application of the new sales knowledge in the field, then the sales person risks being the smartest sales person in the office, where there are no customers. In most cases a sale never takes place unless a Sales Person has undertaken some form of activity/behaviour/action and this activity is where any new knowledge from training needs to be applied.
The same rules apply for inside sales, with the only difference being the channels with which they are communicating with the prospects/customers. If for example an Inside Sales Person attends a training course on Communication Skills, then unless they apply these skills on either the telephone, email or social media, the training is worthless.
We define Sales Coaching however as “supporting the practical application knowledge in the field”, and the outcome from coaching should always be an increase in skills, confidence and performance.
The main thing that sales training often lacks, and this is not a criticism, more a practical restriction, is that training cannot cover every possible scenario that a sales person will encounter when interacting with a prospect or customer. Those scenarios and equally important the context of each scenario, are what takes classroom sales training and turns it into Boardroom results.
10. The Importance of the Difference Between Training & Coaching
The best way to explain the importance of coaching would be to use the analogy of Golf. If we attend a 1, 2 or 3 day golf training session with Tiger Woods there is no doubt as one of the worlds greatest golfers Tiger Woods would be capable of delivering excellent training.
The course might cover things like the correct stance when addressing the ball, the correct grip and the optimum swing, and there is absolutely no doubt the course attendees would have some very specific and valuable learning outcomes.
What Tiger Woods cannot cover is the practical application of that knowledge next week when you are on the local course and you tried to change your grip, but because it was new to you it felt uncomfortable and for the first 9 holes, your new stance, grip and swing had left you 10 over par.
In these circumstances the golfer is most likely to revert back to his original stance, grip and swing and then might complete the next 9 holes on 5 over par which is his norm. No performance improvement takes place because there was no coach to support with the practical implementation of the new knowledge that the golfer had.
Furthermore, the golfer/sales person is typically left feeling frustrated and disappointed as he knows for sure that Tiger Woods had delivered great content in his course, and realises that he just does not have the ability to implement that knowledge.
11. Online Sales Coaching
Online Sales coaching supports the practical application of knowledge by support and providing context for the many different scenarios that a sales person will encounter with a prospect/customer.
Again if we go back to the Golf analogy. The coach would be able to help the Golfer understand why the knowledge that Tiger had delivered in the training course was not working, for example wind, ground conditions, course type and layout, club and balls – there are hundreds of external variables, never mind the internal variables such as the golfers mindset, belief system and attitudes that would affect the performance.
This is absolutely the same when any sales person goes into a meeting with a prospect/customer, there are hundreds of variables both external and internal that affect the outcome and performance. The role of the sales coach is to support sales reps in their endeavour to overcome these challenges.
In practice, this means the sales coach is there to support sales reps and the sales team, implement any new sales strategy, sales skills, selling process, and sales techniques in the field.
Another important difference between sales training and sales coaching is the style. Modern training has thankfully moved away from a simple one way discussion telling people what to do. Games, exercises and good facilitation that engages the attendees should all be included, however the perception of training can often be negative and many attendees have mentally switched off before they get in the room/on the course.
They may have good reason for this based on a past negative experience, but either way the perception is not always positive and often the perception is related to the style. What we mean by this is the perception of sales training for many people is one of telling and from our own experience nobody especially sales people like to be told.
Coaching however is the opposite and is a question based approach to help the sales person discover for themselves the answers. That process of discovery and reflection is very powerful because it transfers ownership of the answer to the problems to the sales person. When the sales person comes up with the answers they then mentally own the answer which make them much more believable to the sales person.
12. Work Based Learning
Our online sales courses utilise the concepts of Work Based Learning as many companies and Salespeople no longer have the time available to dedicate days or even hours to training. The modern workplace demands that training not only fits in around the schedule of those involved, but that it also generates some form of value in addition to learning as an outcome.
As it sounds work based learning is focussed around learning and activities that are not only relevant to the job, they are based on sales activities that are the job. As human beings we predominantly learn and master skills by doing and repetition.
The Learning theorists claim we learn 70% by doing, 20% by watching and 10% by listening. Whilst I am sure these figures are not accurate, they are most certainly a good yardstick for any training programme, as the focus is on the learners actually doing the activities and behaviours which are vital for every Sales Person.
Although Work based learning is very different to traditional classroom based training it is still essential for the sales people to have some form of reflection, because like the golfer when they go out to apply the new learning not everything works first time in the field.
This learning by doing, and yes sometimes it will involve learning by failing, is by far the most powerful way for any human being to learn and master new skills. We also believe work based learning is now more important than ever, as sales people simply do not have the time to be away from either their desks or the field for days at a time in the way that traditional training dictates.
13. Learning & Accountability
While Online Sales Training and Online Sales Coaching are all good there is one vital ingredient that every organisation needs in order for any form of sales improvement to take place and this is Accountability.
Without any form of accountability the Salespeople choose what to do, and when they will do it and in most cases this can be detrimental to the business. Sales Trainers and Coaches are neither in charge nor responsible for the sales people.
This must come from the companys’ own Sales Leadership, as the Sales Trainer can tell the Salespeople what to do, the Sales Coach can show the Sales people what to do, however only the Sales Leaders in the company can tell them what to do. Whilst we absolutely love sales people unfortunately in many organizations Salespeople are not held accountable and therefore choose for themselves what to do, how to do it, and when it is done. Again, in most cases this is not what is best for the business.
Developing a culture of accountability is in our opinion a vital ingredient for any business as quite simply without accountability nothing gets done. Like most things in life that are worthwhile there is no magic wand for Accountability and it takes planning, persistence and patience, but the end results are transformational both for the business and the people, as once the culture starts to take hold people are empowered and happier, because with accountability comes responsibility.
This also helps remove decision making bottle necks, and often the burden from senior people in the business, as the responsibilities are passed down the chain to newly empowered employees. Sales results are dependent on strong sales leadership and strong management. Not every decision will be popular and not every sales person will embrace the new culture.
In the book ‘Good to Great’, Jim Collins talks about employees as people on a bus. The people not only need to be on the right bus, but they need to be in the right seat for the bus to successfully reach its destination. Sometimes people who get on the bus at the start of the journey are neither in the right seat or on the right bus.
Sales Leadership is a continuous drive for sales improvement that leaves no stone unturned and in some cases this may involve asking people to leave our bus as they no longer have the right skill set, behaviours or mindset that the business needs to move forward.
Please don’t misunderstand us, we believe that a business has a duty to develop and grow every employee, however when those employees make it clear by their actions that they have no desire to develop and grow then it is negligent of the business to ignore this and not take action.
14. How we Create Accountability Online
We create accountability online by including Line Managers in the learning process. On sign up participants are emailed a choice of Learning Objectives related to the course they have chosen. A selection of additional learning objectives are also provided and Learners can also add their own learning objectives all of which must be approved by their line manager.
By including Line Managers in the initial learning process we introduce Accountability. Line Managers are asked to verify the work based assignments and help assess whether the initial learning objectives have been met.