The Complete Guide to Online Sales Coaching

online sales coaching

Online Sales Coaching - Top Questions from Google


Online Sales Coaching is a process for developing individual salespeople to improve their performance. Coaching follows a methodology using a question-based model to improve the skills strategies and tactics of the sales rep. Studies show reps who receive coaching are more likely to increase their effectiveness and be successful.

Why is sales coaching Important?

Online Sales Coaching is important quite simply because it drives performance which in turn drives results. Professional Selling can be difficult and it can be a lonely job when results aren’t going your way. Coaching provides time out to talk through problems and change the perspective.

What do sales coaches do?

Sales Coaches support Sales Reps to grow and develop their sales activities, sales skills and Sales Mindset. Effective Coaching is primarily question based, which encourages the coachee to develop their own answers, thoughts and feelings. Sales Coaches help embed new knowledge & skills learned in training by demonstrating their practical application in real life scenarios.

In this article we will cover...

“The most useful and best days training I’ve ever had.  Love your style.”

Gary – CEO

1. Introduction to Coaching

Coaching for Salespeople which was once only the preserve of large organisations is rapidly becoming the Sales Leaders tool of choice for developing sales teams. More often than not the coaching is combined with Sales Training to provide a holistic approach. Even Coaching for Entrepreneurs has become popular as studies show that Coaching provides a great return on investment, with Harvard University claiming an 88% increase in productivity when combined with training, and Fortune Magazine claiming a conservative return of six times the cost of coaching.

Furthermore, Sales Coaching can be delivered remotely which removes the need for expensive travel and reduces time away from the office, allowing Sales Reps & Sales Leaders more time to focus on learning and their regular work duties.

New and updated to include the latest remote selling techniques we have a full range of coaching programmes for CEO’s, Sales Leaders, Sales Managers and Salespeople.

2. Why Hire a Sales Coach?

According to research by Harvard Business Review the top 3 reasons to hire a Coach are:

1. Develop high potentials or facilitate transition – 48%

This very much resonates with our own experiences and some real-life examples would be coaching a Pre-Sales Technical in the transition to a very successful full-time Account Director at Microsoft.

We also coached a fantastic Business Development Rep in his transition into a full-time Key Account Manager.

2. Act as a sounding board – 26%

A common reason sales professionals looking to hire a coach is for a sounding board. We have coached Sales People, Sales VP’s, Business Owners & Entrepreneurs and in many cases they like to talk to someone to ensure they are doing the right things or following the right path. The coaching helps build their confidence.

3. Address derailing behaviour – 12%

The word derailing conveys someone trying to block or obstruct and this can happen when change is introduced into a Sales organization.

This could be a new VP of Sales, a new CRM system, or a change in territories. Human Beings are hard-wired to resist change but as long as the individual has the right values this can be overcome.

Sales Management KPIs

3. Creating an Effective Sales Coaching Strategy

In the Sales Maturity Model, best in Class Sales Organisations consistently provide effective sales coaching for all their sales team members, however, we appreciate this is a journey and not every organisation is in that position. The most common barriers to effective sales coaching are:

  1. Sales Managers are time poor and simply don’t have the bandwidth to coach their Reps. This is common as most Sales Managers still carry a sales target and they are forced to choose between coaching or selling. In most cases, the Sales Managers were originally Sales Reps so they will always choose selling before coaching.
  2. Sales Managers may not have been taught how to coach and are therefore uncomfortable in the coaching role. They will claim they coach while on the job, however this is not the same thing and is much less effective.
  3. No sales budget to hire external coaches to take the pressure off sales managers, which is akin to the chicken and the egg scenario. The reason most companies say they can’t afford coaching is that their reps are under-performing and need a coach.

So what is the best Sales Coaching Strategy you can adopt? Well in our experience here are some ideas you should explore:

  1. Are your Sales Managers comfortable coaching – if not coaching is a proven way to support sales teams.
  2. Dedicate coaching time with sales team members to improve your sales process. Often times salespeople understand the process but they find it difficult to take prospects through the sales process.
  3. Techniques coaching is a common way to help improve specific techniques such as objection handling, or controlling thee sales conversation.
  4. You should also consider using video to record some of your coaching, so the coachee can see for themselves the improvements they are making.
  5. Telesales coaching is a great way to develop outbound team members with the coaches making live calls to demonstrate techniques and tips in action.
  6. Marketing and sales are no longer the silos they used to be, Great sales people can market and great marketers can sell so help your salespeople improve their marketing skills.
  7. Make coaching one of the KPI’s for the Sales Managers and sales team members. This way you are sending a signal that this is important. 1 x 40-minute session every 2 weeks.
  8. Separate Coaching sessions from training, sales meetings and pipeline reviews. Coaching needs it’s own space if it’s to deliver an ROI. 
  9. Create a transparent Sales Coaching Process with templates and logs so everyone becomes comfortable with the new system. Transparent as in what the process is not what the conversations are.
  10. Consider having the sales coaching delivered by someone other than the Sales Manager. Often times the Sales Manager will have to hold sales reps accountable and have difficult conversations with them. This makes the Sales Reps much less likely to “open up” in a coaching session if it’s being facilitated by the Sales Manager, who just told them off about their expenses being late an hour ago.
  11. The overall goal should be to develop a Coaching Culture within the organisation, this will take time to achieve. In turn, this will deliver increases in efficiencies and win rates across the board.

4. Who Benefits from Sales Coaching?

Online Sales coaching works for busy Salespeople and sales managers who have little spare time and need a flexible solution that is not dependent on their location. Coaching should be targeted and relevant to everyday work challenges in order to build confidence.

Some people are not coachable, as they may not be interested in learning or improving. Even with unlimited resources, you have to choose where to focus your energies because:

a) Does the biggest opportunity for improvement lie in coaching and training the top performing 20% of your sales team? Probably not. If these people are already hitting their sales targets, then you might want to leave them for now.

b) Does the biggest opportunity lie in coaching the bottom 20% of your sales team? Probably not, as often Sales Managers retain under-performers longer than is necessary. There are valid exceptions to this rule, for example if the company hired these under-performing Sales Reps, then the company needs to take responsibility and help them. This means giving them every form of support necessary however, if they still don’t respond it’s usually not the best place to spend your Learning and Development budget, because they may be simply a square peg in a round hole.

c) The biggest opportunity for improvement that you have is usually moving the 60% average Salespeople towards the top 20%. A mere 1% increase in sales performance, multiplied by 60% of your sales team, can be huge in terms of revenue. Typically these people are more interested, more motivated and willing to learn than any of the other groups.

5. Online Sales Coaching Plans

Online Sales Coaching can be very difficult depending on the person being coached, and the circumstances. Our Sales Coaching Plan uses a proven framework based on the highly successful OKR business goal setting methodology.  Whilst we predominantly use this online we also have delivered coaching in person and a combination of the two. 

The OKR model helps align the companies overall sales strategy and objectives with the coaching at every level of the organisation.

Sales Coaching is the process of supporting Salespeople to achieve improved results. By its nature it can then only be successful when you are working on live opportunities, in real-life scenarios – which is one of the benefits of online delivery.

As Sales Coaching should always be supportive this is not a meeting to criticise, discipline or embarrass, but instead an opportunity to build confidence and guide the Sales Rep.

The Sales Coach is there to show the practical application of what has been taught in Sales Training. This means that the coach should be able to actually do the sales activities, not just talk about them.

Online Sales Coaching for Teams
Sales OKR examples

6. GROW Sales Coaching Model

As an Online Sales Coaching company, we use the GROW coaching model which is probably the most common coaching model and it’s well-proven over the years in many different applications. The GROW coaching model is:

G – stands for Goals. What are your goals for the session?
R – stands for Reality. What is the current reality of the situation?
O – stands for Obstacles. What obstacles are preventing you from reaching your goals and what options do you have open to you?
W – stands for Way & Will. What actions do you commit to undertaking to move forward?

As you see from the questions the onus is very much on the Coachee in terms of what they want to get out of the session. It’s also important to require the Sales Reps to complete the first part of the Sales Coaching form before the coaching session.

It ruins every session when the sales rep turns up and then spends 10 minutes trying to decide what they want to get from the session. Sales Leaders can help here by suggesting topics to discuss with their coach in between the coaching sessions.

“Klozers are the Sat Nav for sales success.”

Alan – Business Manager

7. Coaching Questions

It’s widely accepted in business and personal coaching that the Coach is not there to provide answers. This, however, is not always true for Online Sales Coaching. Professional Selling can be a very high-pressure environment and many salespeople who are desperate to hit their sales targets simply want a straight answer to their questions and not spend 40 minutes trying to work out the answer.

This, of course, depends completely on the style of the sales rep, but you should be prepared to answer their questions if required, hence for us, experience in sales is a must-have prerequisite for Sales Coaching.

That said here are some questions you can use at each stage of the GROW coaching model:

 G – stands for Goals. What are your goals for the session?

  • Do you have any specific skills you want/need to improve?
  • Do these goals fit with your teams’ objectives?
  • Do you have the skills but need to be held accountable?
  • How will you know when you have achieved those goals?
  • Why do want to be coached now?

R – stands for Reality. What is the current reality of the situation?

  • What is happening now?
  • What is the effect if this continues?
  • What have you done to try and fix this yourself?
  • How do you feel about this?

O – stands for Obstacles. What obstacles are preventing you from reaching your goals and what options do you have open to you?

  • What constraints are on you?
  • What obstacles are in your way?
  • What do you need to stop doing to achieve your goal?
  • What are the disadvantages or advantages of your options?

W – stands for Way & Will. What actions do you commit to undertaking to move forward?

  • What will you do now?
  • Is there anything that might stop or hinder you?
  • How will you measure progress and success?
  • How will you keep motivated?

These are generic questions, however they are a great starting point and combined with real sales experience and knowledge can provide transformative coaching. The questions serve as prompts and get the salesperson talking about real-life scenarios they are facing. 

To wrap up every session it’s good to include a final question as follows:

What is your Biggest Takeaway from the session today?

Lastly, the coach must take accurate notes so that they can refer back to them. It’s also good practice to get the sales reps to sign a coaching log or a worksheet that summarises what they have agreed to do before the next session. 

In certain circumstances, if the Sales Coach is not the Sales Manager it might make sense to share this with the Sales Manager so that he or she can ensure whatever the agreed actions are happening. This additional accountability can be important because the Sales Coach cannot make the Sales Rep do anything but the reps line manager can.

Grow Sales Coaching Model
Sales OKR examples

8. The Coaching Mindset

Check the Sales Rep’s mindset – if they have given up, aren’t engaged, don’t care or think they know everything; stop. You cannot make anyone want to improve and you simply may be too late.

You can deliver a motivating talk that peps them up, but the minute you leave the room it’s like pulling a plug from the socket in the wall, and the energy starts to drain from them and they will quickly revert to type.

Motivation has to come from within, so if the Sales Person’s mindset is not right before you start coaching, work on a personal Goal Setting session that ties their sales performance into their personal goals.

As a Sales Manager, you have a very limited amount of time and coaching C players in most cases is not the best use of your time or theirs. Investing your time on Salespeople who want to get better will always deliver a higher return.

9. Sales Data

For your Sales Coaching Plan to drive improvement and be successful, it must be supported by data, as without real data you only have one person’s opinion versus another, and it’s important that the coaching is objective.

Gather data from the best performing Sales Person so you have an example of “best practice” to compare with.
If you have no hard facts and data to prove that something can be done, try doing it yourself and if you can’t do it then it could be that you are asking for the impossible.

Asking Salespeople to do something that you either cannot do or cannot prove that someone else in the organisation can do, will lose you respect and encourage the good salespeople to look for another position.

Sales Analysis
Sales Management Performance Review Template

10. Personal Sales Coach

We appreciate that many coaches will tell you they don’t need to have done something or be an expert in a particular field for them to be able to coach someone, and maybe you don’t however, in our experience in Sales, it definitely does make a difference.

Coaching a Salesperson on how to make a Sales Call is much more believable for the Sales Person if the coach can pick up the phone, and demonstrate by doing it themselves.

The coaches role is to help with the practical application of the theory and knowledge learned in training and this isn’t possible unless you have done it before and can still do it.

11. Online Sales Training

Most good sales coaching programmes will provide access to online sales training material. This may be a bespoke sales training programme which is self paced but also can be provided ad hoc to the coaching if specific needs arise out with the general training programme.

Klozers provide SaaS Sales Training, Telesales Training, Key Account Management Training, Consultative Sales Training, Sales Foundations and LinkedIn Training online.  

When done correctly the sales training will compliment and support the sales coaching process. 

12. Individual vs Group Coaching

The majority of our coaching is Individual Sales Coaching which provides targeted support based on the Individuals needs.

This is vital for our Executive Sales Coaching programmes, however, in addition to Individual sales Coaching we have experienced equally good results when facilitating Group Sales Coaching of sales teams.

This has the added benefit of Sales People learning from their peers and it’s a great way to share best practice, share customer stories and build teamwork.

Although the danger is that in some cases salespeople will be reluctant to participate and open up as they lack confidence.

With this in mind, our most successful projects have involved a combination of both group and 1-2-1 sales coaching.

To combine Group and 1-2-1 coaching simply set up a three hour or afternoon Coaching session every two weeks and dedicate the first hour to the group, followed by 2 x 40 minutes 1-2-1 sessions.

This can be run weekly with Sales Reps rotating the 1-2-1 slots so they each are receiving a 1 x 1-2-1 session every two weeks.

13. Sales Coaching Checklist

Before starting any sales coaching it’s vital to obtain and provide certain information to your Sales Reps. This is the best time to set any “rules” and manage expectations in terms of the sales coaching process, and how the coach can best help them.

We do this via a Sales Coaching Intake List which includes questions on:

What are the Sales Reps aims from Sales Coaching?

  • Ask “What do you want to achieve from Sales Coaching?”
  • Do you have any specific Sales or Personal Goals or issues to resolve/meet?
  • How will you know when you have achieved those goals?
  • Review Sales & Personal Goals Sheet. If not completed, ask for by next session
  • Why did they seek coaching now? This ‘treasure’ is key for their motivation

What Sales Coaching Is and Is not

  • Coaching is a relationship between your coach and you
  • You are the expert in your life. Coaching helps you connect to you, your wisdom and take action to create the life you want
  • Coaching is 100% Confidential & Non-Judgemental
  • Ask for two-way confidentiality (covers what you share too)
  • Coaching is NOT counselling or therapy

What Sales Coaching involves – what they should expect

  • How sessions will go/session structure
  • That their goals and focus may change
  • That Ups & Downs are normal in coaching as is reaching a plateau. The down cycle is where we do most growth
  • Gain permission to:  Interrupt them, get tough with them, challenge them, ask difficult questions, repeat back what they have just said, give them forms, exercises, research, homework between sessions
  • The client decides what to cover, how/when to end coaching

The role of the Sales Coach – what they should expect from you

  • Set your boundaries here, e.g. returning email and phone calls within one working day
  • I will help you set, clarify and maintain focus on your goals
  • I will hold you accountable – for what you say you’re going to do
  • I will help you establish your solutions & strategies
  • I will encourage, support & believe in you even when you may not!
  • I will challenge you and help you recognize where you may be holding yourself back.
  • Together we raise your self-awareness

The role of the Sales Rep – what the Sales Coach expects from them.

  • YOU are responsible for YOUR results. Success is directly related to your commitment and the effort you make
  • To be honest and open (and to tell me when you can’t be)
  • Willing to adopt a more positive outlook on self and life
  • Ready to be fully accountable for your life/decisions/actions

How do you want to be coached

  • Ask, “How best can I coach you – what tips can you give me?”
  • What can you tell me about your learning style?
Sales Management KPIs

14. Is Sales Coaching Confidential

This is a really important question that you must address during your on-boarding session.

Confidentiality is important for many reasons such as the Sales Rep could feel embarrassed, ashamed or anxious if the coaching conversations were revealed to their work colleagues.

Additionally, they may reveal details around clients or pricing that could be damaging if it reaches the wider public which could result in a lawsuit for the sales coach and at best their business would be destroyed.

So with that said confidentiality is extremely important, especially if you are using an external Sales Coach.

In our opinion, Best Practice would mean that the Coach and the Coachee sign a NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement) before starting.

Confidentiality between the Coach and the Sales Manager can also be an issue as the Sales Manager wants to know how the sessions are progressing.

In most cases this is simply because they want the Sales Rep to be successful, however, in some cases, the Sales Manager might be part of the problem so the Sales Coach needs a way of feeding this back without breaking the confidentiality of the Sales Rep.

Again these issues are rarely a problem if you agree in advance what the ground rules are between all three parties.

An example could be that the Coaching notes and any feedback is open to the Sales Manager unless the Sales Rep specifically requests otherwise.

This compromise allows the Sales Manager and the Sales Rep confidentiality where they specifically want it, rather than just blanket coverage.

Confidentiality is also important from the Sales Managers perspective as he may specifically want the Sales Coach to address issues that the Sales Rep is avoiding and the Sales Coach who is being paid by the Sales Manager has to somehow introduce this.

15. What Makes a Great Sales Coach?

In our experience the single biggest issue that Sales Managers experience with sales coaching is frustration.

They are frustrated that the Sales Reps just don’t get it. 

They are frustrated because the Rep isn’t as good as they were.

They are frustrated because they are emotionally involved in the outcome. 

This means more often than not the Sales Manager wants success more than the salesperson. Whilst this might seem odd the minute the Sales Manager becomes emotionally involved and wants the success more than the rep, it’s over. The Rep can sense it, they can feel it and any Rapport and Trust that has been built up disappears. At this point the sales person will close down and worst-case scenario blame the Sales Manager for their lack of success.

Coaching is an art and a skill, very different to training, selling and managing salespeople. It’s a specialism but it can be learned if you have the time and energy to do so.

The success of your Sales Coaching is as much down to the Sales Leaders Emotional Intelligence as it is their Sales skills, experience, and knowledge. Treat Sales People like adults, respect them and never judge them.

16. Sales Coaching Tools

These are the tools and the processes that we use for sales coaching.

  1. Sales Coaching Worksheet – this provides a structure and consistency to the coaching process.
  2. Sales Coaching Check list – this helps set the ground rules, manage expectations and obtain vital information at the start.
  3. Sales Performance Review – this ensures the activities of each sales rep are aligned with the companies sales strategy and they are consistently reaching or exceeding their sales goals.
  4. Sales Content – it’s unreasonable to expect Sales Reps to learn and understand everything either face to face or over a call.  It’s important to have good quality, relevant content in different formats that suit the Sales Reps learning style.
  5. Microsoft OneNote – we use Microsoft OneNote to build and store our Sales Playbooks.
  6. Communications – we use Microsoft Teams for all coms with Zoom and a telephone as a back up.
Sales Performance Review Template
Sales Management Performance Review Template

“A fantastic learning experience”

Amanda – Account Manager

The Complete Guide to Sales Management

Complete Guide to Sales Management

Sales Management - Top Questions from Google

What is sales management?

Sales Management is the leadership, management and administration of several interlocking sales functions, that enable organisations to meet or exceed the objectives of the company’s growth strategy. The nature of Sales Management can include many different roles such as Customer Relationship Management, Strategy, Process, Territory Management, Technology & Tools, Pipeline Management, Hiring and Sales Coaching.

What is sales management Important?

Sales Management is important because it provides the structure, support and environment for salespeople to exceed their goals. Furthermore, Sales Managers set an often subconscious bar on what productivity and performance are acceptable in the business from which Salespeople take their lead. The advent of new technologies has increased the workload and complexities of Sales Managers, especially when many still carry a sales target. These new technologies and the new markets now available over the web, can make the Sales Manager the difference between a business surviving or thriving.

There’s a new way to deliver sales growth…

Don’t buy Sales Training until you’ve watched this video

In this article we will cover...

“The most useful and best days training I’ve ever had.  Love your style.”

Gary CEO

1. Sales Management Strategy

The Sales Management Strategy you use is dependent on the type of sales team that you are running or taking over (if you are a new hire). Given how fast the Sales Environment changes it’s unwise to create any Strategy for longer than three years. Even within three years, part of your Strategy will need to be revised due to changes in the market and technology and the ability to drive and accept is one of the key features in the Sales Maturity Model. Your Strategy should revolve around the following:


Sales Maturity indicates the position the sales team is in, within the Sales Maturity Model. This is important because at each stage of Sales Maturity a Sales Manager is faced with different problems and what may be important in Stage 3 is simply not applicable in Stage 1.


The function of Sales is to meet or exceed the objectives that the business has set. These may be short term and more tactical in their nature or long term and more strategic. Whilst long term 3-year Strategic objectives may be important it’s worthless if the business can’t meet it’s short term requirements for cash flow, which may require some tactical planning to overcome.


As Sales are the lifeblood of every business, then salespeople are the lifeblood of the Sales Department. For any Sales Management Process & Strategy to be effective you will need the Salespeople and Team Leaders to be able to execute the strategy. This can then create difficult choices between strategy and people. As an example, should you retain a top-performing salesperson when they are hugely disruptive, if part of your longer-term strategy is to improve the culture, and sales skills of the sales team? Should I provide sales training to salespeople who do not want it, despite the fact they are underperforming?


Regardless of where the sales team is in terms of maturity and competence, you will need to create a plan to share with the other stakeholders in the business. It makes sense then to benchmark where the sales team is against the industry best practice. From these results, you can create an Improvement Plan that you can follow.

# sales management process # sales manager best practices # effective sales management # sales management course

2. Sales Management Framework Example

Regardless of the products, services or industry, every successful business has 7 common sales management areas. The complexity and importance will however, vary for every company, what works best for Microsoft might not work for Apple. 

What works best for a Mid Market company may not work for an SME. They do however, all have these 7 common sales functions which can be used as a framework to benchmark and audit any sales unit.

2.1 Sales Strategy

a) Is the Sales Strategy aligned with the overall growth strategy of the business?

b) Do the Salespeople follow the Sales Strategy?

2.2 Sales Process

a) Are there defined and comprehensive sales processes in place?

b) Are the sales processes being consistently followed and recorded by everyone?

2.3 Sales People

a) Is the business recruiting, developing and hiring the right people?

b) Does the Sales Unit objectively record people performance and review accordingly?

2.4 Sales Channels

a) Are all the appropriate sales channels being used?

b) Are all the sales channels adequately supported and managed?

2.5 Sales technology

a) Does the sales technology, tools and data enhance the customer experience?

b) Does the sales technology tools and data provide accurate management reports and accountability?

2.6 Sales Customers

a) How are our customer relationships segmented and managed?

b) How do we measure, record and report success in our customer relationships?

2.7 Sales Leaders

a) Are Sales Leaders creating a positive and supportive environment that rewards and encourages success?

b) Do the Sales Leaders lead or do they manage?

3. How to Set KPIs for Sales

Once the Sales Unit has been benchmarked and an Improvement Plan has been created, it’s important to set new Sales Management Goals & KPI’s.

A Goal would relate to our end objective, whereas a KPI is a milestone on the route to achieving a goal. One without the other is worthless.

These goals should include rolling 30, 60 and 90 Day targets in addition to Q1, 2, 3 & 4.

It’s important that any KPI’s you set are within your control and you have the ability to influence, whether you meet the target or not.

The Goals and KPI’s should, where possible be, “Lead Indicators” and not “Lag Indicators”, for example Monthly Sales Revenue is a Lag Indicator that in some instances you have little control over.

What you can control however is the Monthly Sales Activity that drives those revenue figures.

Lagging indicators are also important and must be recorded and used to influence future Lead Indicators.

In certain circumstances, it may not be possible to measure the KPI’s if the systems and reporting are not available.

This could mean in the short term the priority is to create the recording and reporting systems.

This can be dangerous, as an example you may need to completely replace a CRM system, which can be a huge project as you migrate data and face the unknown and complex technical issues, as well as the natural resistance encountered with Change.

Where possible delay any complex and technical projects and focus on the low hanging fruit and use the shiny new CRM that everyone wants as a reward for hitting new sales targets.

3.1 Sales management system

Use a Sales Management System to create either manual Dashboards in MS Excel or digital dashboards in your CRM, to record and track the Goals and KPI’s.

We use a Sales Scorecard System based on Harvards Balanced Scorecard which we have adapted to sales.

The Scorecard focuses on the four main areas of Sales which are Finding New Sales Opportunities, Klozing More Sales Opportunities and Growing More Sales Opportunities.

The last quadrant is called the Developing quadrant and focuses on the development of the Salespeople.

1.Initial Sales MeetingsIn B2B Sales most sales start with a meeting but this could be a Webinar or Call
2.Follow Up Sales MeetingsNumber of follow up meetings per month
3.No of Qualified ProposalsNumber of Qualified Proposals Generated per month
4.New Customer AcquisitionThe rate of new customers joining the business per month
5.Sales by ChannelThe sales revenue figures for each channel per month
6.Number of Contract RenewalsThe number of contract renewals per month
7.Customer Satisfaction ScoresFeedback & reviews collated from Customers
8.Sales Pipeline ValueThe total value of the current months Sales Pipeline
9.Weighted Sales Pipeline ValueThe weighted (by percentage/stage) value of the current Sales Pipeline
10.Sales Rep ChurnNumber of Reps leaving the business per quarter

Sales Rep Training Number of training hours developing and growing the sales reps


Sales Rep CoachingNumber of 1-2-1 Coaching Sessions each Rep has received, usually 2 per month
13.Sales Rep AttainmentNumber of Reps reaching “On Track” or higher during monthly reviews
14.Sales Rep TargetsNumber of Reps meeting or exceeding Sales Targets
15.Closing RatiosThe ratio of deals closed from qualified sales leads
16.Returned LeadsThe number of leads returned to marketing for nurturing
17.Cross & Up SellingNumber of Reps meeting or exceeding targets
18.Sales CycleSpeed in days the prospect progresses through the Sales Pipe
19.Customer Satisfaction ScoresFeedback & reviews collated from Customers
20.COCACost of Customer Acquisition
21.Average deal sizeThe average value of the last months deals
22.Sales by ChannelThe sales revenue figures for each channel
23.New Accounts by ChannelThe number of new accounts opened by sales channel
Sales Management KPIs

4. What are the Leadership Styles of Sales Managers

Every individual has their own style or approach to management and these different styles are aligned with their individual DiSC profile.

The DiSC model is based on theories developed by early 20th-century behavioural scientists who identified four behavioural dimensions. Most behavioural analysis today builds on the workings of Carl Gustav Jung in 1928, one of the original behavioural scientists. In the 1940s and 1950s, the DISC theory was refined from the original Jungian theory.

The genesis of these theories is said to be from the Greek philosopher Empedocles in BC444, who first defined the four dimensions of a personality as Water, Air, Earth & Fire.

These styles are not “can do” or “can’t do”, nor do they measure skills or intelligence. There are genuinely no right or wrong answers other than the truthful one. In the same way that people can be left or right-handed, a person’s mind can be influenced by one of the four quadrants.

This is not to say they do not retain traits of one or more of the other quadrants, but that every human being has a preferred style or way of behaving.

DiSC reports are never 100% accurate however they do give a credible diagnosis of behavioural strengths and weaknesses from which our Leadership Styles emerge.

Sales Management and Leadership Styles
Sales Management and Leadership Styles



Combination of task orientation and proactive attitude.

  • These are task people who want results and waste no time in going after them.
  • They tend not to discuss, explore, analyse, and think deeply, preferring to make decisions alone.
  • They can be dominant, overbearing, and impatient.
  • They are pushy, tough, strong-willed, efficient, and decisive.
  • They do not like to be immersed in detail ,preferring concise, summarised information.


A combination of people focuses and a proactive attitude.

  • These are ideas people and have a strong future orientation.
  • They like change, creative ideas and exploring new ways of doing things.
  • They have a strong sense of what could be better and are committed to causes they believe in, and which they take very seriously.
  • They like to explore options and opportunities, so may not be decisive.
  • They tend to be undisciplined, ambitious, enthusiastic, dramatic and friendly.


A combination of people-orientation and a passive/reactive attitude.

  • These are ‘people’ people and are very empathetic and/or sympathetic by nature.
  • They want to establish good relationships and a co-operative way of working with others.
  • They are interested in whatever concerns the person they are dealing with.
  • They like to be a practical helper.
  • They have views and opinions, but are not concerned with winning a debate being more concerned about what is good for the other party.
  • They are available, supportive, willing, and dependable, making them excellent coaches/mentors.


A combination of task orientation and a passive/reactive attitude.

  • These are cautious people who like the facts, and they check the detail. 
  • They want to analyse and consider everything before making decisions.
  • They use rational persuasions.
  • They are critical, orderly, serious, and questioning.
  • They draw conclusions based on available data.

5. How much do Sales Management Training Courses cost?

Sales Management training is arguably more important than training salespeople, as the Manager sets the bar in terms of performance.

The manager sets the sales strategy, creates the sales plans and holds the salespeople accountable for executing the plan.

Sales Training costs in the UK vary from free courses online and free workshops, up to £2,000 for the larger brands however, the majority of courses available are either one or two day courses, and these typically cost between £300 and £900 per person, per day.

We have a selection of training courses available from around £500 per per day covering Consultative Selling Skills, Sales Management Training and Key Account Management Training.

Sales Management training typically includes the following core topics:

Recruiting & HiringHow to find and hire great salespeople and then successfully onboard them.
ManagementHow to successfully manage a winning sales team.
Training & CoachingHow people learn and how to coach them into Sales Champions.
Sales StrategyHow to differentiate your products and services and sell more.
Sales Pipeline ManagementUnderstanding, Measuring & managing a modern sales pipeline.
Planning & AnalysisAnalysis and planning for sales growth.
Examples of OKRs
Sales OKR examples

6. What are the Best Tools for Managing Sales Teams?

There are many different types of Sales Management Tools available, the majority of which are some form of CRM (Customer Relationship Management) Tools. Whilst these are invaluable, there are many other equally important, productive and necessary tools available, depending on your requirements. Sales Management tools are predominantly broken down into these types:

  1. Customer Relationship Management.  There are many great sales tools available depending on your requirements and budget. Depending on the Maturity of your sales unit it’s often best to start with the basic tools and focus on user adoption.
  2. Marketing Automation.  Whilst these are predominantly marketing tools many, of these now come with a lightweight CRM built-in so you can keep all the customer information in one place.
  3. Content Tools. These are tools that focus on storing, indexing, customising and rendering the sales content. The content is typical multiformat and cloud-based for access in the field.
  4. Business Process. These tools integrate with the wider company systems and may include features such as Invoicing and Stock Control.
  5. HR & Performance Management Tools. These tools may perform simple tasks such as recording Holidays through to Performance Reviews and Salary & Commission Schemes.

In many cases companies have multiple systems that don’t integrate and can cause inaccurate & duplication of data, and the repetition of certain tasks which lowers productivity. As an example, it’s not uncommon for a marketing database to be separate to the sales database, nor would it be uncommon for Finance to have a different database for invoicing. These are legacy systems, that both the company and technology have outgrown and are best removed or updated.

7. Sales Performance Reviews

It is widely accepted in modern management thinking that people are the most important component in any business, and Sales is no different. If you don’t look after your salespeople they won’t look after your customers and if you grow a business, you must first grow the people in the business.

Providing regular, fair and objective performance reviews ensures Salespeople are aligned with the business objectives, performing at or above the expected level and motivating them to keep going and do better, and lastly, as recognition of their efforts.

Professional Selling can be difficult, frustrating, stressful and anxious, and that’s on a good day, so you may benefit from providing reviews on a Monthly rather than Annual basis. Although this does take up more Management Time, the payback in performance and team morale is huge (if it is done correctly).

Sales People respond well when Monthly Performance Reviews are introduce, as all human beings want to be the best they can. No one wants to do a bad job, it’s just that life, circumstances, people, technology and stuff get in the way.

A Performance Review is therefore, an opportunity to help the salespeople be successful, to grow and to develop.

Sales Managers are sometimes uncomfortable with Monthly reviews as they are forever busy and don’t need the additional workload. Also, they often believe there is no need for reviews as they talk to their people every day.

This is not the same as a structured, objective and professional review. It’s also possible that some sales managers are simply uncomfortable in the coaching role as they have either no system, no process or haven’t had the necessary training.

The biggest asset any organisation has is it’s people and given the high proportion of bad hires and the inherent cost in a new employee who does not work out, more frequent reviews might be worth exploring. 

Staff Performance Reviews do take up Management time, however they are essential if you want to keep your workforce engaged, growing and delivering value to the business.

Sales Performance Review Template
Sales Management Performance Review Template

8. Sales Analysis

With the advent of modern technology, Sales Analysis has become a bigger and more important part of the role of modern Sales Managers. Working knowledge of Excel spreadsheets is required in addition to proficiency in the companies sales system. For the most part, this would be the CRM [Customer Relationship Management] tool that the company was using, however the more mature the Sales Organisation the more likely they are to be using additional technology with data. This could include HR Systems, Sales Compensation software, Sales Enablement tools and Marketing tools, if used in Sales Campaigns. 

Typical examples of sales analysis would include:

  • Cost of Customer Acquisition
  • Customer Lifetime Value
  • Cost of Sales
  • Product sales split to ensure cross-selling
  • Territory Analysis to ensure coverage
  • Key Account Analysis to ensure retention & growth
  • Market or trends analysis for future planning
  • Sales Rep performance
  • Customer Satisfaction 
  • Seasonal Analysis

Completing any Sales Analysis is dependent on accurate and up to date data, which is often not available.

Sales Analysis
Sales Management Performance Review Template

9. What is Sales Territory Management?

Sales Territory Management is the process by which companies segment and manage and service the customer accounts within a defined geographical territory.

There are many variables involved in this and hence Territory Plans may look very different from one company and territory to another.

Enterprise organisations typically have Territory Plans in place with pre-defined lists of target accounts set by Management. These “named” accounts will have been segmented into importance with more time being allocated to the larger, more profitable accounts. Often salespeople are not allowed or credited for other accounts or business in the territory when operating named account lists.

The Sales Person for a Territory will have to maintain or increase the revenue from existing clients and develop and open new accounts in the territory.
Territory plans include the frequency and number of visits the Sales Rep must conduct with each of the accounts.

Territory plans are usually reviewed by sales Management every Quarter at a meeting called a QBR (Quarterly Business Review). At these meetings, salespeople present an update or progress report and a revised plan for the next 90 days.

10. Examples of Sales Roles

Whilst most industries follow similar naming conventions for job roles in sales, many companies have developed their own unique roles and job titles.  

Often job titles are important as a form of recognition and progression within an organisation, however, job titles can help reinforce a structure and sales process such as in the SaaS industry.

There are hundreds of job titles and we have listed what could be argued are the most common. 

Sales Development RepFocused on lead generation and sit between marketing and sales qualifying leads before passing onto sales people
Pre-sales TechnicalProvides technical expertise before a sale is made to ensure compliance, compatibility and customer satisfaction post sale
Business Development RepsPrimarily focused on opening new accounts and winning new business
Inside SalesDesk based salespeople who undertake a range of sales activities
Account ManagersPrimarily focused on retaining and growing existing customer accounts
Field Sales RepsField based sales reps who undertake a variety of sales activities externally
Channel Sales ManagerProvides support and manage the Channel partners

11. Sales Training

Providing regular sales training and coaching to your sales team is an important part of every effective sales management sales management process.  Sales Training and coaching come in many different formats from 1 off event bases sales training, to longer term sales programmes, focussing or professional development.

Regardless of the format, sales training should always be linked to the objectives and sales goals of the team.  Whilst this may seem obvious many companies opt for generic sales training which covers a number of important topics, however, without a direct link to the every day activities of the sales team there is often little behavioural change. 

Our preference is to provide any training and coaching via an OKR based model.  This model fits and compliments  perfectly the normal KPI based sales management process.  We have continually found an OKR based approach provides better sales outcomes for both small businesses and large enterprises.  

Product or service training where possible should avoid the traditional features and benefits based approach and focus on selling what we call business solutions that solve business problems using a consultative led approach.

“A fantastic learning experience”

Amanda – Account Manager

B2B Sales Tools

Sales Enablement Templates

B2B Sales Tools and Frameworks we use

Sales Audit Part 1 – Sales Skills – Use the first stage of this audit to benchmark and evaluate the core skills of your sales team
Sales Audit Part 2 – Functions – Use this stage of the audit to benchmark and evaluate the core areas within your sales function
Sales Audit Part 3 – Sales Formula – This benchmarks and evaluates areas outside sales which have an impact
Sales Change Management Planning – Any form of sales intervention means change which means you need to understand change management
Envision Planning Exercise – This is a great exercise to empower and motivate your team.  It also helps identify areas for improvement in the sales function
Day in the Life – Understanding People Exercise – This workshop helps sales people understand DiSC and how they need to adapt their sales approach
Sales Coaching Worksheet – This template provides a structure and a proven framework to your sales coaching
Sales Scorecard Template – This is a simple example of a Sales Scorecard.  Use the template as a starting point to develop your own
Sales Coaching Final Questions – Use these questions to finalise your coaching sessions with your sales people
Sales Training Evaluation Form – Collect feedback after every sales training session using this form
B2B Customer Journey Map – Evaluate your customers journey and look for improvements in conversion ratios
Sales Campaign Funnel – An example of an end to end sales campaign funnel.  Use the template to create your own
ADKAR Change Model – Our go-to model for Change Management and simply a must have for any sales leaders
Business Case Template – If you’re selling to corporates then you’ll need to be able to write business cases so here’s a template to get started
Sales Tender Qualification Checklist – Objectively qualify your tender responses so you can improve your win rates
Key Account Management Plan Template – Document and plan your key account strategy with this comprehensive template
Handling Sales Stalls & Objections – This template helps sales people prepare for the hardest stalls and objections
Sales Call Tracker Template –  This tracker highlights where in the call people are struggling so you can coach them accordingly
Prospect Profile Template – Profile your best customers and then use the information to target more of the same
Prospect Value Calculator – Understand your core value to build highly targeted sales messaging
Root Cause Analysis Template – This tool helps you build powerful questions to uncover your prospects real pain
Prospect Pains & Goals Template – Know your prospects pains and goals so you they will buy versus you having to sell
Sales Battlecards Template – Battlecards are great for identifying your strengths and weaknesses versus your competitors
Sales Negotiation Worksheet – Prepare in advance for the boardroom so you get what you want with this simple template
Client Case Study Template – Use examples of previous sales wins to generate more with this one page template
Preparing to Sell Checklist – Superb check list for new hires ( and maybe old ones) before they get in front of real prospects
Consultative Selling Process – Use this tool to reinforce your consultative selling process – slow the sales process down if you want to speed the sale up
Time Management Tracker – Help sales people become super productive and track where they lose time during the day
Meeting Notes Record – This template reminds you what questions to ask the prospect and take accurate notes on the answers given

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Sales Audit – Sales Skills

Sales Tools - Sales Audit 1
Sales Tools – Sales Audit 1

What are Sales Skills?

Sales skills include the actions, mindset and strategies that contribute to sales success. The sales leaders audit therefore helps you accurately benchmark the skills of your sales people and will allow you to quickly see where to focus your performance improvement plans for the sales team.

Why are Sales Skills important?

In B2B sales unless you have a powerful brand the quality and performance of your sales team is vital. Indeed when products and services are similar the Unique Selling Point can often be the sales people. Most importantly the audit focuses on the three main areas that sales people need to concentrate on to be successful – Finding new sales, Klozing new sales and Growing existing accounts.

Need an objective external party to lead your sales audit? Check out or Sales Consulting here

Sales Audit – Sales Functions

Sales Tools - Sales Audit 2
Sales Tools – Sales Audit 2

What are Sales Functions?

We all know that people are a vital part of every successful sales function however sometimes there can be other areas within sales that are equally important and also have a huge impact on our ability to sell. Consequently these can even be a huge blocker and prevent your team from selling.
Every business regardless of what product or services they are selling will have these common sales functions which we can audit.

Why are Sales Functions important?

You can use this tool to quickly evaluate where your Sales Unit is in terms of best practice and from this create your bespoke improvement plans.

Sales Audit – Sales Formula

Sales Tools - Sales Formula
Sales Tools – Sales Formula

What is the Sales Formula?

The sales formula is a list of business “ingredients” common to every successful organisation. These ingredients will apply to your business, however the context and application will be different as your business is unique.

Why is the Sales Formula important?

Examples of successful companies are all around us in B2B and B2C. Whether it’s national or international, products or services, they all follow the same winning formula. Don’t waste time reinventing the wheel – learn from others who have gone before by applying the sales formula to your business.

Sales Change Management Planning

B2B Sales tools - Sales Improvement Process
B2B Sales tools – Sales Improvement Process

What is Sales Change Management Planning?

Sales Change Management Planning is simply a structured approach to transitioning your sales team from where they are currently, to where you need them to be. Planning makes sure your changes work and are embedded in a new improved sales environment.

Why is Sales Change Management Planning important?

By creating a Sales Change Management plan you will minimise the resistance to your changes from some sales people. As a result you will increase the engagement of the team and improve the overall performance. Equally important is the long term affect of failed improvement plans which include missed sales targets, low morale and higher staff turnover.

Envision Planning Exercise

B2B Sales tools - Sales Envision Planning Excercise
B2B Sales tools – Sales Envision Planning Exercise

What is Envision Planning?

Envision Planning is a 1/2 day group workshop that facilitates an open discussion to identify and prioritise all the sales opportunities open to the business in the future. The goal of the session is to create a joint understanding of the exact direction you want to take the sales department.

Why is Envision Planning important?

Envision planning helps with team morale, increases the engagement of your sales team and ensures everyone involved is on the same page. Finally the output would include a full action plan with milestones and goals.

A Day in The Life – Understanding People

B2B Sales tools
B2B Sales tools –

What is A Day in The Life?

This is a 1/2 day workshop focused on DiSC – a profiling system that psychologists use to learn and understand more about people. This exercise gives sales people a deeper understanding of the different behavioural styles of themselves, their work colleagues and their prospects/customers.

Why is a Day in The Life important?

This workshop is vital in developing self awareness, teamwork and understanding the preferences both prospects and customers have, in the way sales people communicate with them.

Sales Coaching Worksheet

B2B Sales tools - Sales Coaching Worksheet Tool
B2B Sales tools – Sales Coaching Worksheet Tool

What is the Sales Coaching Worksheet?

Our Sales Coaching Worksheet is a simple one page template that managers can use to coach sales people. The template follows the proven GROW coaching model but has been adapted to sales.

Why is the Sales Coaching Worksheet important?

Coaching is one of the most productive activities that sales leaders do to empower and enhance their sales teams. The worksheet provides a repeatable and objective framework to the coaching process.

Sales Scorecard Template

Sales Tools - Sales Scorecard Template
Sales Tools – Sales Scorecard Template

What is a Sales Scorecard?

A Sales Scorecard Template is a simple one page sheet for recording specific sales activities. The activities are divided between the four most important areas of sales – Finding new customers, Klozing new customers, Growing customer accounts and personal learning & development. As a result if sales people simply do enough of these four activities it’s nearly impossible to not increase your sales.

Why is a Sales Scorecard important?

Sales Scorecards provide a focus to the sales persons activities and ensures those activities are fully aligned with the companies overall growth strategy. They also help identify areas for development and can alert management in advance of potential problems.

Sales Coaching Final Questions

Sales Tools - Coaching Final Session Questions
Sales Tools – Coaching Final Session Questions

What are Sales Coaching Final Questions?

Our Sales Coaching Final Questions worksheet is used at the end of a structured coaching programme. There are 10 questions that the sales person has to answer taking no longer than 45 minutes.

Why are Sales Coaching Final Questions important?

The final session questions are part of “reflective learning” whereby the sales person can reflect on what they have learned and how they have grown through the length of the coaching programme. Furthermore future challenges and actions are also included to ensure continued personal development.

Sales Training Evaluation Form

B2B Sales tools - Sales Training Evaluation Form
B2B Sales tools – Sales Training Evaluation Form

What is a Sales Training Evaluation Form?

A Sales Training Evaluation form is used after any form of sales training to gather feedback from participants. The form includes specific feedback questions on the three most important areas of training – the trainer, the content and the training environment.

Why is a Sales Training Evaluation Form important?

Sales Training Evaluation forms helps to identify the ROI and value derived from any training programme and above all provides the data by which future training programmes may be improved.

B2B Customer Journey Map

Sales Tools - B2B Customer Journey Evaluation
Sales Tools – B2B Customer Journey Evaluation

What is a Customer Journey Map?

A customer journey map documents what information and actions your sales & marketing take and cross references this with the customers intent throughout the buying process.

Why is a Customer Journey Map important?

The customer journey map provides an audit which helps to identify which information and actions need to be improved and or added to, in order to reduce friction throughout the sales process.

Sales Campaign Funnel

Sales Tools - Sales Campaign Funnel Example
Sales Tools – Sales Campaign Funnel Example

What is a Sales Campaign Funnel?

The Sales Campaign Funnel is Klozers own funnel template that we use in our sales enablement programme ready to be customised to your business.

Why is the Sales Campaign Funnel important?

The Klozers Sales Campaign Funnel is the end to end funnel we use to Find new customers, Kloze new customers and Grow existing customer accounts. It’s a proven step by step system for B2B sales organisations.

ADKAR Change Model

Sales Tools - ADKAR Change Management
Sales Tools – ADKAR Change Management

What is the ADKAR Change Model?

The ADKAR change model is a proven change methodology from the global leader in change management solutions.

Why is the ADKAR Change Model important?

This is highly relevant as every sales improvement project involves change and people do not like change. In our opinion this is the best Change Management Solution available today and we strongly recommend you include this in every improvement programme.

Business Case Template

B2B Sales tools - Business Case Template
B2B Sales tools – Business Case Template

What is a Business Case?

A Business Case is a document created to demonstrate the anticipated ROI or benefit of a project or purchase. Our template allows you to create your own Business Case bespoke to your products or services.

Why is a Business Case important?

In larger Enterprise organisations it is simply not acceptable to make a purchase without first justifying it in the form of a business case. Furthermore, Sales people can use this template both to help potential buyers and to document important information after a sale to create valuable sales content.

Tender Qualification Checklist

B2B Sales tools - Tender Qualification Checklist
B2B Sales tools – Tender Qualification Checklist

What is a Tender Qualification Checklist

A Tender Qualification Checklist is an objective way to pre-qualify tenders before you commit money and resources to responding.

Why is a Tender Qualification Checklist important?

Tenders can be an invaluable source of new sales revenue, however they can also be an expensive and time consuming distraction. This is because without any form of pre-qualification many companies commit to tenders that in reality they have no chance in winning.

Key Account Management Template

B2B Sales tools - Key Account Management Plan Template
B2B Sales tools – Key Account Management Plan Template

What is a Key Account Management Template?

Key Account Management is simply a joint agreement between the vendor and the client regarding the next 12 months. After 12 months the agreement would normally be reviewed and updated.

Why is a Key Account Management Template important?

The Key Account Management document sets out in writing the expectations in terms of actions, targets and milestones for both sides. Whilst they are not normally legally binding in the way that a contract is, they help identify to both sides what success is and are essential in managing expectations.

Handling Stalls & Objections Exercise

Sales Tools - Stalls & Objections
Sales Tools – Stalls & Objections

What are Stalls & Objections in Sales?

Stalls & Objections are the reasons prospects give to show disinterest in buying or obtain further information. They may be genuine or they may not. Stalls are typically the reasons not to buy now and Objections are reasons not to buy ever.

Why is the Stalls & Objections Exercise important?

The Stalls & Objections exercise provides sales people with the best possible answer or rebuttal to the most common stalls/objections that they receive. Those answers are then drilled into the muscle memory of the sales people so they become both natural and automatic.

Sales Call Tracker Tool

B2B Sales tools - Sales Call Tracker
B2B Sales tools – Sales Call Tracker

What is a Sales Call Tracker Tool?

This is a simple one page template that is used to record a sales persons activity throughout the various stages of a sales call, cold, warm or otherwise.

Why is a Sales Call Tracker Tool important?

The sales call tracker acts as a data dashboard allowing the sales person to track their success and their “numbers”. In addition by capturing the relevant data at every stage the sales person can see for themselves where they need to make any specific changes for example with their messaging, their soft skills or their call to action.

Perfect Prospect Profile Template

Sales Prospect Profile Template
Sales Prospect Profile Template

What is a Perfect Prospect Profile Template?

This Prospect Profile Template helps to identify the top 20 characteristics of the prospects most likely to buy your products/services.

Why is a Perfect Prospect Profile Template important?

If you are trying to sell to everybody then in reality you will end up selling to nobody. Therefore this prospect template goes deeper and wider than traditional marketing personas, as it contains specific information to help and coach sales people.

Sales Prospect Value Calculator

B2B Sales tools - Prospect Value Calculator
B2B Sales tools – Prospect Value Calculator

What is a Sales Prospect Value Calculator?

A prospect Value Calculator helps you identify the key metrics by which a prospect measures the value of your products or services.

Why is a Sales Prospect Value Calculator important?

The Prospect Value Calculator is an essential tool for identifying and building the best messaging around your value proposition. Once captured this information can be adapted for use in telephone calls, emails, networking in fact every touch point that sales people have with prospects and clients.

Root Cause Analysis Template

Sales Tools - Root Cause Analysis Template
Sales Tools – Root Cause Analysis Template

What is a Root Cause Analysis Template?

Our Root Cause Analysis template helps identify the most important questions to ask prospects to uncover their business pain.

Why is a Root Cause Analysis Template important?

Root Cause analysis is the foundation of the Consultative Sales Process and is essential tool for discovering the best questions, the best order for those questions and how to ask them.

Prospect Pains & Goals Template

B2B Sales tools - Prospect Pains & Goals Template
B2B Sales tools – Prospect Pains & Goals Template

What is a Prospect Pains & Goals Template?

A Pains & Goals Template identifies the prospects business pains, their goals and desires, their fears & limitations and their dreams & aspirations.

Why is a Prospect Pains & Goals Template important?

The Prospect Pains & Goals template is an essential tool for building messaging and sales campaigns from your value proposition. In addition it provides sales people with an insight to the real thoughts and feelings of their prospects.

Sales Battlecard Template

Sales Tools - Sales Battlecard
Sales Tools – Sales Battlecard

What is a Sales Battlecard Template?

A Sales Battlecard template is a one page flyer that is used to clearly demonstrate the key points of differentiation between your product/service and your competitors.

Why is a Sales Battlecard Template important?

Sales Battlecards are typically used as a “leave behind” after a sales meeting with a prospect. Most importantly they are used for training to help sales people develop both product and industry knowledge.

Sales Negotiation Worksheet

Sales Tools - Sales Negotiation Template
Sales Tools – Sales Negotiation Template

What is a Sales Negotiation Worksheet?

A Sales Negotiation Worksheet is a template used to identify the vendor and the buyers goals, criteria, trades & concessions. In addition the template includes both the vendors BATNA’s (Best Alternative To No Agreement) and the prospects.

Why is a Sales Negotiation Worksheet important?

As the saying goes “In life you don’t get what you deserve, you get what you negotiate”. This is simply a must have in terms of planning and preparing for any sales negotiation.

Client Case Study Template

Client Case Study Tool
B2B Sales tools – Client Case Study Tool

What is a Client Case Study Template?

A Client Case Study template is a one page template used to gather the key information from any successful implementation of your product or service.

Why is a Case Study Template important?

Case Studies are one of the best ways to build trust, demonstrate tangible results and generate new business. Furthermore once the information is gathered using the template you can use it to create content in multiple formats such as presentations, proposals and sales campaigns.

Preparing to Sell Checklist

Preparing to Sell Checklist
B2B Sales tools – Preparing to Sell Checklist

What is a Preparing to Sell Checklist?

This checklist identifies the minimum “must have” information that every sales person needs to know, understand and memorise before speaking to any potential customers.

Why is a Preparing to Sell Checklist important?

Given how much money companies spend on marketing to simply get sales people in front of customers it’s vital to maximise those meetings. Whether you are on-boarding new sales people or looking to upgrade your existing sales teams skills this will help.

Consultative Selling Process

Consultative Sales Process
Consultative Sales Process

What is a Consultative Selling Process?

A Consultative Selling Process is a sales methodology based on asking prospects specific questions in order that they themselves can determine if there is any need for what the sales person is selling.

Why is a Consultative Selling Process important?

A true consultative sales process helps the prospect uncover their unique personal reasons for buying which are always the most powerful reasons. This is an essential part of modern selling, especially complex solution sales.

Time Management Tracker

B2B Sales tools - Time Management Tracker File
B2B Sales tools – Time Management Tracker File

What is a Time Management Tracker?

A Time Management Tracker records the planned time versus the actual time throughout the working day.

Why is a Time Management Tracker important?

A Time Management Tracker is an essential tool for increasing productivity and identifying any distractions that may occur whether genuine or not.

Meeting Notes Record

B2B Sales tools - Sales Meeting Notes Record
B2B Sales tools – Sales Meeting Notes Record

What is a Meeting Notes Record?

A Meeting Notes Record captures all the relevant information when a sales person meets with a prospect or client.  This template includes question prompts to help the sales person remember the most important questions they need to ask.  In addition the template includes the ability to record both DiSC and the Primary Sensory Dominance of the prospect.

Why is a Meeting Notes Record important?

Recording and keeping accurate records is a vital part of the sales process.  Furthermore failing to take notes in a sales meeting sub-consciously tells the prospect you are either unprofessional or simply not interested.

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